diff options
authorAndrew Ammerlaan <andrewammerlaan@gentoo.org>2021-12-13 13:25:42 +0100
committerAndrew Ammerlaan <andrewammerlaan@gentoo.org>2021-12-13 13:25:42 +0100
commit08389fe8194228520cdd187ebb6d14cd7df3470d (patch)
treeac17053e0b8d36ea9b194e9b5583622c3a36e3ca /sci-mathematics
parentsci-mathematics/why3: remove: ::guru version moved to ::gentoo (diff)
sci-mathematics/giac: remove duplicate
Signed-off-by: Andrew Ammerlaan <andrewammerlaan@gentoo.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-mathematics')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/giac/Manifest b/sci-mathematics/giac/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 49385c665..000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/giac/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-DIST giac- 81226671 BLAKE2B 6c2226772ebbd57589610b0c14221fd6c80baf66bac0972c7be3c03c14e8bf2c838f03609b239125d849380369c9ad978f79e6e802b594f8e3fb4be1e102266f SHA512 bf9b137efd7603e80152a22a665b91df2fb2b62f82037860bbf338ffb01d0af25b0cd06fda04b19bcb2e08fdf7c605931ebd9dcb6344c27f464c7a03262ab2c2
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/giac/files/giac- b/sci-mathematics/giac/files/giac-
deleted file mode 100644
index 24d6c8f56..000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/giac/files/giac-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
-index 1e38e50..6625bc7 100644
---- a/configure.ac
-+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ AC_LANG([C++])
- dnl Check for standard C+headers
-@@ -145,47 +146,17 @@ AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long)
- AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long long)
- dnl Checking for Gnu Sci Lib
-- AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gsl], [Use GNU scientific library [[default=yes]]])],
-- [ if test "x$enableval" = "xno"; then CONFIG_GSL="no"; fi], [])
--if test "$CONFIG_GSL" = "yes"; then
-- AC_CHECK_HEADERS(gsl/gsl_blas.h)
-- AC_CHECK_HEADERS(gsl/gsl_eigen.h)
-- if test "$ac_cv_header_gsl_gsl_blas_h" != "yes" -o "$ac_cv_header_gsl_gsl_eigen_h" != "yes"; then
-- CONFIG_GSL="no"
-- fi
--if test "$CONFIG_GSL" = "yes"; then
-- save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-- AC_CHECK_LIB(gslcblas, main, [], [CONFIG_GSL="no"])
-- AC_CHECK_LIB(gsl, gsl_sf_gamma, [], [CONFIG_GSL="no"])
-- LIBS="$save_LIBS"
-- fi
--if test "$CONFIG_GSL" = "yes"; then
-- GSL_LIBS="-lgsl -lgslcblas"
-- fi
-- [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-lapack], [Use LAPACK [[default=yes]]])],
-- [ if test "$enableval" = "no"; then CONFIG_LAPACK="no"; fi], [])
--if test "$CONFIG_LAPACK" = "yes"; then
--# AC_CHECK_LIB(f2c, main, [], [CONFIG_LAPACK="no"])
--# AC_CHECK_LIB(blas, main, [], [CONFIG_LAPACK="no"])
--# AC_CHECK_LIB(tmglib, main, [], [CONFIG_LAPACK="no"])
-- AC_CHECK_LIB(gfortran, main)
-- AC_CHECK_LIB(blas, main)
-- AC_CHECK_LIB(lapack, main, [], [CONFIG_LAPACK="no"])
--# AX_BLAS([have_blas=yes],[have_blas=no])
--# AX_LAPACK([have_lapack=yes],[have_lapack=no])
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGSL,1, [Define if gsl is installed])
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBLAPACK,1,[Define if LAPACK is installed])
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BLAS,1,[Define if BLAS is installed])
- AC_ARG_ENABLE([pari],
-diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
-index a142067..2ebcce0 100644
---- a/src/Makefile.am
-+++ b/src/Makefile.am
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ libgiac_la_SOURCES = input_lexer.ll sym2poly.cc gausspol.cc threaded.cc \
- help.cc lpsolve.cc optimization.cc signalprocessing.cc \
- graphe.cc graphtheory.cc nautywrapper.c markup.cc kdisplay.cc kadd.cc # Ugh..
