diff options
authorAlon Bar-Lev <>2007-11-02 06:20:47 +0000
committerAlon Bar-Lev <>2007-11-02 06:20:47 +0000
commitb247366957de21811f408dceab3f21e2242993ea (patch)
tree03b82503acb29891d3a770f31d285a77751cb25e /app-crypt
parentAdd support for git. (diff)
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'app-crypt')
4 files changed, 8 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog b/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog
index 826b0d23230a..0477abb1b8d1 100644
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# ChangeLog for app-crypt/truecrypt
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog,v 1.24 2007/11/02 03:45:25 beandog Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog,v 1.25 2007/11/02 06:20:46 alonbl Exp $
+ 02 Nov 2007; Alon Bar-Lev <> -truecrypt-4.3.ebuild:
+ Cleanup
02 Nov 2007; Steve Dibb <> truecrypt-4.3a.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug 197557
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/Manifest b/app-crypt/truecrypt/Manifest
index a470c2b75adc..40517569d797 100644
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/Manifest
+++ b/app-crypt/truecrypt/Manifest
@@ -6,27 +6,19 @@ AUX 308 RMD160 4b2e6f47520f701324c03b5a43118cc38ee409a3 SHA1 7
MD5 08ed8b975b45574ced5b99319ee09a15 files/ 308
RMD160 4b2e6f47520f701324c03b5a43118cc38ee409a3 files/ 308
SHA256 243a9d1041b291e12ce2065959838f0cfe01484bffac7915991ebeb90d2ccd2c files/ 308
-DIST truecrypt-4.3-source-code.tar.gz 1085969 RMD160 2ebca8a7dc9674e6af9bff1b7583b354672feb1b SHA1 42754b3c192edb94880c97ca5453558738bf2cb1 SHA256 859ce53e5db517896dbffe4b17d2f0ca0e3bcecf44755ecf69a24e3a1562e409
DIST truecrypt-4.3a-source-code.tar.gz 1110554 RMD160 1a24ae6132b43876161a090751c19afed7c5c996 SHA1 30c91901171c3c8290d4d0de856774cdf7ee4ed6 SHA256 d5515cfeb1bb328ad6f13ef347cd9422b4bb15bf849aabc4cd4f2f69a3e0c74a
-EBUILD truecrypt-4.3.ebuild 3159 RMD160 535896a15edd2cb2b07fc3adf094a74554f4e3b0 SHA1 fe091cb3398dbf215b4a7553fde627ff6906d3d6 SHA256 fa34010a87a5a21ea073ca6b44e02ab28a1198d0ac6b5dafa7e8dd6c4fa8bb3e
-MD5 058cd16af66fe9cf3f99568c288a077a truecrypt-4.3.ebuild 3159
-RMD160 535896a15edd2cb2b07fc3adf094a74554f4e3b0 truecrypt-4.3.ebuild 3159
-SHA256 fa34010a87a5a21ea073ca6b44e02ab28a1198d0ac6b5dafa7e8dd6c4fa8bb3e truecrypt-4.3.ebuild 3159
EBUILD truecrypt-4.3a.ebuild 3242 RMD160 c2aa892b0bb8ffd550e125e4c6e8d4a958255685 SHA1 471511d3de3b56fb51f8f340814cc25029d0fb9d SHA256 160ea90f88614c6dc9a924ac4044cba59c90f4f531b4d9eb34bc929167fbd141
MD5 c788bebb829506139694d970080ef7cf truecrypt-4.3a.ebuild 3242
RMD160 c2aa892b0bb8ffd550e125e4c6e8d4a958255685 truecrypt-4.3a.ebuild 3242
SHA256 160ea90f88614c6dc9a924ac4044cba59c90f4f531b4d9eb34bc929167fbd141 truecrypt-4.3a.ebuild 3242
-MISC ChangeLog 4261 RMD160 1eaf8cd5b245482e6358193aded038cdd6b35c01 SHA1 79d5137de00204d01f77d360672e06f6e6fe1fe3 SHA256 8247cd82c3576bfb04103edee78d4aab554c03bcc2b2be4c532c4a75f9e56420
-MD5 4de6b8cfdb7ec914bdfebb09e54902e7 ChangeLog 4261
-RMD160 1eaf8cd5b245482e6358193aded038cdd6b35c01 ChangeLog 4261
-SHA256 8247cd82c3576bfb04103edee78d4aab554c03bcc2b2be4c532c4a75f9e56420 ChangeLog 4261
+MISC ChangeLog 4342 RMD160 138f75077c6a3da25b7529109b44a396e19ab330 SHA1 1d1dcd8a34d110460dc68cc9045a56c48f6fabc0 SHA256 3b94d2295155ec0b3df4e1b811f4588c58967c8aaf564a7e47055dd9037121c1
+MD5 f2e302feb2d9f0c6d284b38c504775e5 ChangeLog 4342
+RMD160 138f75077c6a3da25b7529109b44a396e19ab330 ChangeLog 4342
+SHA256 3b94d2295155ec0b3df4e1b811f4588c58967c8aaf564a7e47055dd9037121c1 ChangeLog 4342
MISC metadata.xml 224 RMD160 74db96ad8aa1d285d83ae93a9f4a767335f55c15 SHA1 d86a171d981b45e7ed0c0b3b5059d2a63c811001 SHA256 9e9ce661a9fdb45a535ad875a247b700a70745359b27533ec29a6a46fa708e86
MD5 566cf4f89e44670d0aba4a745913d748 metadata.xml 224
RMD160 74db96ad8aa1d285d83ae93a9f4a767335f55c15 metadata.xml 224
SHA256 9e9ce661a9fdb45a535ad875a247b700a70745359b27533ec29a6a46fa708e86 metadata.xml 224
-MD5 c442817c8d5e10d0029d93d1b7196127 files/digest-truecrypt-4.3 280
