diff options
authorSven Wegener <>2009-04-17 18:37:47 +0000
committerSven Wegener <>2009-04-17 18:37:47 +0000
commit88ec311f78cf8a633f35011c50bb5b2b1ac00b33 (patch)
treeac9ad0a3dc6fe2beb85e2c1e036d44b8a5e974af /net-dns
parentPortpeek version bump. Now displays filename alongside package. (diff)
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc30/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'net-dns')
16 files changed, 16 insertions, 1262 deletions
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/ChangeLog b/net-dns/avahi/ChangeLog
index 4d6d0df578c4..66788a0877d1 100644
--- a/net-dns/avahi/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-dns/avahi/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
# ChangeLog for net-dns/avahi
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/avahi/ChangeLog,v 1.166 2009/04/01 09:58:30 swegener Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/avahi/ChangeLog,v 1.167 2009/04/17 18:37:46 swegener Exp $
+ 17 Apr 2009; Sven Wegener <>
+ -files/avahi-0.6.1-no-ipv6.patch,
+ -files/avahi-0.6.19-assert-security.patch,
+ -files/avahi-0.6.19-ui-sharp-automake.patch,
+ -files/avahi-0.6.19-ui-sharp-gtk.patch, -files/avahi-0.6.20-autoipd.patch,
+ -files/avahi-0.6.22-gobject.patch, -files/avahi-0.6.22-vncviewer.patch,
+ -files/avahi-start-after-netmount.patch, -files/avahi-vncviewer.patch,
+ -avahi-0.6.19-r2.ebuild, -avahi-0.6.22-r1.ebuild, -avahi-0.6.23.ebuild,
+ -avahi-0.6.24.ebuild, -avahi-0.6.24-r1.ebuild:
+ Cleanup.
01 Apr 2009; Sven Wegener <> files/
Use absolute path to avahi-autoipd in openrc support script.
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/Manifest b/net-dns/avahi/Manifest
index d6334a5f42de..121d8c05e075 100644
--- a/net-dns/avahi/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/avahi/Manifest
@@ -3,34 +3,17 @@ Hash: SHA1
AUX 700 RMD160 00e259967279dc52ee99476dfb4d6c9672b77ee3 SHA1 1d9858b99f23688f6a0f4a6726400bbbe41df976 SHA256 9f9e8d751bc640491397c8a06cbb6f3dcbf9cdf1a083e274f4d802c9c925c6c0
AUX 1271 RMD160 85ac3d69aff64867baa0ba6c58e9f224ba0e2e57 SHA1 95a6145f00ccd511e3b067d4669148861f56c2a4 SHA256 9582a49d0674fac714f448976065fd4e1f0423c08f645685160ed682a121f8c9
-AUX avahi-0.6.1-no-ipv6.patch 362 RMD160 7c90e7b3fadbd880d18db23dbe54ab6824be53d1 SHA1 97126f8035616821e9dc937c9b741316e7222fe2 SHA256 e00bd75a9770acf68c0f92cb8594b62acb0d60577e7dbeb1b7680e250b4d39b4
-AUX avahi-0.6.19-assert-security.patch 794 RMD160 7c9218345b9ce84291b679748ccd24ed9cc1c81d SHA1 9a3d9a8a726cecb45b07cd4411b4521acc1b7fd8 SHA256 b52d7ffda641a58f446112fb6413cdfee670e666c943751389dc6ef2b3b3c4e4
-AUX avahi-0.6.19-ui-sharp-automake.patch 654 RMD160 a55092fc273e7d01a92609219a3ba30dcd2770e9 SHA1 9c0a7a1fc7691181d73375e4380d0aa19830ca72 SHA256 4c1ef7b47639072151af0d745eedd34a6396ad2cb904ad4ad4f4cde482457b92
