diff options
authorDavide Cendron <>2007-06-14 22:06:08 +0000
committerDavide Cendron <>2007-06-14 22:06:08 +0000
commit0d92214a4d8a814ec10d3e434ff8c9185607c54a (patch)
tree4009674a217f2cc357fa10de71d6498b92de4376 /games-fps
parentprofiles/use.local.desc: No syntax useflag in app-portage/portato anymore (diff)
games-fps/vavoom: Historical version bump: Vavoom celebrates his own 7th years of imp and gargoyle fragging, happy birthday! :) )
svn path=/sunrise/; revision=3926
Diffstat (limited to 'games-fps')
3 files changed, 256 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/games-fps/vavoom/ChangeLog b/games-fps/vavoom/ChangeLog
index 8675b1bf4..677ba09c2 100644
--- a/games-fps/vavoom/ChangeLog
+++ b/games-fps/vavoom/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+ 14 Jun 2007; Davide Cendron (scen) <> +vavoom-1.24.ebuild:
+ Historical version bump: Vavoom celebrates his own 7th years of imp and
+ gargoyle fragging, happy birthday! :) )
08 Jun 2007; Davide Cendron (scen) <> vavoom-1.23.1.ebuild,
Fixed installation of binary executables (previous behaviour was broken)
diff --git a/games-fps/vavoom/Manifest b/games-fps/vavoom/Manifest
index 24d3ac846..82311f900 100644
--- a/games-fps/vavoom/Manifest
+++ b/games-fps/vavoom/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
DIST vavoom-1.23.1.tar.bz2 1694668 RMD160 e41cfe48efe428eb6a6eaf218117f910d2083e79 SHA1 05f04ba44a384b7caf9e0490dd8e949035dbf5d6 SHA256 85d95ff9fda0dc0c2e4a106cefaf849f2409a1e57c04c3a9a046fedc25c5f390
+DIST vavoom-1.24.tar.bz2 1683706 RMD160 67ca05a0576516782c5063975ff07065216915ce SHA1 fd0fc36649faec8b8dc3123eddb52664391bacda SHA256 26d9f036f8429924d71dc16d805e9272b3c44cccc2067e82cb632170a21dd80b
EBUILD vavoom-1.23.1.ebuild 6658 RMD160 41a14c46029c2419946f8b63b2bf931a0bb26c93 SHA1 54a5f2d3a497520f761f8fccede9b08fbe65e69f SHA256 4dc72383a17786c8aadd3d660ff64ed9d75aadb946bb4b0d04279ee65e1020d3
+EBUILD vavoom-1.24.ebuild 6725 RMD160 d472142324f82a15d0ebc29fd444070abb4fbb19 SHA1 06c6952d1fb8b8df97481987f446cefa1a847b24 SHA256 ba736b4856f10f3f21c2dd054bc70e17dee9e127f41419f4ff09fbdf9a7329f8
EBUILD vavoom-9999.ebuild 6714 RMD160 fd7df67b89746c567a368463b7340687727aa835 SHA1 7faa20e90babb1963cc530da350e836c0ba8fb4b SHA256 3c6f12cc31fe5c91608d810f5f89258d11b50747590e04f7f939694c6bfc3a84
-MISC ChangeLog 690 RMD160 4e1420c5abc5a8c4cd8d59367a390558e321811e SHA1 2fe7a49d2fce34ba4f3db032ddee28210a4bb1bd SHA256 1e1db11ea1f83e750d4f598505bc65827ed0bf060af8605264dc5b7dc70fc679
+MISC ChangeLog 883 RMD160 86a7f6e9158efe3c942fab4e6cedf0a2e902e4a6 SHA1 6defdbc0d7bb6525d48b9407f427d269a04bd06d SHA256 7e40c7e82c2a959211d22e6adf85f5e19670cde9192abaf6378d5e7bf4c81386
MISC metadata.xml 303 RMD160 626272995441b20fd23b1d0a94603e98b97b0f1e SHA1 f3cae1ec3568e7717d7265a58d0b2e6d8efe88b5 SHA256 334d9b64af3b010a9fcdcbd8736eba2f81ff9d87dee3eb76b5adacb7d48afa37
diff --git a/games-fps/vavoom/vavoom-1.24.ebuild b/games-fps/vavoom/vavoom-1.24.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3b3a665f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-fps/vavoom/vavoom-1.24.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit autotools eutils flag-o-matic games
+DESCRIPTION="Advanced source port for Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Strife"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="allegro debug dedicated external-glbsp flac mad mikmod models music
+openal opengl sdl textures tools vorbis"
+# From econf: "Vavoom requires Allegro or SDL to compile"
+# SDL,like Allegro are *software* renderers in this game.
