diff options
authorSam James <>2023-10-11 08:01:55 +0100
committerSam James <>2023-10-11 08:01:55 +0100
commit7f8dbaf27e1846b31eeb6d4b02fd9979ace03d8a (patch)
treee7d053c33c796526bd34878514d2fecfe1cea7ec /net-misc
parentnet-misc/curl: add 8.4.0 (diff)
net-misc/curl: backport CVE-2023-38545, CVE-2023-38546 fixes to 8.3.0
Had a request to backport these - so why not? curl is a large program so people might be hesitant to upgrade it quickly everywhere, so let's make life a bit easier for them. Bug: Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Diffstat (limited to 'net-misc')
3 files changed, 630 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/curl/curl-8.3.0-r2.ebuild b/net-misc/curl/curl-8.3.0-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..14f696216235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/curl/curl-8.3.0-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools multilib-minimal multiprocessing prefix toolchain-funcs verify-sig
+DESCRIPTION="A Client that groks URLs"
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ verify-sig? (${P}.tar.xz.asc )
+ "
+ KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
+LICENSE="BSD curl ISC test? ( BSD-4 )"
+IUSE="+adns alt-svc brotli +ftp gnutls gopher hsts +http2 idn +imap kerberos ldap mbedtls +openssl +pop3 +progress-meter rtmp rustls samba +smtp ssh ssl sslv3 static-libs test telnet +tftp websockets zstd"
+# These select the default SSL implementation
+IUSE+=" curl_ssl_gnutls curl_ssl_mbedtls +curl_ssl_openssl curl_ssl_rustls"
+IUSE+=" nghttp3"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+# Only one default ssl provider can be enabled
+# The default ssl provider needs its USE satisfied
+# nghttp3 =
+ ssl? (
+ ^^ (
+ curl_ssl_gnutls
+ curl_ssl_mbedtls
+ curl_ssl_openssl
+ curl_ssl_rustls
+ )
+ )
+ curl_ssl_gnutls? ( gnutls )
+ curl_ssl_mbedtls? ( mbedtls )
+ curl_ssl_openssl? ( openssl )
+ curl_ssl_rustls? ( rustls )
+ nghttp3? ( !openssl )
+# cURL's docs and CI/CD are great resources for confirming supported versions
+# particulary for fast-moving targets like HTTP/2 and TCP/2 e.g.:
+# -
+# -
+# However 'supported' vs 'works' are two entirely different things; be sane but
+# don't be afraid to require a later version.
+ sys-libs/zlib[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ adns? ( net-dns/c-ares:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ brotli? ( app-arch/brotli:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ http2? ( >=net-libs/nghttp2-1.12.0:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ idn? ( net-dns/libidn2:=[static-libs?,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ kerberos? ( >=virtual/krb5-0-r1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ ldap? ( net-nds/openldap:=[static-libs?,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ nghttp3? (
+ >=net-libs/nghttp3-0.15.0[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ >=net-libs/ngtcp2-0.19.1[gnutls,ssl,-openssl,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ )
+ rtmp? ( media-video/rtmpdump[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ ssh? ( net-libs/libssh2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ ssl? (
+ gnutls? (
+ app-misc/ca-certificates
+ net-libs/gnutls:=[static-libs?,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ dev-libs/nettle:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ )
+ mbedtls? (
+ app-misc/ca-certificates
+ net-libs/mbedtls:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ )
+ openssl? (
+ dev-libs/openssl:=[sslv3(-)=,static-libs?,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ )
+ rustls? (
+ net-libs/rustls-ffi:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ )
+ )
+ zstd? ( app-arch/zstd:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ dev-lang/perl
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ test? (
+ sys-apps/diffutils
+ http2? ( >=net-libs/nghttp2-1.15.0:=[utils,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ nghttp3? ( net-libs/nghttp2:=[utils,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ )
+ verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-danielstenberg )
+ /usr/include/curl/curlbuild.h
+ /usr/bin/curl-config
+ __builtin_available
+ closesocket
+ CloseSocket
+ getpass_r
+ ioctlsocket
+ IoctlSocket
+ mach_absolute_time
+ setmode
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-prefix.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-respect-cflags-3.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-tests-arm-musl.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-CVE-2023-38545.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-CVE-2023-38546.patch
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ eprefixify
+ eautoreconf
+multilib_src_configure() {
+ # We make use of the fact that later flags override earlier ones
+ # So start with all ssl providers off until proven otherwise
+ # TODO: in the future, we may want to add wolfssl (
+ local myconf=()
+ myconf+=( --without-ca-fallback --with-ca-bundle="${EPREFIX}"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt )
+ if use ssl; then
+ myconf+=( --without-gnutls --without-mbedtls --without-rustls )
+ if use gnutls; then
+ multilib_is_native_abi && einfo "SSL provided by gnutls"
+ myconf+=( --with-gnutls )
+ fi
+ if use mbedtls; then
+ multilib_is_native_abi && einfo "SSL provided by mbedtls"
+ myconf+=( --with-mbedtls )
+ fi
+ if use openssl; then
+ multilib_is_native_abi && einfo "SSL provided by openssl"
+ myconf+=( --with-ssl --with-ca-path="${EPREFIX}"/etc/ssl/certs )
+ fi
+ if use rustls; then
+ multilib_is_native_abi && einfo "SSL provided by rustls"
+ myconf+=( --with-rustls )
+ fi
+ if use curl_ssl_gnutls; then
+ multilib_is_native_abi && einfo "Default SSL provided by gnutls"
+ myconf+=( --with-default-ssl-backend=gnutls )
+ elif use curl_ssl_mbedtls; then
+ multilib_is_native_abi && einfo "Default SSL provided by mbedtls"
+ myconf+=( --with-default-ssl-backend=mbedtls )
+ elif use curl_ssl_openssl; then
+ multilib_is_native_abi && einfo "Default SSL provided by openssl"
+ myconf+=( --with-default-ssl-backend=openssl )
+ elif use curl_ssl_rustls; then
+ multilib_is_native_abi && einfo "Default SSL provided by rustls"
+ myconf+=( --with-default-ssl-backend=rustls )
+ else
+ eerror "We can't be here because of REQUIRED_USE."
+ die "Please file a bug, hit impossible condition w/ USE=ssl handling."
+ fi
+ else
+ myconf+=( --without-ssl )
+ einfo "SSL disabled"
+ fi
+ # These configuration options are organized alphabetically
+ # within each category. This should make it easier if we
+ # ever decide to make any of them contingent on USE flags:
+ # 1) protocols first. To see them all do
+ # 2) --enable/disable options second.
+ # 'grep -- --enable configure | grep Check | awk '{ print $4 }' | sort
+ # 3) --with/without options third.
+ # grep -- --with configure | grep Check | awk '{ print $4 }' | sort
+ myconf+=(
+ $(use_enable alt-svc)
+ --enable-basic-auth
+ --enable-bearer-auth
+ --enable-digest-auth
+ --enable-kerberos-auth
+ --enable-negotiate-auth
+ --enable-aws
+ --enable-dict
+ --disable-ech
+ --enable-file
+ $(use_enable ftp)
+ $(use_enable gopher)
+ $(use_enable hsts)
+ --enable-http
+ $(use_enable imap)
+ $(use_enable ldap)
+ $(use_enable ldap ldaps)
+ --enable-ntlm
+ --disable-ntlm-wb
+ $(use_enable pop3)
+ --enable-rt
+ --enable-rtsp
+ $(use_enable samba smb)
+ $(use_with ssh libssh2)
+ $(use_enable smtp)
+ $(use_enable telnet)
+ $(use_enable tftp)
+ --enable-tls-srp
+ $(use_enable adns ares)
+ --enable-cookies
+ --enable-dateparse
+ --enable-dnsshuffle
+ --enable-doh
+ --enable-symbol-hiding
+ --enable-http-auth
+ --enable-ipv6
+ --enable-largefile
+ --enable-manual
+ --enable-mime
+ --enable-netrc
+ $(use_enable progress-meter)
+ --enable-proxy
+ --enable-socketpair
+ --disable-sspi
+ $(use_enable static-libs static)
+ --enable-pthreads
+ --enable-threaded-resolver
+ --disable-versioned-symbols
+ --without-amissl
+ --without-bearssl
+ $(use_with brotli)
+ --with-fish-functions-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d
+ $(use_with http2 nghttp2)