-AUX avahi-0.6.19-ui-sharp-gtk.patch 427 RMD160 967c446b0204baa4ddf5a0568164352caa90cfaa SHA1 6261c6ed45f5a5651ed5464c60777f21e4a482de SHA256 ae4ae6a21ebfcf39f3f1f9bf67cc5f47881d4e28cfb6f488517819806909ee9c
-AUX avahi-0.6.20-autoipd.patch 584 RMD160 5117179edd7af3237edad97c5c141b271470f58a SHA1 aa15b45e31cf97721d597fc030d56f66365d2f88 SHA256 7a8fa3ce860730d5a63641fe4e7e9f85d0fc45b7d4a0aa4d84a2b58e2c4112cd
-AUX avahi-0.6.22-gobject.patch 1113 RMD160 d4551aecefa470a6fe1f0998cc382192942ef647 SHA1 7e005c7d773aece3171f24061769c02b55693c35 SHA256 440df6f17e9e619622a326547313a9cb9df696ef1cfa0339385a225b69c8001a
-AUX avahi-0.6.22-vncviewer.patch 462 RMD160 a79540e16aecb781f0701ceb57db456f33296666 SHA1 de77191d8f2fe499be77c9f54adaefeea9919fc3 SHA256 daf1eaf78883b07669536b46b081c0b66f5a4a375a833a071ab91b6e12656da5
AUX avahi-0.6.24-CVE-2009-0758.patch 953 RMD160 7c1a2a2082c61d6feb05d985068122133b434b02 SHA1 429347d8b9f9022c5316ce1e5163a68fa7393b4f SHA256 e8a93a705ec07ca6a4c4c7634a97b9b2c5ee0712c9e80767c6bf7e3f4a5d6853
AUX avahi-0.6.24-cmsg_space.patch 449 RMD160 9593ee893daf908e35f36a7396ae5d52a7618022 SHA1 49fd79c1d0e0302747e84bdf611cfb0bf310b4c3 SHA256 f3b6bf6f522aea93627df8afda317782ed760493ffad9108697b50a310bc92d7
AUX avahi-0.6.24-libintl.patch 542 RMD160 918aa11cdbce6f38d9a9446c798db2bc43a957b5 SHA1 c9f8ef5d0047b591e6e88153731ae380d64a2431 SHA256 fb8e37d6071a990184a7ad3c20a7709554103fb2c4f02450c338b9fbcf358215
-AUX avahi-start-after-netmount.patch 998 RMD160 865a837ad85f6569405ab8d69bd08aebafbb9342 SHA1 a5b084504f70ceaf99bcfd75ddad846bda294166 SHA256 03ec271640c86405297cdd2292bcb3745fac517ed050e777a3dfc4188f06b5fb
-AUX avahi-vncviewer.patch 474 RMD160 ca19092b5a410cefb67480f0de7f4baf8ceff1fc SHA1 1838114e7c0ed4ff15c4adaf791fb6cbfab1bb48 SHA256 3175b1febd682681a38536e1a8f65891b8d8467495b73ce40c4dcac0b2003d3b
-DIST avahi-0.6.19.tar.gz 973381 RMD160 15ae4baaa55f0020422552994a8d1ef33935b065 SHA1 367322064a5dd66a0e69c75df9407ab3518aebdc SHA256 a742dceda38f242f5eac72f2c3bc1bda76adf497d6913e88a9cbc624bf2dd68a
-DIST avahi-0.6.22.tar.gz 1199901 RMD160 fad35f473a9109c8648e43b0f6f547c32b18e32f SHA1 2863bae55a991facc93138ca4660d5b55c846bd1 SHA256 9dc6f870b6ce050059054a26bfc15d6e7a836fa299edd1b89c63c1089bfedd52
-DIST avahi-0.6.23.tar.gz 1104410 RMD160 cdb24199bb9d48eba0a98097b4fe5aee94b8367c SHA1 54a0d1944e43805886aafccaf5cc3ec567f5cc9e SHA256 dedf5325105f071e5d9f898fdb7337a7fe88a3a8a1f832a6056ba00477b8cc3d
DIST avahi-0.6.24.tar.gz 1115626 RMD160 94f59ccbd14d99e91e259b27dd7f03404c6691e6 SHA1 a187af361fefc8bda026936bb07ccdeb41dc74bc SHA256 260070d46188ed58f5dc1174ce632c096679f6391a2b729366e7aba349d4b950
-EBUILD avahi-0.6.19-r2.ebuild 4705 RMD160 d20e47b099f86bd5ea8460f6f171584e97b0e0ba SHA1 7bb0755783efdd7c7d660d79843c699545d122d5 SHA256 6959550cb0b610351b1a5a48f755cbc4188c8b4180f13db8961ec5b7440573f6