+# So, if not selected through proper USEs, the default is SDL,
+# without opengl (vavoom can run in software-mode only).
+# To enable it, enable proper USE.
+# OpenGL is the normally-desired hardware renderer, selected on command-line
+# (through "-opengl" switch). This switch is also added to the desktop entry,
+# if "opengl" USE flag is enabled
+ media-libs/sdl-mixer"
+OPENGLDEPEND="opengl? ( virtual/opengl )
+ sdl? ( ${SDLDEPEND} )
+ allegro? ( media-libs/allegrogl )
+ !sdl? ( !allegro? ( ${SDLDEPEND} ) )"
+ media-libs/jpeg
+ sdl? ( ${SDLDEPEND} )
+ !sdl? ( allegro? ( ${ALLEGDEPEND} ) )
+ !sdl? ( !allegro? ( !dedicated? ( ${OPENGLDEPEND} ) ) )
+ opengl? ( ${OPENGLDEPEND} )
+ vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
+ flac? ( media-libs/flac )
+ mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
+ mikmod? ( media-libs/libmikmod )
+ openal? ( media-libs/openal )
+ external-glbsp? ( games-util/glbsp )"
+ allegro? ( media-sound/timidity++ )"
+PDEPEND="models? ( >=games-fps/vavoom-models-1.4 )
+ music? ( games-fps/vavoom-music )
+ textures? ( games-fps/vavoom-textures )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ local backend="media-libs/libsdl"
+ if ! use sdl && use allegro ; then
+ backend="media-libs/allegro"
+ fi
+ games_pkg_setup
+ # Do some important check ...
+ if use sdl && use allegro ; then
+ echo
+ ewarn "Both 'allegro' and 'sdl' USE flags enabled"
+ ewarn "Set default to SDL"
+ elif ! use sdl && ! use allegro ; then
+ ewarn "Both 'sdl' and 'allegro' USE flags disabled"
+ ewarn "Set default to SDL"
+ fi
+ # Base graphic/sound/music support is enabled?
+ echo
+ einfo "Doing some sanity check..."
+ # Graphic check
+ if ! built_with_use ${backend} X ; then
+ echo
+ eerror "Software Graphic support is not configured properly!"
+ eerror "Please rebuild ${backend} with 'X' USE flag enabled"
+ die "graphic support error"
+ fi
+ # Sound check
+ if ! built_with_use ${backend} alsa ; then
+ echo
+ eerror "Sound support is not configured properly!"
+ eerror "Please rebuild ${backend} with 'alsa' USE flag enabled"
+ die "sound support error"
+ fi
+ # Music check
+ if ! use allegro && ! built_with_use media-libs/sdl-mixer timidity ; then
+ echo
+ eerror "MIDI Music support is not configured properly!"
+ eerror "Please rebuild sdl-mixer with USE 'timidity' enabled!"
+ die "music support error"
+ fi
+ # OpenGL check
+ if use opengl ; then
+ if [ "${backend}" == "media-libs/libsdl" ] && ! built_with_use ${backend} opengl ; then
+ echo
+ eerror "OpenGL support is not configured properly!"
+ eerror "Please rebuild ${backend} with 'opengl' USE flag enabled"
+ die "opengl support error"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo
+ ewarn "'opengl' USE flag disabled. OpenGL is recommended, for best graphics."
