diff options
authorSébastien Fabbro <sebfabbro@gmail.com>2012-06-18 22:58:13 +0100
committerSébastien Fabbro <sebfabbro@gmail.com>2012-06-18 22:58:13 +0100
commit9e81e795dcfbd1d813c777a4e39d6ad2c686ed8b (patch)
treee4e85a15e7d1b1135aeb5ae5b6a5c43bfac94c70 /sci-libs
parentfixed redundant license (bug #421401) (diff)
sci-libs/atlas: Version bump
(Portage version: x86_64, unsigned Manifest commit)
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-libs')
-rw-r--r--sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.79.ebuild (renamed from sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.77.ebuild)0
4 files changed, 8 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/atlas/ChangeLog b/sci-libs/atlas/ChangeLog
index dcc677f14..19a8577cc 100644
--- a/sci-libs/atlas/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-libs/atlas/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+*atlas-3.9.79 (18 Jun 2012)
+ 18 Jun 2012; Sébastien Fabbro <bicatali@gentoo.org> +atlas-3.9.79.ebuild,
+ -atlas-3.9.74.ebuild, -atlas-3.9.77.ebuild:
+ sci-libs/atlas: Version bump
*atlas-3.9.77 (07 Jun 2012)
07 Jun 2012; Sébastien Fabbro <bicatali@gentoo.org> -atlas-3.9.71.ebuild,
diff --git a/sci-libs/atlas/Manifest b/sci-libs/atlas/Manifest
index 5fc25e532..b2b780271 100644
--- a/sci-libs/atlas/Manifest
+++ b/sci-libs/atlas/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
DIST atlas3.8.4.tar.bz2 2534071 RMD160 fa2828468459213fcf3f1ae4fd26671ba32f4776 SHA1 ef92bcbc4bec096b34ed7a0d29119d84c973df0c SHA256 0f7720fb16fa4b8b8a192ea791e57569546db6f5f016cf3caaee30a9d94583bf
-DIST atlas3.9.74.tar.bz2 6342756 SHA256 2b3e9c7c6d9d8ee0119898f97a86ffa6c7841d0c00b4e3129b5536ac06b570cb SHA512 5b1f8585c4cb769381531cc6fb6a18b50ca7c9498ca9ea75a5f210ee6c76972be451b71a4b23006566a722d626e12d62d491105a857bf3fc655393028aa8a1f5 WHIRLPOOL d00e1b1c7d152785974ec14a68b84fe432355121e4de38e900c8e84a769ff41b40d7761406fd54c90eb11590f7c63ed1004e47f9285340f07b604e58c80e26d7
-DIST atlas3.9.77.tar.bz2 6354565 SHA256 0eeb6e97dba473da228e041425809193a1d885f99246c3d99a239ef2704bbfda SHA512 657ebea8ecadebd1cb60a26d0e961a70b6d0482859e0e7e75711d5acc2fd112493e1137380de930e6551ac9b0be764617ebceff0135474b18a8c0db08426936d WHIRLPOOL 0f72d8152e8f82b9163ba14affed262df0b77f42dfe901e9a79b6fc19b3c1157778a725637dba6b2ea90d336c1b78798301783d8f339ab5d9a215743ae24ede7
+DIST atlas3.9.79.tar.bz2 6358059 RMD160 b354d95de6073a7304aaf19fc85b512a8bbf9997 SHA1 1a0cba4a048a2796a932856b7d7b18d459a6e0da SHA256 126b35cee4741f15d6643cba49df019a1f8de945d33c1ae02cabea82efc07973 SHA512 7e3c29a7d4f4e4366bcdebf0176c82b50d0973f14c60ceeee1d08517234dc263bfd87f5356d154de171d44f0735e58b25c1a4129024d3351f3f77a08271ae1dc WHIRLPOOL 2656cb5d939efa2024f1430e60b3efa7c616f4e44ef1db8054069aa7c5d6bb9a2afceb2ba9665114e2516292f41f21e1366bec843f61bdb90c9af46369d0caee
