diff options
authorStefan Briesenick <>2008-11-13 22:47:23 +0000
committerStefan Briesenick <>2008-11-13 22:47:23 +0000
commit9b6de630a38d48a5be14172d13ba5751cb0c3da8 (patch)
parentStable for HPPA (bug #245450). (diff)
complete cleanup of ebuild, adding many new use-flags (bug #209579), reworked chroot setup (bug #246514), respect LDFLAGS (bug #209800).
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc14/cvs/Linux 2.6.26-gentoo-r1 i686
4 files changed, 320 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/scponly/ChangeLog b/net-misc/scponly/ChangeLog
index 733bbe9bf848..fb6861b9a925 100644
--- a/net-misc/scponly/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-misc/scponly/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for net-misc/scponly
# Copyright 2002-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/scponly/ChangeLog,v 1.37 2008/01/23 13:34:41 matsuu Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/scponly/ChangeLog,v 1.38 2008/11/13 22:47:23 sbriesen Exp $
+*scponly-4.8-r1 (13 Nov 2008)
+ 13 Nov 2008; Stefan Briesenick <> metadata.xml,
+ +scponly-4.8-r1.ebuild:
+ complete cleanup of ebuild, adding many new use-flags (bug #209579),
+ reworked chroot setup (bug #246514), respect LDFLAGS (bug #209800).
23 Jan 2008; MATSUU Takuto <>
-files/scponly-4.3-getopt.patch, -files/scponly-4.6-helper.patch,
diff --git a/net-misc/scponly/Manifest b/net-misc/scponly/Manifest
index 8c4f22968e81..92933bb8a9a1 100644
--- a/net-misc/scponly/Manifest
+++ b/net-misc/scponly/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
DIST scponly-4.8.tgz 101687 RMD160 de6b58fcb8108d42a1576c69003e9136b9417869 SHA1 154de34901ce22fd9d406f6e02cddc440c435afc SHA256 1693dd678355749c5d9e48ecdd4628dbfe71d82955afde950ee8d88b5adc01cf
+EBUILD scponly-4.8-r1.ebuild 8700 RMD160 271ed00ae17e632bf8189f25ad51ea8486b56826 SHA1 331f0e99182e42fa0a43c966505b1d87bb39aff4 SHA256 5a781224079cdd074892a74190912a99a77fadf9f1ebb300f6342fb9be0cee4a
EBUILD scponly-4.8.ebuild 4283 RMD160 2e555f2bf02554ccf2c6005476c90e637690e3be SHA1 a73ad3c22ba463951c3827f5b1a515fd3e621a13 SHA256 ea3d3d88d8079353a846129de71679bcdf7021f2f91593a0ee95d218a9c11a90
-MISC ChangeLog 5351 RMD160 5218e2bc23cb420a79f21f5b449d67aea43ed3fd SHA1 514f74aabde1ff343b4cdeee7e022954a2d08544 SHA256 346270b495edf12ccf642e09545a1d200b21f4c910a567cd333ce25ce14af711
-MISC metadata.xml 336 RMD160 298d54c6467d5bb27be28031acd7c51f3821170a SHA1 bd3af7108aa1801f3c629db295e8c9cf6f77131e SHA256 78dc3136b02c14893e231cf14116c2611d93318f9ed5a8209fc581e1f621e3ca
+MISC ChangeLog 5621 RMD160 c3acfc3701480dbf96bc94bfa2c3f7e197c497a8 SHA1 aaa9c65b3aa4a0967570a8ef20cbd83821ef0a18 SHA256 6ca131d5d9e8da44b6710b5048013d3e6987371a4865d948575ad85574a32912
+MISC metadata.xml 1424 RMD160 bedfada17f8ebfb8964a627769b1f6f96114ada4 SHA1 c7063171c58a7d6195e291232b96820957df8fbf SHA256 39e481515e78825063291d053dd92d5652d0c824b706e67dadaccecdcad491e2
diff --git a/net-misc/scponly/metadata.xml b/net-misc/scponly/metadata.xml
index d03eddbc6a6f..23ee51c242ce 100644
--- a/net-misc/scponly/metadata.xml
+++ b/net-misc/scponly/metadata.xml
@@ -1,11 +1,28 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <herd>no-herd</herd>
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- </maintainer>
- <use>
- <flag name="rsync">Enabling rsync compatibility with potential security risks</flag>
- </use>
+ <herd>no-herd</herd>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ </maintainer>
+ <longdescription lang="en">
+ scponly is an alternative 'shell' (of sorts) for system administrators
+ who would like to provide access to remote users to both read and write
+ local files without providing any remote execution priviledges.
+ Functionally, it is best described as a wrapper to the tried and true
+ ssh suite of applications.