+ fi
+ # Does user want external music? Vorbis support is needed
+ if use music && ! use vorbis ; then
+ echo
+ eerror "Ogg/Vorbis support is required for external music playing"
+ eerror "Please enable 'vorbis' USE flag for this package"
+ die "external music support error"
+ fi
+ echo
+ einfo "All is OK, let's build!"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack "${A}"
+ cd "${S}"
+ # Set shared directory
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:fl_basedir = \".\":fl_basedir = \"${dir}\":" \
+ source/files.cpp || die "sed files.cpp failed"
+ eautoreconf
+ # Set executable filenames
+ for m in $(find . -type f -name ; do
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:MAIN_EXE = @MAIN_EXE@:MAIN_EXE=${PN}:" \
+ -e "s:SERVER_EXE = @SERVER_EXE@:SERVER_EXE=${PN}-ded:" \
+ "${m}" || die "sed ${m} failed"
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ local \
+ allegro="--without-allegro" \
+ sdl="--without-sdl"
+ # Sdl is the default, unless sdl=off & allegro=on
+ if ! use sdl && use allegro ; then
+ allegro="--with-allegro"
+ else
+ sdl="--with-sdl"
+ fi
+ use debug && append-flags -g2
+ egamesconf \
+ --enable-client \
+ ${sdl} \
+ ${allegro} \
+ $(use_with opengl) \
+ $(use_with openal) \
+ $(use_with external-glbsp) \
+ $(use_with vorbis) \
+ $(use_with mad libmad) \
+ $(use_with mikmod) \
+ $(use_with flac) \
+ $(use_enable dedicated server) \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ $(use_enable debug zone-debug) \
+ --with-iwaddir="${dir}" \
+ --disable-dependency-tracking \
+ || die "egamesconf failed"
+ # Parallel compiling seems to work (tested on 1.24)
+ # I hope it would be true :P (in case i'll re-enable it later)
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ local de_cmd="${PN}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
+ # Remove unwanted wrapper scripts
+ rm -f "${D}/${GAMES_BINDIR}/${PN}*"
+ # Remove unneeded icon
+ rm -f "${D}/${dir}/${PN}.png"
+ doicon source/${PN}.png || die "doicon failed"
+ # Enable OpenGL in desktop entry, if relevant USE flag is enabled
+ use opengl && de_cmd="${PN} -opengl"
+ # Install properly main game binary exe
+ dogamesbin ${PN} || die "dogamesbin ${PN} failed"
+ make_desktop_entry "${de_cmd}" "Vavoom"
+ if use dedicated ; then
+ # Install properly dedicated server binary exe
+ dogamesbin ${PN}-ded || die "dogamesbin ${PN}-ded failed"
+ fi
+ dodoc docs/${PN}.txt || die "dodoc vavoom.txt failed"
+ if use tools; then
+ # The tools are always built
+ dobin utils/bin/{acc,fixmd2,vcc,vlumpy} || die "dobin utils failed"
+ dodoc utils/vcc/vcc.txt || die "dodoc vcc.txt failed"
+ fi
+ prepgamesdirs
+pkg_postinst() {
+ games_pkg_postinst
+ elog "Copy or link wad files into ${dir}"
+ elog "(the files must be readable by the 'games' group)."
+ elog
+ elog "Example setup:"
+ elog "ln -sn ${GAMES_DATADIR}/doom-data/doom.wad ${dir}/"
+ elog
+ elog "Example command-line:"
+ elog " vavoom -doom -opengl"
+ elog
+ elog "See documentation for further details."
+ if use tools; then
+ echo
+ elog "You have also installed some Vavoom-related utilities"
+ elog "(useful for mod developing):"
+ elog
+ elog " - acc (ACS Script Compiler)"
+ elog " - fixmd2 (MD2 models utility)"
+ elog " - vcc (Vavoom C Compiler)"
+ elog " - vlumpy (Vavoom Lump utility)"
+ elog
+ elog "See the Vavoom Wiki at or"
+ elog "Vavoom Forum at"
+ elog "for further help."
+ fi