Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* dev-ros/test_tf2: remove boost[threads(+)] usedepDavid Seifert2022-09-041-2/+2
* dev-ros/test_tf2: add missing depsAlexis Ballier2021-08-031-0/+1
* dev-ros/test_tf2: Depend on dev-libs/boost:=[threads(+)]David Seifert2021-06-181-2/+2
* dev-ros/test_tf2: add missing depAlexis Ballier2020-08-051-1/+3
* dev-ros/test_tf2: convert to python-single-r1Alexis Ballier2020-07-291-5/+5
* dev-ros/test_tf2: bump eapiAlexis Ballier2020-07-091-3/+2
* Drop $Id$ per council decision in bug #611234.Robin H. Johnson2017-02-281-1/+0
* dev-ros/test_tf2: Use geometry2 repository since it has moved.Alexis Ballier2017-01-181-2/+2
* dev-ros/test_tf2: Always enable CATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING as the package has no t...Alexis Ballier2015-10-091-4/+2
* dev-ros/test_tf2: Initial import. Ebuild by me.Alexis Ballier2015-09-221-0/+37