+ </longdescription>
+ <use>
+ <flag name="rsync">Enables rsync compatibility with potential security risks</flag>
+ <flag name="unison">Enables Unison compatibility with potential security risks</flag>
+ <flag name="subversion">Enables Subversion compatibility with potential security risks</flag>
+ <flag name="winscp">Enables WinSCP 2.0 compatibility with potential security risks</flag>
+ <flag name="scp">Enables scp compatibility with potential security risks</flag>
+ <flag name="sftp">Enables SFTP compatibility</flag>
+ <flag name="gftp">Enables gFTP compatibility</flag>
+ <flag name="quota">Enables quota compatibility</flag>
+ <flag name="passwd">Enables passwd compatibility</flag>
+ <flag name="logging">Enables SFTP logging compatibility</flag>
+ <flag name="wildcards">Enables wildcard processing with potential security risks</flag>
+ </use>
diff --git a/net-misc/scponly/scponly-4.8-r1.ebuild b/net-misc/scponly/scponly-4.8-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e1dab2e33d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/scponly/scponly-4.8-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/scponly/scponly-4.8-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/11/13 22:47:23 sbriesen Exp $
+inherit eutils multilib toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="A tiny pseudoshell which only permits scp and sftp"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~mips ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="sftp scp winscp gftp rsync unison subversion wildcards quota passwd logging"
+ sys-apps/sed
+ net-misc/openssh
+ quota? ( sys-fs/quota )
+ passwd? ( sys-apps/shadow )
+ rsync? ( net-misc/rsync )
+ unison? ( net-misc/unison )
+ subversion? ( dev-util/subversion )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use unison; then
+ if [ ! -e "${ROOT}usr/bin/unison" ]; then
+ eerror
+ eerror "please run 'eselect unison set <version>' first!"
+ die "can't find /usr/bin/unison"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! use subversion && ! use unison && ! use rsync && \
+ ! use sftp && ! use scp && ! use winscp; then
+ eerror
+ eerror "you have to enable at least one of the following use-flags:"
+ eerror "sftp scp winscp rsync unison subversion"
+ die "your build will quite useless without any compatibility mode"
+ fi
+ if use subversion || use unison || use rsync || use wildcards || use scp || use winscp; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn
+ if use wildcards; then
+ ewarn "-- by enabling wildcards, there is a slightly higher chance of an exploit"
+ fi
+ if use scp || use winscp; then
+ ewarn "-- by enabling scp and/or winscp compatibility, more programs will need"
+ ewarn " to be installed in the chroot which increases the risk."
+ fi
+ if use subversion; then
+ ewarn "-- CAUTION: by enabling subversion the user WILL BE ABLE TO EXECUTE"
+ ewarn " SCRIPTS OR PROGRAMS INDIRECTLY! svn and svnserve will try to execute"
+ ewarn " pre-commit, post-commit hooks, as well as a few others. These files"
+ ewarn " have specific filenames at specific locations relative to the svn"
+ ewarn " repository root. Thus, unless you are *very* careful about security,"
+ ewarn " This can be prevented by a careful configuration."
+ fi
+ if use subversion || use unison || use rsync; then
+ ewarn "-- The following programs use configuration files that might allow the"
+ ewarn " user to bypass security restrictions placed on command line arguments:"
+ ewarn " svn, svnserve, rsync, unison"
+ fi
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "please read /usr/share/doc/${PF}/SECURITY* after install!"
+ ewarn
+ ebeep 5
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS}" econf \
+ --with-sftp-server="/usr/$(get_libdir)/misc/sftp-server" \
+ --with-default-chdir="/" \
+ --disable-restrictive-names \
+ --enable-chrooted-binary \
+ --enable-chroot-checkdir \
+ $(use_enable winscp winscp-compat) \
+ $(use_enable gftp gftp-compat) \
+ $(use_enable scp scp-compat) \
+ $(use_enable sftp sftp) \
+ $(use_enable quota quota-compat) \
+ $(use_enable passwd passwd-compat) \
+ $(use_enable rsync rsync-compat) \
+ $(use_enable unison unison-compat) \
+ $(use_enable subversion svn-compat) \
+ $(use_enable subversion svnserv-compat) \
+ $(use_enable logging sftp-logging-compat) \
+ $(use_enable wildcards wildcards) \
+ || die "econf failed"
+ emake CC=$(tc-getCC) || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
+ # don't compress setup-script, so it is usable if necessary
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/chroot
+ doins config.h
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog
+ elog "You might want to run"
+ elog " emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+ elog "to setup the chroot. Otherwise you will have to setup chroot manually."
+ elog
+ elog "Please read the docs in /usr/share/doc/${PF} for more informations!"
+ elog
+ # two slashes ('//') are used by scponlyc to determine the chroot point.
+ enewgroup "${myuser}"
+ enewuser "${myuser}" -1 /usr/sbin/scponlyc "${myhome}//" "${myuser}"
+pkg_config() {
+ # pkg_postinst is based on ${S}/
+ einfo "Collecting binaries and libraries..."