DIST lapack-3.3.1.tgz 4945204 SHA256 56821ab51c29369a34e5085728f92c549a9aa926f26acf7eeac87b61eed329e4 SHA512 67f6e9e0457101fdf41dd0ce8a692155ab45f26a8d94848c4c99597eab18497faa2c0fbd342d2ad11bc2818693b8decad4f3a63216bdc82901a7a79a8f4d4725 WHIRLPOOL 69c4a780dd396c2c0f22bb3b65be094228abd48877a0488c606a547e9046655bf6623918ae2756121fff244d46fe601599f8898cdc984524e8a80429b2e75414
-DIST lapack-3.4.0.tgz 6127787 SHA256 a7139ef97004d0e3c4c30f1c52d508fd7ae84b5fbaf0dd8e792c167dc306c3e9 SHA512 2dc4994d5d88ea08d5bfa6674c6e6b363cd5669140b201913796efc0fc06d372ced83820e90afe67a6efb4b6b06abb7e727e337c071cd4c0d67354a6b453fadf WHIRLPOOL feaf2429e91a8a65916564fc39594c29e8110fe410fc8e8490fb3ca7a8c4191cad435f85d4ad288510ff48e8b3ad680426c4e00a15488c37eb0f21be7399bcb7
-DIST lapack-3.4.1.tgz 6147915 SHA256 93b910f94f6091a2e71b59809c4db4a14655db527cfc5821ade2e8c8ab75380f SHA512 8bd6eedd42edac5e19f4101daa785f646feb7c0e24e66975e3a1cdb84d5e13445f79442fcd2cf0f29d6b823a5a778edaa1a52895e8aa15d9241356328eccec3f WHIRLPOOL 8974883990d4a636373c493f6eb55929b7021facf56df1d367a9516d15b3596c9e97e68b091e5d15e5fdcb70a8093dc281e334d7e32aec2567eae30db5b21b77
+DIST lapack-3.4.1.tgz 6147915 RMD160 3b715aff2924b47a45433376cfb9b66ffeeeb46d SHA1 c115223ac1bac9ab971aae865d3e95442bc979bc SHA256 93b910f94f6091a2e71b59809c4db4a14655db527cfc5821ade2e8c8ab75380f SHA512 8bd6eedd42edac5e19f4101daa785f646feb7c0e24e66975e3a1cdb84d5e13445f79442fcd2cf0f29d6b823a5a778edaa1a52895e8aa15d9241356328eccec3f WHIRLPOOL 8974883990d4a636373c493f6eb55929b7021facf56df1d367a9516d15b3596c9e97e68b091e5d15e5fdcb70a8093dc281e334d7e32aec2567eae30db5b21b77
diff --git a/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.74.ebuild b/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.74.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a010ae2..000000000
--- a/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.74.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs fortran-2 versionator alternatives-2
-DESCRIPTION="Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software"
- fortran? ( lapack? ( http://www.netlib.org/lapack/${LAPACKP} ) )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux"
-IUSE="fortran doc lapack static-libs threads"
-RDEPEND="fortran? ( virtual/fortran )"
- !prefix? ( sys-power/cpufrequtils )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if [[ -n $(type -P cpufreq-info) ]]; then
- [[ -z $(cpufreq-info -d) ]] && return
- local ncpu=$(LANG=C cpufreq-info | grep -c "analyzing CPU")
- local cpu=0
- while [[ ${cpu} -lt ${ncpu} ]]; do
- if ! $(LANG=C cpufreq-info -p -c ${cpu} | grep -q performance); then
- ewarn "CPU $cpu is not set to performance"
- ewarn "Run cpufreq-set -r -g performance as root"
- die "${PN} needs all cpu set to performance"
- fi
- cpu=$(( cpu + 1 ))
- done
- else
- ewarn "Please make sure to disable CPU throttling completely"
- ewarn "during the compile of ${PN}. Otherwise, all ${PN}"
- ewarn "generated timings will be completely random and the"
- ewarn "performance of the resulting libraries will be degraded"
- ewarn "considerably."