+ --without-hyper
+ $(use_with idn libidn2)
+ $(use_with kerberos gssapi "${EPREFIX}"/usr)
+ --without-libgsasl
+ --without-libpsl
+ --without-msh3
+ $(use_with nghttp3)
+ $(use_with nghttp3 ngtcp2)
+ --without-quiche
+ $(use_with rtmp librtmp)
+ --without-schannel
+ --without-secure-transport
+ --without-test-caddy
+ --without-test-httpd
+ --without-test-nghttpx
+ $(use_enable websockets)
+ --without-winidn
+ --without-wolfssl
+ --with-zlib
+ $(use_with zstd)
+ --with-zsh-functions-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/zsh/site-functions
+ )
+ if use test && multilib_is_native_abi && ( use http2 || use nghttp3 ); then
+ myconf+=(
+ --with-test-nghttpx="${BROOT}/usr/bin/nghttpx"
+ )
+ fi
+ if [[ ${CHOST} == *mingw* ]] ; then
+ myconf+=(
+ --disable-pthreads
+ )
+ fi
+ ECONF_SOURCE="${S}" econf "${myconf[@]}"
+ if ! multilib_is_native_abi; then
+ # Avoid building the client (we just want libcurl for multilib)
+ sed -i -e '/SUBDIRS/s:src::' Makefile || die
+ sed -i -e '/SUBDIRS/s:scripts::' Makefile || die
+ fi
+ # Fix up the pkg-config file to be more robust.
+ #
+ local priv=() libs=()
+ # We always enable zlib.
+ libs+=( "-lz" )
+ priv+=( "zlib" )
+ if use http2; then
+ libs+=( "-lnghttp2" )
+ priv+=( "libnghttp2" )
+ fi
+ if use nghttp3; then
+ libs+=( "-lnghttp3" "-lngtcp2" )
+ priv+=( "libnghttp3" "libngtcp2" )
+ fi
+ if use ssl && use curl_ssl_openssl; then
+ libs+=( "-lssl" "-lcrypto" )
+ priv+=( "openssl" )
+ fi
+ grep -q Requires.private libcurl.pc && die "need to update ebuild"
+ libs=$(printf '|%s' "${libs[@]}")
+ sed -i -r \
+ -e "/^Libs.private/s:(${libs#|})( |$)::g" \
+ libcurl.pc || die
+ echo "Requires.private: ${priv[*]}" >> libcurl.pc || die
+multilib_src_compile() {
+ default
+ if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+ # Shell completions
+ ! tc-is-cross-compiler && emake -C scripts
+ fi
+# There is also a pytest harness that tests for bugs in some very specific
+# situations; we can rely on upstream for this rather than adding additional test deps.
+multilib_src_test() {
+ # See
+ # -n: no valgrind (unreliable in sandbox and doesn't work correctly on all arches)
+ # -v: verbose
+ # -a: keep going on failure (so we see everything which breaks, not just 1st test)
+ # -k: keep test files after completion
+ # -am: automake style TAP output
+ # -p: print logs if test fails
+ # Note: if needed, we can skip specific tests. See e.g. Fedora's packaging
+ # or just read
+ # Note: we don't run the testsuite for cross-compilation.
+ # Upstream recommend 7*nproc as a starting point for parallel tests, but
+ # this ends up breaking when nproc is huge (like -j80).
+ # The network sandbox causes tests 241 and 1083 to fail; these are typically skipped
+ # as most gentoo users don't have an 'ip6-localhost'
+ multilib_is_native_abi && emake test TFLAGS="-n -v -a -k -am -p -j$((2*$(makeopts_jobs))) !241 !1083"
+multilib_src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+ # Shell completions
+ ! tc-is-cross-compiler && emake -C scripts DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ fi
+multilib_src_install_all() {
+ einstalldocs
+ find "${ED}" -type f -name '*.la' -delete || die
+ rm -rf "${ED}"/etc/ || die
diff --git a/net-misc/curl/files/curl-8.3.0-CVE-2023-38545.patch b/net-misc/curl/files/curl-8.3.0-CVE-2023-38545.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..04603a8c01dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/curl/files/curl-8.3.0-CVE-2023-38545.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+From 1e1f915b73ab0895a68348ad1f96a5283a44ffd7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jay Satiro <>
+Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 17:45:07 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] socks: return error if hostname too long for remote resolve
+Prior to this change the state machine attempted to change the remote
+resolve to a local resolve if the hostname was longer than 255
+characters. Unfortunately that did not work as intended and caused a
+security issue.
