diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kde-apps/kdepim-runtime/files/kdepim-runtime-21.12.0-fix-pop3-ssl-connections.patch')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kde-apps/kdepim-runtime/files/kdepim-runtime-21.12.0-fix-pop3-ssl-connections.patch b/kde-apps/kdepim-runtime/files/kdepim-runtime-21.12.0-fix-pop3-ssl-connections.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e911588dbdcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kde-apps/kdepim-runtime/files/kdepim-runtime-21.12.0-fix-pop3-ssl-connections.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+From f14fabcefb45790175e209ef8ae394def4a805e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Albert Astals Cid <>
+Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2021 21:55:13 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] POP3: Fix SSL connections
+We need to go into ssl before trying to read from the socket, otherwise
+nothing works
+BUGS: 446751
+ resources/pop3/pop3protocol.cpp | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
+ resources/pop3/pop3protocol.h | 2 +
+ 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/resources/pop3/pop3protocol.cpp b/resources/pop3/pop3protocol.cpp
+index c2d01d33a..15971919e 100644
+--- a/resources/pop3/pop3protocol.cpp
++++ b/resources/pop3/pop3protocol.cpp
+@@ -535,6 +535,39 @@ Result POP3Protocol::loginPASS()
+ return Result::pass();
+ }
++Result POP3Protocol::startSsl()
++ mSocket->ignoreSslErrors(); // Don't worry, errors are handled manually below
++ mSocket->startClientEncryption();
++ const bool encryptionStarted = mSocket->waitForEncrypted(s_connectTimeout);
++ const QSslCipher cipher = mSocket->sessionCipher();
++ const QList<QSslError> errors = mSocket->sslHandshakeErrors();
++ if (!encryptionStarted || !errors.isEmpty() || !mSocket->isEncrypted() || cipher.isNull() || cipher.usedBits() == 0) {
++ QString errorString = std::accumulate(errors.begin(), errors.end(), QString(), [](QString cur, const QSslError &error) {
++ if (!cur.isEmpty())
++ cur += QLatin1Char('\n');
++ cur += error.errorString();
++ return cur;
++ });
++ qCDebug(POP3_LOG) << "Initial SSL handshake failed. cipher.isNull() is" << cipher.isNull() << ", cipher.usedBits() is" << cipher.usedBits()
++ << ", the socket says:" << mSocket->errorString() << "and the SSL errors are:" << errorString;
++ mContinueAfterSslError = false;
++ Q_EMIT sslError(KSslErrorUiData(mSocket));
++ if (!mContinueAfterSslError) {
++ if (errorString.isEmpty())
++ errorString = mSocket->errorString();
++ qCDebug(POP3_LOG) << "TLS setup has failed. Aborting." << errorString;
++ closeConnection();
++ return Result::fail(ERR_SSL_FAILURE, i18n("SSL/TLS error: %1", errorString));
++ }
++ } else {
++ qCDebug(POP3_LOG) << "TLS has been enabled.";
++ }
++ return Result::pass();
+ Result POP3Protocol::openConnection()
+ {
+ m_try_apop = mSettings.authenticationMethod() == MailTransport::Transport::EnumAuthenticationType::APOP;
+@@ -560,6 +593,13 @@ Result POP3Protocol::openConnection()
+ return Result::fail(mSocket->error(), errorString);
+ }
++ if (mSettings.useSSL()) {
++ const Result res = startSsl();
++ if (!res.success) {
++ return res;
++ }
++ }
+ mConnected = true;
+ greeting_buf = new char[GREETING_BUF_LEN];
+@@ -608,35 +648,9 @@ Result POP3Protocol::openConnection()
+ "was unsuccessful.\nYou can "
+ "disable TLS in the POP account settings dialog."));
+ }
+- }
+- if (mSettings.useSSL() || mSettings.useTLS()) {
+- mSocket->ignoreSslErrors(); // Don't worry, errors are handled manually below
+- mSocket->startClientEncryption();
+- const bool encryptionStarted = mSocket->waitForEncrypted(s_connectTimeout);
+- const QSslCipher cipher = mSocket->sessionCipher();
+- const QList<QSslError> errors = mSocket->sslHandshakeErrors();
+- if (!encryptionStarted || !errors.isEmpty() || !mSocket->isEncrypted() || cipher.isNull() || cipher.usedBits() == 0) {
+- QString errorString = std::accumulate(errors.begin(), errors.end(), QString(), [](QString cur, const QSslError &error) {
+- if (!cur.isEmpty())
+- cur += QLatin1Char('\n');
+- cur += error.errorString();
+- return cur;
+- });
+- qCDebug(POP3_LOG) << "Initial SSL handshake failed. cipher.isNull() is" << cipher.isNull() << ", cipher.usedBits() is" << cipher.usedBits()
+- << ", the socket says:" << mSocket->errorString() << "and the SSL errors are:" << errorString;
+- mContinueAfterSslError = false;
+- Q_EMIT sslError(KSslErrorUiData(mSocket));
+- if (!mContinueAfterSslError) {
+- if (errorString.isEmpty())
+- errorString = mSocket->errorString();
+- qCDebug(POP3_LOG) << "TLS setup has failed. Aborting." << errorString;
+- closeConnection();
+- return Result::fail(ERR_SSL_FAILURE, i18n("SSL/TLS error: %1", errorString));
+- }
+- } else {
+- qCDebug(POP3_LOG) << "TLS has been enabled.";
++ const Result res = startSsl();
++ if (!res.success) {
++ return res;
+ }
+ }
+diff --git a/resources/pop3/pop3protocol.h b/resources/pop3/pop3protocol.h
+index 9b40b334f..d01f7ab7a 100644
+--- a/resources/pop3/pop3protocol.h
++++ b/resources/pop3/pop3protocol.h
+@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ private:
+ */
++ Q_REQUIRED_RESULT Result startSsl();
+ const Settings &mSettings;
+ QSslSocket *const mSocket;
+ unsigned short int m_iPort;