- fi
- use fortran && fortran-2_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/3.9.39-bfr-overflow.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/3.9.63-leaks.patch
-src_configure() {
- atlas_configure() {
- # hack needed to trick the flaky gcc detection
- local mycc="$(tc-getCC)"
- [[ ${mycc} == *gcc* ]] && mycc=gcc
- local myconf=(
- "--prefix=${ED}/usr"
- "--libdir=${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
- "--incdir=${ED}/usr/include"
- "--cc=${mycc}"
- "-C ac ${mycc}"
- "-D c -DWALL"
- "-F ac '${CFLAGS}'"
- "-Ss pmake '\$(MAKE) ${MAKEOPTS}'"
- )
- # OpenMP shown to decreased performance over POSIX threads
- # (at least in 3.9.x, see atlas-dev mailing list)
- if use threads; then
- myconf+=( "-t -1" "-Si omp 0" )
- else
- myconf+=( "-t 0" "-Si omp 0" )
- fi
- if use amd64 || use ppc64 || use sparc; then
- if [ ${ABI} = amd64 ] || [ ${ABI} = ppc64 ] || [ ${ABI} = sparc64 ] ; then
- myconf+=( "-b 64" )
- elif [ ${ABI} = x86 ] || [ ${ABI} = ppc ] || [ ${ABI} = sparc32 ] ; then
- myconf+=( "-b 32" )
- else
- myconf+=( "-b 64" )
- fi
- elif use ppc || use x86; then
- myconf+=( "-b 32" )
- elif use ia64; then
- myconf+=( "-b 64" )
- else #hppa alpha ...
- myconf+=( "" )
- fi
- if use fortran; then
- myconf+=(
- "-C if $(tc-getFC)"
- "-F if '${FFLAGS}'"
- )
- if use lapack; then
- myconf+=(
- "-Si latune 1"
- "--with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=${DISTDIR}/${LAPACKP}"
- )
- else
- myconf+=( "-Si latune 0" )
- fi
- else
- myconf+=( "-Si latune 0" "--nof77" )
- fi
- local confdir="${S}_${1}"; shift
- myconf+=( $@ )
- mkdir "${confdir}" && cd "${confdir}"
- # for debugging
- echo ${myconf[@]} > myconf.out
- "${S}"/configure ${myconf[@]} || die "configure in ${confdir} failed"
- }
- atlas_configure shared "-Fa alg -fPIC"
- use static-libs && atlas_configure static
-src_compile() {
- atlas_compile() {
- pushd "${S}_${1}" > /dev/null
- # atlas does its own parallel builds
- emake -j1 build
- cd lib
- emake libclapack.a
- [[ -e libptcblas.a ]] && emake libptclapack.a
- popd > /dev/null
- }
- atlas_compile shared
- use static-libs && atlas_compile static
-src_test() {
- cd "${S}_shared"
- emake -j1 check time
-# transform a static archive into a shared library and install them
-# atlas_install_libs <mylib.a> [extra link flags]
-atlas_install_libs() {
- local libname=$(basename ${1%.*})
- einfo "Installing ${libname}"
- local soname=${libname}.so.$(get_major_version)
- shift
- pushd "${S}_shared"/lib > /dev/null
- ${LINK:-$(tc-getCC)} ${LDFLAGS} -shared -Wl,-soname=${soname} \
- -Wl,--whole-archive ${libname}.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive \
- "$@" -o ${soname} || die "Creating ${soname} failed"
- dolib.so ${soname}
- ln -s ${soname} ${soname%.*}
- dosym ${soname} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname%.*}
- popd > /dev/null
- use static-libs && dolib.a "${S}_static"/lib/${libname}.a
-# create and install a pkgconfig file
-# atlas_install_pc <libname> <pkg name> [extra link flags]
-atlas_install_pc() {
- local libname=${1} ; shift
- local pcname=${1} ; shift
- cat <<-EOF > ${pcname}.pc
- prefix=${EPREFIX}/usr
- libdir=\${prefix}/$(get_libdir)
- includedir=\${prefix}/include
- Name: ${pcname}
- Description: ${PN} ${pcname}
- Version: ${PV}
- Libs: -L\${libdir} -l${libname} $@
- Cflags: -I\${includedir}/${PN}
- ${PCREQ}