+This patch applies to curl versions 8.2.0 - 8.3.0. Other versions
+that are affected take a different patch. Refer to the CVE advisory
+for more information.
+ lib/socks.c | 8 +++----
+ tests/data/ | 2 +-
+ tests/data/test728 | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 3 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 tests/data/test728
+diff --git a/lib/socks.c b/lib/socks.c
+index 25a3578..3d41c93 100644
+--- a/lib/socks.c
++++ b/lib/socks.c
+@@ -588,9 +588,9 @@ static CURLproxycode do_SOCKS5(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+ /* RFC1928 chapter 5 specifies max 255 chars for domain name in packet */
+ if(!socks5_resolve_local && hostname_len > 255) {
+- infof(data, "SOCKS5: server resolving disabled for hostnames of "
+- "length > 255 [actual len=%zu]", hostname_len);
+- socks5_resolve_local = TRUE;
++ failf(data, "SOCKS5: the destination hostname is too long to be "
++ "resolved remotely by the proxy.");
+ }
+@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ CONNECT_RESOLVE_REMOTE:
+ }
+ else {
+ socksreq[len++] = 3;
+- socksreq[len++] = (char) hostname_len; /* one byte address length */
++ socksreq[len++] = (unsigned char) hostname_len; /* one byte length */
+ memcpy(&socksreq[len], sx->hostname, hostname_len); /* w/o NULL */
+ len += hostname_len;
+ }
+diff --git a/tests/data/ b/tests/data/
+index 8ee1394..3e2094e 100644
+--- a/tests/data/
++++ b/tests/data/
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ test679 test680 test681 test682 test683 test684 test685 test686 \
+ \
+ test700 test701 test702 test703 test704 test705 test706 test707 test708 \
+ test709 test710 test711 test712 test713 test714 test715 test716 test717 \
+-test718 test719 test720 test721 \
++test718 test719 test720 test721 test728 \
+ \
+ test799 test800 test801 test802 test803 test804 test805 test806 test807 \
+ test808 test809 test810 test811 test812 test813 test814 test815 test816 \
+diff --git a/tests/data/test728 b/tests/data/test728
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..05bcf28
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/data/test728
+@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
++# Server-side
++# The hostname in this redirect is 256 characters and too long (> 255) for
++# SOCKS5 remote resolve. curl must return error CURLE_PROXY in this case.
++HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
++Content-Length: 0
++Connection: close
++# Client-side
++ <name>
++SOCKS5h with HTTP redirect to hostname too long
++ </name>
++ <command>
++--no-progress-meter --location --proxy socks5h://%HOSTIP:%SOCKSPORT http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/%TESTNUMBER
++# Verify data after the test has been "shot"
++<protocol crlf="yes">
++User-Agent: curl/%VERSION
++Accept: */*
++# the error message is verified because error code CURLE_PROXY (97) may be
++# returned for any number of reasons and we need to make sure it is
++# specifically for the reason below so that we know the check is working.
++<stderr mode="text">
++curl: (97) SOCKS5: the destination hostname is too long to be resolved remotely by the proxy.
diff --git a/net-misc/curl/files/curl-8.3.0-CVE-2023-38546.patch b/net-misc/curl/files/curl-8.3.0-CVE-2023-38546.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..615ab26cb2a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/curl/files/curl-8.3.0-CVE-2023-38546.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+From 61275672b46d9abb3285740467b882e22ed75da8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <>
+Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2023 23:28:32 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] cookie: remove unnecessary struct fields
+Plus: reduce the hash table size from 256 to 63. It seems unlikely to
+make much of a speed difference for most use cases but saves 1.5KB of
+data per instance.
