diff options
authorMike Frysinger <>2016-08-01 16:50:07 +0800
committerMike Frysinger <>2016-08-01 16:50:15 +0800
commitd9bdee6a86d7069ca7e1dfe936867b9589195b26 (patch)
tree0cdce7ad59dac03a94d4e26112855eefe2d94527 /sys-libs/timezone-data
parentsys-libs/timezone-data: mark 2016e stable for all (diff)
sys-libs/timezone-data: drop old <2016e versions
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-libs/timezone-data')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/sys-libs/timezone-data/Manifest b/sys-libs/timezone-data/Manifest
index c8c9a8beb094..e70ea2a63471 100644
--- a/sys-libs/timezone-data/Manifest
+++ b/sys-libs/timezone-data/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-DIST tzcode2016d.tar.gz 192870 SHA256 a8f33d6f87aef7e109e4769fc7f6e63637d52d07ddf6440a1a50df3d9a34e0ca SHA512 c6f6259a78fadaab293be0a4123c226d1a327588639cfa8dadb5a74bd58552892a0c87cfd3a33888f886f51aff34465c89505f0892e6bcbe24247a9160e7328c WHIRLPOOL 968e1e4d635853d81e3bb522543ca7c216f9110a0d20de612c0b1220fac926325e7b6f2a6381830ecb43e633ba29d66c08ec2c890cd8685793c4d66378022b82
DIST tzcode2016e.tar.gz 194647 SHA256 57d8c4fcd5e8a90657d0e298eac5effb1a642119c92308db68d13a4612fa459e SHA512 dcaf615ada96920e60ffb336253f53541861153decc156d41661f43e0bfb128c6c231b0b776bbe3f2176549346275fc5a879074f4977d5141228e58cb33a41c6 WHIRLPOOL e9397b1d4236062a95a46ed463378a295a1959593611536416aeeb8c72c98131cf059d065439f59ae2b40722129b1c2ede7d14dc131ed431042620e54133148d
DIST tzcode2016f.tar.gz 194905 SHA256 72325f384490a310eeb2ea0fab7e6f011a5be19adab2ff9d83bf9d1993b066ed SHA512 97d084f4b0a688fef097dca256083ca9948393848d77c8ee637bdd26f859150cce7d2b26fc1165a3b44b28cc1c9075e10192332261ed68990b4b21a85438b023 WHIRLPOOL fa5b1dcc3c666fda497e715be1c3eb21cd69b080c0b703f6a45883caf05ddd7e06b7aee9a632c62a33b6f1b563b634b5491a24b72d5bd1f5116214f19822823c
-DIST tzdata2016d.tar.gz 312481 SHA256 d9554dfba0efd76053582bd89e8c7036ef12eee14fdd506675b08a5b59f0a1b4 SHA512 f1beb1793c4c7d18f2dadaf4a928b1476f66b400bda0c87b06155c0dd1c4b4a26bb2f37dc17a3676a2bbe9c1e71a5d8b27a171c797a86464b0bc0d13abfb2f99 WHIRLPOOL c6933da933c10bb518fffb5b135bc0d5a717cc955cc75fe36e97e2df08bf07663e493786640def956055cab28e3ea3edfc0b71fa2303788fcafb82312380b060
DIST tzdata2016e.tar.gz 313684 SHA256 ba00f899f18dc4048d7fa21f5e1fdef434496084eedc06f6caa15e5ecdb6bd81 SHA512 dace0f6fc87a73879ca3a1b143d7dcf9c50803e23e6b8c91f83711704e28129af776676c547c42f14dee7f1e8e285ce25296e53a52d11f4c8f155b5f80f4beb3 WHIRLPOOL 69f5e70ae836c71c84c3bb1653887b15e2d408fe0927397a8f16f81b13ce1a23e1ad881084eb36b7785b3f129299830d03a5d2722029fdb8eed305c851661b7d
DIST tzdata2016f.tar.gz 313286 SHA256 ed8c951008d12f1db55a11e96fc055718c6571233327d9de16a7f8475e2502b0 SHA512 0472f9516b6c3d83c0a5d0953a5535f4c48d9b9171e125f528188dac512f3556bc1805b7029c4f467a122cbce1beb4e804dd4ae63b259952de3bb217f8e8941d WHIRLPOOL 229b1c1b1bfb1fc8c0bcf33dccf546cd0a0b230161919249372dbe5a4d4d82a1b2bd42e5d3722b62ce8fe31479632bf0ae712aac876901d6acb95959b163f951
diff --git a/sys-libs/timezone-data/timezone-data-2016d.ebuild b/sys-libs/timezone-data/timezone-data-2016d.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 73e4b89dbceb..000000000000
--- a/sys-libs/timezone-data/timezone-data-2016d.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic
-DESCRIPTION="Timezone data (/usr/share/zoneinfo) and utilities (tzselect/zic/zdump)"
-LICENSE="BSD public-domain"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ia64 m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos"
-IUSE="nls leaps_timezone elibc_FreeBSD"
-DEPEND="nls? ( virtual/libintl )"
- !sys-libs/glibc[vanilla(+)]"
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2016c-makefile.patch
- tc-is-cross-compiler && cp -pR "${S}" "${S}"-native
-src_configure() {
- tc-export CC
- append-lfs-flags #471102
- if use elibc_FreeBSD || use elibc_Darwin ; then
- append-cppflags -DSTD_INSPIRED #138251
- fi
- append-cppflags -DHAVE_GETTEXT=$(usex nls 1 0) -DTZ_DOMAIN='\"libc\"'
- if use nls ; then
- # See if an external libintl is available. #154181 #578424
- local c="${T}/test"
- echo 'main(){}' > "${c}.c"
- if $(tc-getCC) ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} "${c}.c" -o "${c}" -lintl 2>/dev/null ; then
- LDLIBS+=" -lintl"
- fi
- fi
-_emake() {
- emake \
- TOPDIR="${EPREFIX}/usr" \
- REDO=$(usex leaps_timezone posix_right posix_only) \
- "$@"
-src_compile() {
- # TOPDIR is used in some utils when compiling.