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
- doins ${pcname}.pc
-src_install() {
- cd "${S}_shared/lib"
- # rename to avoid collision with other packages
- local l
- for l in {,c}{blas,lapack}; do
- if [[ -e lib${l}.a ]]; then
- mv lib{,atl}${l}.a
- use static-libs && mv "${S}"_static/lib/lib{,atl}${l}.a
- fi
- done
- [[ -e libptcblas.a ]] && PTLIBS="-lpthread"
- # atlas
- atlas_install_libs libatlas.a -lm ${PTLIBS}
- # cblas
- atlas_install_libs libatlcblas.a -lm -L. -latlas
- atlas_install_pc atlcblas atlas-cblas -lm -latlas
- alternatives_for cblas atlas 0 \
- /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/cblas.pc atlas-cblas.pc \
- /usr/include/cblas.h atlas/cblas.h
- # cblas threaded
- if [[ -e libptcblas.a ]]; then
- atlas_install_libs libptcblas.a -lm -L. -latlas ${PTLIBS}
- atlas_install_pc ptcblas atlas-cblas-threads -lm -latlas ${PTLIBS}
- alternatives_for cblas atlas-threads 0 \
- /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/cblas.pc atlas-cblas-threads.pc \
- /usr/include/cblas.h atlas/cblas.h
- fi
- if use lapack; then
- PCREQ="Requires: cblas"
- # clapack
- atlas_install_libs libatlclapack.a -lm -L. -latlas -latlcblas
- atlas_install_pc atlclapack atlas-clapack -lm -latlas
- # clapack threaded
- if [[ -e libptclapack.a ]]; then
- atlas_install_libs libptclapack.a -lm -L. -latlas -lptcblas ${PTLIBS}
- atlas_install_pc ptclapack atlas-clapack-threads -lm -latlas ${PTLIBS}
- fi
- fi
- if use fortran; then
- LINK=$(tc-getF77) PCREQ=
- # blas
- atlas_install_libs libf77blas.a -lm -L. -latlas
- atlas_install_pc f77blas atlas-blas -lm -latlas
- alternatives_for blas atlas 0 \
- /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/blas.pc atlas-blas.pc
- # blas threaded
- if [[ -e libptf77blas.a ]]; then
- atlas_install_libs libptf77blas.a -lm -L. -latlas ${PTLIBS}
- atlas_install_pc ptf77blas atlas-blas-threads -lm -latlas ${PTLIBS}
- alternatives_for blas atlas-threads 0 \
- /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/blas.pc atlas-blas-threads.pc
- fi
- if use lapack; then
- PCREQ="Requires: blas cblas"
- # lapack
- atlas_install_libs libatllapack.a \
- -lm -L. -latlas -latlcblas -lf77blas
- atlas_install_pc atllapack atlas-lapack -lm -latlas
- alternatives_for lapack atlas 0 \
- /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/lapack.pc atlas-lapack.pc
- # lapack threaded
- if [[ -e libptlapack.a ]]; then
- atlas_install_libs libptlapack.a \
- -lm -L. -latlas -lptcblas -lptf77blas ${PTLIBS}
- atlas_install_pc ptlapack atlas-lapack-threads \
- -lm -latlas ${PTLIBS}
- alternatives_for lapack atlas-threads 0 \
- /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/lapack.pc atlas-lapack-threads.pc
- fi
- fi
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- insinto /usr/include/${PN}
- doins include/*.h
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc INDEX.txt AtlasCredits.txt ChangeLog
- use doc && dodoc atlas*pdf cblas.pdf cblasqref.pdf
- use doc && use fortran && dodoc f77blas*pdf
- use doc && use fortran && use lapack && dodoc lapack*pdf
diff --git a/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.77.ebuild b/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.79.ebuild
index 311fef252..311fef252 100644
--- a/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.77.ebuild
+++ b/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.79.ebuild