- giacincludedir = $(includedir)/giac
- giacinclude_HEADERS = dispatch.h fraction.h gen.h desolve.h misc.h ti89.h \
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/giac/files/pari_2_11.patch b/sci-mathematics/giac/files/pari_2_11.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 24142257a..000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/giac/files/pari_2_11.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Change test output for PARI 2.11
-See https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25567
-and https://xcas.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2102
-diff -ru a/check/TP11-sol.cas.out1 b/check/TP11-sol.cas.out1
---- a/check/TP11-sol.cas.out1 2014-10-21 10:51:48.000000000 +0200
-+++ b/check/TP11-sol.cas.out1 2018-08-07 17:04:12.528052773 +0200
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- 1073741824000000000000000000061203284109000000000000000000000000008409,
- 2^3*3*389*733*156904374622257604823879982847602392900751802349981470895277241,
- "Done",
- 0,
- [],
- 1,
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/giac/giac- b/sci-mathematics/giac/giac-
deleted file mode 100644
index aeb36f76f..000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/giac/giac-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic xdg
-MY_PV="$(ver_rs 3-4 -)"
-DESCRIPTION="A free C++ CAS (Computer Algebra System) library and its interfaces"
-SRC_URI="https://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/debian/dists/stable/main/source/${PN}_${MY_PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-# French documentation is not GPL, and is subject to a non commercial use license, so skipping it.
-LANGS="el en es pt"
-IUSE="ao doc +ecm examples gc +glpk gui static-libs test"
-for X in ${LANGS} ; do
- IUSE="${IUSE} l10n_${X}"
- dev-libs/gmp:=[cxx]
- sys-libs/readline:=
- gui? (
- >=x11-libs/fltk-1.1.9
- media-libs/libpng:=
- )
- ao? ( media-libs/libao )
- dev-libs/mpfr:=
- sci-libs/mpfi
- sci-libs/gsl:=
- >=sci-mathematics/pari-2.7:=[threads]
- dev-libs/ntl:=
- virtual/lapack
- virtual/blas
- net-misc/curl
- >=sci-mathematics/nauty-2.6.7
- ecm? ( >=sci-mathematics/gmp-ecm-7.0.0 )
- glpk? ( sci-mathematics/glpk )
- gc? ( dev-libs/boehm-gc )"
- dev-tex/hevea
- virtual/pkgconfig
- virtual/yacc
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
- "${FILESDIR}"/pari_2_11.patch
- )
-REQUIRED_USE="test? ( gui )"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
- default
- eautoreconf
- if use gui; then
- append-cppflags -I$(fltk-config --includedir)
- append-lfs-flags
- append-libs $(fltk-config --ldflags | sed -e 's/\(-L\S*\)\s.*/\1/') || die
- fi
- # Using libsamplerate is currently broken
- econf \
- --enable-gmpxx \
- --disable-samplerate \
- $(use_enable static-libs static) \
- $(use_enable gui) \
- $(use_enable gui png) \
- $(use_enable ao) \
- $(use_enable ecm) \
- $(use_enable glpk) \
- $(use_enable gc)
-src_install() {
- emake install DESTDIR="${D}"
- if !(use gui); then
- rm -rf \
- "${ED}"/usr/bin/x* \
- "${ED}"/usr/share/application-registry \
- "${ED}"/usr/share/applications \
- "${ED}"/usr/share/icons
- fi
- if use !doc; then
- rm -R "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/giac* "${ED}"/usr/share/giac/doc/ || die
- else
- for lang in ${LANGS}; do
- if use l10n_$lang; then
- ln "${ED}"/usr/share/giac/doc/aide_cas "${ED}"/usr/share/giac/doc/"${lang}"/aide_cas || die
- else
- rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/giac/doc/"${lang}"
- fi
- done
- # Deleting French documentation for copyright reasons
- rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/giac/doc/fr
- fi
- if use !examples; then
- rm -R "${ED}"/usr/share/giac/examples || die
- fi
- # remove .la file
- find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -delete || die
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/giac/metadata.xml b/sci-mathematics/giac/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b8a11df2..000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/giac/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
- <maintainer type="project">
- <email>sci-mathematics@gentoo.org</email>
- <name>Gentoo Mathematics Project</name>
- </maintainer>
- <longdescription>
- Giac is a free computer algebra system that can be used to perform
- computer algebra, function graphs, interactive geometry (2-d and 3-d),
- spreadsheet and statistics, programmation. It may be used as a replacement
- for high end graphic calculators for example on netbooks (for about
- the same price as a calculator but with much more performances).
- </longdescription>
- <use>
- <flag name="glpk">Enable the use of <pkg>sci-mathematics/glpk</pkg></flag>
- <flag name="ecm">Enable the use of <pkg>sci-mathematics/gmp-ecm</pkg></flag>
- <flag name="gc">Enable garbage collection support via <pkg>dev-libs/boehm-gc</pkg></flag>
- </use>