- _emake \
- AR="$(tc-getAR)" \
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
- RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" \
- CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -std=gnu99" \
- if tc-is-cross-compiler ; then
- _emake -C "${S}"-native \
- CC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" \
- zic
- fi
-src_install() {
- local zic=""
- tc-is-cross-compiler && zic="zic=${S}-native/zic"
- _emake install ${zic} DESTDIR="${D}"
- dohtml *.htm
-get_TIMEZONE() {
- local tz src="${EROOT}etc/timezone"
- if [[ -e ${src} ]] ; then
- tz=$(sed -e 's:#.*::' -e 's:[[:space:]]*::g' -e '/^$/d' "${src}")
- else
- fi
- [[ -z ${tz} ]] && return 1 || echo "${tz}"
-pkg_preinst() {
- local tz=$(get_TIMEZONE)
- if [[ ${tz} == right/* || ${tz} == posix/* ]] ; then
- eerror "The right & posix subdirs are no longer installed as subdirs -- they have been"
- eerror "relocated to match upstream paths as sibling paths. Further, posix/xxx is the"
- eerror "same as xxx, so you should simply drop the posix/ prefix. You also should not"
- eerror "be using right/xxx for the system timezone as it breaks programs."
- die "Please fix your timezone setting"
- fi
- # Trim the symlink by hand to avoid portage's automatic protection checks.
- rm -f "${EROOT}"/usr/share/zoneinfo/posix
- if has_version "<=${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2015c" ; then
- elog "Support for accessing posix/ and right/ directly has been dropped to match"
- elog "upstream. There is no need to set TZ=posix/xxx as it is the same as TZ=xxx."
- elog "For TZ=right/, you can use TZ=../zoneinfo-leaps/xxx instead. See this post"
- elog "for details:"
- fi
-pkg_config() {
- # make sure the /etc/localtime file does not get stale #127899
- local tz src="${EROOT}etc/timezone" etc_lt="${EROOT}etc/localtime"
- # If it's a symlink, assume the user knows what they're doing and
- # they're managing it themselves. #511474
- if [[ -L ${etc_lt} ]] ; then
- einfo "Assuming your ${etc_lt} symlink is what you want; skipping update."
- return 0
- fi
- if ! tz=$(get_TIMEZONE) ; then
- einfo "Assuming your empty ${etc_lt} file is what you want; skipping update."
- return 0
- fi
- if [[ ${tz} == "FOOKABLOIE" ]] ; then
- elog "You do not have TIMEZONE set in ${src}."
- if [[ ! -e ${etc_lt} ]] ; then
- cp -f "${EROOT}"/usr/share/zoneinfo/Factory "${etc_lt}"
- elog "Setting ${etc_lt} to Factory."
- else
- elog "Skipping auto-update of ${etc_lt}."
- fi
- return 0
- fi
- if [[ ! -e ${EROOT}/usr/share/zoneinfo/${tz} ]] ; then
- elog "You have an invalid TIMEZONE setting in ${src}"
- elog "Your ${etc_lt} has been reset to Factory; enjoy!"
- tz="Factory"
- fi
- einfo "Updating ${etc_lt} with ${EROOT}usr/share/zoneinfo/${tz}"
- cp -f "${EROOT}"/usr/share/zoneinfo/"${tz}" "${etc_lt}"
-pkg_postinst() {
- pkg_config