+Closes #11862
+ lib/cookie.c | 13 +------------
+ lib/cookie.h | 13 ++++---------
+ lib/easy.c | 4 +---
+ 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/cookie.c b/lib/cookie.c
+index 4345a84c6fd9d..e39c89a94a960 100644
+--- a/lib/cookie.c
++++ b/lib/cookie.c
+@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ static void freecookie(struct Cookie *co)
+ free(co->name);
+ free(co->value);
+ free(co->maxage);
+- free(co->version);
+ free(co);
+ }
+@@ -718,11 +717,7 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct Curl_easy *data,
+ }
+ }
+ else if((nlen == 7) && strncasecompare("version", namep, 7)) {
+- strstore(&co->version, valuep, vlen);
+- if(!co->version) {
+- badcookie = TRUE;
+- break;
+- }
++ /* just ignore */
+ }
+ else if((nlen == 7) && strncasecompare("max-age", namep, 7)) {
+ /*
+@@ -1160,7 +1155,6 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct Curl_easy *data,
+ free(clist->path);
+ free(clist->spath);
+ free(clist->expirestr);
+- free(clist->version);
+ free(clist->maxage);
+ *clist = *co; /* then store all the new data */
+@@ -1224,9 +1218,6 @@ struct CookieInfo *Curl_cookie_init(struct Curl_easy *data,
+ c = calloc(1, sizeof(struct CookieInfo));
+ if(!c)
+ return NULL; /* failed to get memory */
+- c->filename = strdup(file?file:"none"); /* copy the name just in case */
+- if(!c->filename)
+- goto fail; /* failed to get memory */
+ /*
+ * Initialize the next_expiration time to signal that we don't have enough
+ * information yet.
+@@ -1378,7 +1369,6 @@ static struct Cookie *dup_cookie(struct Cookie *src)
+ CLONE(name);
+ CLONE(value);
+ CLONE(maxage);
+- CLONE(version);
+ d->expires = src->expires;
+ d->tailmatch = src->tailmatch;
+ d->secure = src->secure;
+@@ -1595,7 +1585,6 @@ void Curl_cookie_cleanup(struct CookieInfo *c)
+ {
+ if(c) {
+ unsigned int i;
+- free(c->filename);
+ for(i = 0; i < COOKIE_HASH_SIZE; i++)
+ Curl_cookie_freelist(c->cookies[i]);
+ free(c); /* free the base struct as well */
+diff --git a/lib/cookie.h b/lib/cookie.h
+index b3c0063b2cfb2..41e9e7a6914e0 100644
+--- a/lib/cookie.h
++++ b/lib/cookie.h
+@@ -36,11 +36,7 @@ struct Cookie {
+ char *domain; /* domain = <this> */
+ curl_off_t expires; /* expires = <this> */
+ char *expirestr; /* the plain text version */
+- /* RFC 2109 keywords. Version=1 means 2109-compliant cookie sending */
+- char *version; /* Version = <value> */
+ char *maxage; /* Max-Age = <value> */
+ bool tailmatch; /* whether we do tail-matching of the domain name */
+ bool secure; /* whether the 'secure' keyword was used */
+ bool livecookie; /* updated from a server, not a stored file */
+@@ -56,17 +52,16 @@ struct Cookie {
+ #define COOKIE_PREFIX__SECURE (1<<0)
+ #define COOKIE_PREFIX__HOST (1<<1)
+-#define COOKIE_HASH_SIZE 256
++#define COOKIE_HASH_SIZE 63
+ struct CookieInfo {
+ /* linked list of cookies we know of */
+ struct Cookie *cookies[COOKIE_HASH_SIZE];
+- char *filename; /* file we read from/write to */
+- long numcookies; /* number of cookies in the "jar" */
++ curl_off_t next_expiration; /* the next time at which expiration happens */
++ int numcookies; /* number of cookies in the "jar" */
++ int lastct; /* last creation-time used in the jar */
+ bool running; /* state info, for cookie adding information */
+ bool newsession; /* new session, discard session cookies on load */
+- int lastct; /* last creation-time used in the jar */
+- curl_off_t next_expiration; /* the next time at which expiration happens */
+ };
+ /* The maximum sizes we accept for cookies. RFC 6265 section 6.1 says
+diff --git a/lib/easy.c b/lib/easy.c
+index 16bbd35251d40..03195481f9780 100644
+--- a/lib/easy.c
++++ b/lib/easy.c
+@@ -925,9 +925,7 @@ struct Curl_easy *curl_easy_duphandle(struct Curl_easy *data)
+ if(data->cookies) {
+ /* If cookies are enabled in the parent handle, we enable them
+ in the clone as well! */
+- outcurl->cookies = Curl_cookie_init(data,
+- data->cookies->filename,
+- outcurl->cookies,
++ outcurl->cookies = Curl_cookie_init(data, NULL, outcurl->cookies,
+ data->set.cookiesession);
+ if(!outcurl->cookies)
+ goto fail;