diff options
authorLars Wendler <>2016-07-31 10:32:58 +0200
committerLars Wendler <>2016-07-31 10:33:24 +0200
commit6f2cee9612c015d52f138c555b427490ca38f9df (patch)
parentsys-apps/ipmiutil: Removed old. (diff)
sys-libs/openipmi: Bump to version 2.0.22
Package-Manager: portage-2.3.0 Signed-off-by: Lars Wendler <>
2 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-libs/openipmi/Manifest b/sys-libs/openipmi/Manifest
index 4e95b9a7515e..f8b4ded25a8d 100644
--- a/sys-libs/openipmi/Manifest
+++ b/sys-libs/openipmi/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
DIST OpenIPMI-2.0.18.tar.gz 2895686 SHA256 6c1679a1c16aade48dd929e5124d2640ff12224ac0de1bb3777e9f1030d62e01 SHA512 a6caf791fb6d5bd83234481ea3c84a408dad3eabc093dbc4681742d23b47b223d0a1715a71a9b977a03a80f5c350dd34f6591ece5ea0d9876cb6debfc80a39d4 WHIRLPOOL 3b9bd32e01c118a450c5f6ec744b5cad521d41091f786a59485b91cde05ca184bdb4d8c05d53e9494966a9a733c560190f85208bedaa3b40e2cac116e3e6a84a
DIST OpenIPMI-2.0.21.tar.gz 3473323 SHA256 37b844d02119b94b31e2bb2bd8062ffdf6cd3eb4bc75fa6c47184e8b14fe95b8 SHA512 b684259ee5d47c36273fe6b47d60d0481c96b64b2e9421ce3190d9514e4f450b0db28d12c86a8814dcce23ba3ecfcecbbe9251d298244f1e9194a9f7563862a5 WHIRLPOOL 577da7215effe5f2e26616b4c744da42fd261263834d4d3d264220f95c4a60b3955c642d27c32af30dbf2ce0821078a463fa140edc9d3475daec7e6f84361958
+DIST OpenIPMI-2.0.22.tar.gz 3081893 SHA256 4988900043c35fcfa9b2bf275d6593904f6429221befb770ba6ecb5502108e55 SHA512 78017fc0b52ce6a83db45f595f50170410120c9f7394429869c177ee40ea5b924bcc0e36bb60f9368a75a2f78ff71c70ae3631ba55a207cfb6eb4f62aa44ff89 WHIRLPOOL 2948006a489fc44a836aed5a6147b766fa06ab851b1e01bc0901e1bcad6b7d1b19bc352d2dd0130edf6750ed1822fb24203439185eef1328e7ba6adfdbdefb1a
diff --git a/sys-libs/openipmi/openipmi-2.0.22.ebuild b/sys-libs/openipmi/openipmi-2.0.22.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f7b7c94b3fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-libs/openipmi/openipmi-2.0.22.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
+inherit eutils autotools python-single-r1
+DESCRIPTION="Library interface to IPMI"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~x86"
+IUSE="crypt snmp perl python tcl"
+ dev-libs/glib:2
+ sys-libs/gdbm
+ crypt? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
+ snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
+ perl? ( dev-lang/perl )
+ python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0= )"
+ >=dev-lang/swig-1.3.21
+ virtual/pkgconfig"
+# Gui is broken!
+# python? ( tcl? ( tk? ( dev-lang/tk dev-tcltk/tix ) ) )"
+ # Bug #338499: The installed OpenIPMIpthread.pc depends on a non-existing
+ # pthread.pc. We patch it to link -lpthread directly instead.
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.16-pthreads.patch"
+ #
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.21-tinfo.patch"
+pkg_setup() {
+ use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ # Bug #290763: The buildsys tries to compile+optimize the py file during
+ # install, when the .so might not be been added yet. We just skip the files
+ # and use python_optimize ourselves later instead.
+ sed -r -i \
+ -e '/INSTALL.*\.py[oc] /d' \
+ -e '/install-exec-local/s,OpenIPMI.pyc OpenIPMI.pyo,,g' \
+ swig/python/Makefile.{am,in}
+ # Bug #298250: parallel install fix.
+ sed -r -i \
+ -e '/^install-data-local:/s,$, install-exec-am,g' \
+ cmdlang/Makefile.{am,in}
+ # We touch the .in and .am above because if we use the below, the Perl stuff
+ # is very fragile, and often fails to link.
+ #cd "${S}"
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf=()
+ myconf+=( $(use_with snmp ucdsnmp yes) )
+ myconf+=( $(use_with crypt openssl yes) )
+ myconf+=( $(use_with perl perl yes) )
+ myconf+=( $(use_with tcl tcl yes) )
+ myconf+=( $(use_with python python yes) )
+ # GUI is broken
+ #use tk && use python && use !tcl && \
+ # ewarn "Not building Tk GUI because it needs both Python AND Tcl"
+ #if use python && use tcl; then
+ # myconf+=( $(use_with tk tkinter) )
+ #else
+ # myconf+=( --without-tkinter )
+ #fi
+ myconf+=( --without-tkinter )
+ myconf+=( --with-glib --with-swig )
+ # these binaries are for root!
+ econf ${myconf[@]} --bindir=/usr/sbin
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ dodoc README* FAQ ChangeLog TODO doc/IPMI.pdf lanserv/README.vm
+ newdoc cmdlang/README README.cmdlang
+ use python && python_optimize