+ # Binaries launched in sftp compat mode
+ if built_with_use =${CATEGORY}/${PF} sftp; then
+ BINARIES="/usr/$(get_libdir)/misc/sftp-server"
+ fi
+ # Binaries launched by vanilla- and WinSCP modes
+ if built_with_use =${CATEGORY}/${PF} scp || \
+ built_with_use =${CATEGORY}/${PF} winscp; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/scp /bin/ls /bin/rm /bin/ln /bin/mv"
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /bin/chmod /bin/chown /bin/chgrp /bin/mkdir /bin/rmdir"
+ fi
+ # Binaries launched in WinSCP compatibility mode
+ if built_with_use =${CATEGORY}/${PF} winscp; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /bin/pwd /bin/groups /usr/bin/id /bin/echo"
+ fi
+ # Rsync compatability mode
+ if built_with_use =${CATEGORY}/${PF} rsync; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/rsync"
+ fi
+ # Unison compatability mode
+ if built_with_use =${CATEGORY}/${PF} unison; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/unison"
+ fi
+ # subversion cli/svnserv compatibility
+ if built_with_use =${CATEGORY}/${PF} subversion; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/svn /usr/bin/svnserve"
+ fi
+ # passwd compatibility
+ if built_with_use =${CATEGORY}/${PF} passwd; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /bin/passwd"
+ fi
+ # quota compatibility
+ if built_with_use =${CATEGORY}/${PF} quota; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/quota"
+ fi
+ # build lib dependencies
+ LIB_LIST=$(ldd ${BINARIES} | sed -n 's:.* => \(/[^ ]\+\).*:\1:p' | sort -u)
+ # search and add ld*.so
+ for LIB in /$(get_libdir)/ /libexec/ /libexec/ \
+ /usr/libexec/ /$(get_libdir)/ /usr/libexec/; do
+ [ -f "${LIB}" ] && LIB_LIST="${LIB_LIST} ${LIB}"
+ done
+ # search and add libnss_*.so
+ for LIB in /$(get_libdir)/libnss_{compat,files}*.so.*; do
+ [ -f "${LIB}" ] && LIB_LIST="${LIB_LIST} ${LIB}"
+ done
+ # create base dirs
+ if [ ! -d "${myhome}" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${myhome}/etc" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}/etc"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}/etc"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${myhome}/$(get_libdir)" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}/$(get_libdir)"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}/$(get_libdir)"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "${myhome}/lib" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}/lib"
+ ln -snf $(get_libdir) "${myhome}/lib"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${myhome}/usr/$(get_libdir)" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "${myhome}/usr/lib" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}/usr/lib"
+ ln -snf $(get_libdir) "${myhome}/usr/lib"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${myhome}${mysubdir}" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}${mysubdir} directory for uploading files"
+ install -o${myuser} -g${myuser} -m0755 -d "${myhome}${mysubdir}"
+ fi
+ # create /dev/null (Bug 135505)
+ if [ ! -e "${myhome}/dev/null" ]; then
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}/dev"
+ mknod -m0777 "${myhome}/dev/null" c 1 3
+ fi
+ # install binaries
+ for BIN in ${BINARIES}; do
+ einfo "Install ${BIN}"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}$(dirname ${BIN})"
+ install "${BIN}" "${myhome}/${BIN}"
+ done
+ # install libs
+ for LIB in ${LIB_LIST}; do
+ einfo "Install ${LIB}"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}$(dirname ${LIB})"
+ install "${LIB}" "${myhome}/${LIB}"
+ done
+ # create
+ einfo "Creating /etc/"
+ for LIB in ${LIB_LIST}; do
+ dirname ${LIB}
+ done | sort -u | while read DIR; do
+ if ! grep 2>/dev/null -q "^${DIR}$" "${myhome}/etc/"; then
+ echo "${DIR}" >> "${myhome}/etc/"
+ fi
+ done
+ ldconfig -r "${myhome}"
+ # update shells
+ einfo "Updating /etc/shells"
+ grep 2>/dev/null -q "^/usr/bin/scponly$" /etc/shells \
+ || echo "/usr/bin/scponly" >> /etc/shells
+ grep 2>/dev/null -q "^/usr/sbin/scponlyc$" /etc/shells \
+ || echo "/usr/sbin/scponlyc" >> /etc/shells
+ # create /etc/passwd
+ if [ ! -e "${myhome}/etc/passwd" ]; then
+ (
+ echo "root:x:0:0:root:/:/bin/sh"
+ sed -n "s|^\(${myuser}:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:\).*|\1${mysubdir}:/bin/sh|p" /etc/passwd
+ ) > "${myhome}/etc/passwd"
+ fi
+ # create /etc/group
+ if [ ! -e "${myhome}/etc/group" ]; then
+ (
+ echo "root:x:0:"
+ sed -n "s|^\(${myuser}:[^:]*:[^:]*:\).*|\1|p" /etc/group
+ ) > "${myhome}/etc/group"
+ fi
+ # fix permissions
+ #chown 0:0 "${myhome}"
+ #for DIR in .ssh .unison .subversion; do
+ # if [ -d "${myhome}/${DIR}" ]; then
+ # chown 0:0 "${myhome}/${DIR}"
+ # fi
+ #done