-RMD160 8a4e0a5f9900f43b1604296f91067e6b94fb6b49 files/digest-truecrypt-4.3 280
-SHA256 f81a38fe3bba9b1887bfdf8b426fe7e23891758be7f36981de95859905deac28 files/digest-truecrypt-4.3 280
MD5 813f17ea64c1829e46b7a813e710416c files/digest-truecrypt-4.3a 283
RMD160 b21a2c0f42ddedaef436b2620dbfc3408132ceb2 files/digest-truecrypt-4.3a 283
SHA256 1c004881bb6b1d97cca319829224e032d931df577f4c1e91d7516cee8bd8f287 files/digest-truecrypt-4.3a 283
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/digest-truecrypt-4.3 b/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/digest-truecrypt-4.3
deleted file mode 100644
index f8822b9cec48..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/digest-truecrypt-4.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 f0786a0c067574ccd5aa1e9197dcb6f5 truecrypt-4.3-source-code.tar.gz 1085969
-RMD160 2ebca8a7dc9674e6af9bff1b7583b354672feb1b truecrypt-4.3-source-code.tar.gz 1085969
-SHA256 859ce53e5db517896dbffe4b17d2f0ca0e3bcecf44755ecf69a24e3a1562e409 truecrypt-4.3-source-code.tar.gz 1085969
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.3.ebuild b/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b83ca393daac..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.3.ebuild,v 1.4 2007/04/28 16:10:05 armin76 Exp $
-# - Upstream overwrite CFLAGS, and does not wish us to mess with them.
-# - Upstream insist on hiding the Makefile commands... Don't wish to patch it
-# again.
-# - Some issues with parallel make of user mode library.
-# - Upstream is not responsive, even new kernel versions are not supported
-# by upstream, but by other users.
-inherit linux-mod toolchain-funcs multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Free open-source disk encryption software"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-pkg_setup() {
- linux-mod_pkg_setup
- dmcrypt_check
- kernel_is lt 2 6 5 && die 'requires at least 2.6.5 kernel version'
- BUILD_TARGETS="truecrypt"
- MODULE_NAMES="truecrypt(block:${S}/Linux/Kernel)"
-src_compile() {
- linux-mod_src_compile || die "Truecrypt module compilation failed."
- einfo "Building truecrypt utility"
- cd "${S}/Linux/Cli"
- MAKEOPTS="-j1" emake all NO_STRIP=1 NO_WARNINGS=1 CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die "Compile and/or linking of TrueCrypt Linux CLI application failed."
-src_test() {
- "${S}/Linux/Cli/truecrypt" --test
-pkg_preinst() {
- # unload truecrypt modules if already loaded
- /sbin/rmmod truecrypt >&- 2>&-
- grep -q "^truecrypt" /proc/modules && die "Please dismount all mounted TrueCrypt volumes"
-src_install() {
- linux-mod_src_install
- einfo "Installing truecrypt utility"
- cd "${S}"
- dobin Linux/Cli/truecrypt
- doman Linux/Cli/Man/truecrypt.1
- dodoc Readme.txt 'Release/Setup Files/TrueCrypt User Guide.pdf'
- insinto "/$(get_libdir)/rcscripts/addons"
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}" "${PN}"
-pkg_postinst() {
- linux-mod_pkg_postinst
- elog " For TrueCrypt 4.2 to work you have to load a "
- elog " kernel module. This can be done in three ways: "
- elog
- elog " 1. Loading the module automatically by the running kernel. "
- elog " For this 'Automatic kernel module loading' needs to be "
- elog " enabled (CONFIG_KMOD=y). "
- elog " 2. Loading the module manually before mounting the volume. "
- elog " Try 'modprobe truecrypt' as root to load the module. "
- elog " 3. Load the module during boot by listing it in "
- elog " '/etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6' "
-dmcrypt_check() {
- ebegin "Checking for Device mapper support (BLK_DEV_DM)"
- linux_chkconfig_present BLK_DEV_DM
- eend $?
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
- ewarn "TrueCrypt requires Device mapper support!"
- ewarn "Please enable Device mapper support in your kernel config, found at:"
- ewarn "(for 2.6 kernels)"
- ewarn
- ewarn " Device Drivers"
- ewarn " Multi-Device Support"
- ewarn " <*> Device mapper support"
- ewarn
- ewarn "and recompile your kernel if you want this package to work."
- epause 10
- fi