-EBUILD avahi-0.6.22-r1.ebuild 5173 RMD160 a531c08c4030f26fd749de4516e307e5f1feb863 SHA1 1c4f7a9d1d30e43d62f4bce8509f4551ca81ee40 SHA256 77643eccb71093861ba269c240b368fcd0bd1f8659f19f229684a2ae87679c5c
-EBUILD avahi-0.6.23.ebuild 5029 RMD160 15901194bf318afb17021dac725e7003761d788e SHA1 263ff6bd0f8f5cea748198bee77f5348e47e87f9 SHA256 e8d4c3c0a6b912c4d6b38490e35fa7bfca118c3a53629ff24edf03a0cd8312b2
-EBUILD avahi-0.6.24-r1.ebuild 5063 RMD160 945bc5148e0b0196cd0bba2cc951f02fe50f7aad SHA1 934d1ab60568a1c76b9c4a4a185fede1dc0f0a01 SHA256 adc233d7d92455a5f6cc047ff7b7caf049fc47caab40b0ac34a63348500411d6
EBUILD avahi-0.6.24-r2.ebuild 5312 RMD160 fa761aa80b5c63f3d3838235573ca86057b3398f SHA1 f118272d4d14141bfba54a85329615627296c494 SHA256 33939e4e2e34a8ad63a6fc1f28875cd822c44830a4f870e5a2ce603aa504cabb
-EBUILD avahi-0.6.24.ebuild 4996 RMD160 91f0823545dd431d8c516a12f42a4e323df85745 SHA1 23182664c2343a4e6971a70d35e1a243535a75c6 SHA256 2f718ddefc7a56f1292f16e7b8b384a75ec8a662b0fa00b0ffbc5e5d25ed8a65
-MISC ChangeLog 24499 RMD160 5a2415fcd5c2eee8326f3060d411ab8a9fdca94a SHA1 cc85d7e224575ed8e3113a8bddc42508801d53fa SHA256 a7c5e5d58962b3635bef51882e43a0e0c5c2064de4d867a09c3d8a24810bf172
+MISC ChangeLog 25036 RMD160 b2fa804c816d65587fdd3420757163d16bbe22eb SHA1 6bf2285f867b2a280892b7af18ef0eb3d7ed369f SHA256 0825c88270bab94f199623877e83804814929b7bbdd40b9b8defac3aaca0553b
MISC metadata.xml 609 RMD160 fa4efaaf9b8ac6d75251c9bd1f0721ea175acda9 SHA1 4532738c9ff6d9d2a2aef226b827919ac31be2de SHA256 365224bb3c21c159a89fa03ea08c534eb27cc2df62012a69e03ad81779607faa
Version: GnuPG v2.0.11 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.19-r2.ebuild b/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.19-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b569ef0f3132..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.19-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.19-r2.ebuild,v 1.10 2008/12/14 15:15:48 loki_val Exp $
-inherit eutils mono python qt3 qt4 autotools multilib
-DESCRIPTION="System which facilitates service discovery on a local network"
-KEYWORDS="alpha ~amd64 arm hppa ia64 ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="bookmarks howl-compat mdnsresponder-compat gdbm dbus doc mono gtk python qt3 qt4 autoipd kernel_linux test"
- dev-libs/expat
- >=dev-libs/glib-2
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm )
- qt3? ( x11-libs/qt:3 )
- qt4? ( x11-libs/qt:4 )
- gtk? (
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4.0
- >=gnome-base/libglade-2.4.0
- )
- dbus? (
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30
- python? (
- || (
- dev-python/dbus-python
- (
- <sys-apps/dbus-0.90
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30
- )
- )
- )
- )
- mono? (
- >=dev-lang/mono-1.1.10
- gtk? ( >=dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-2 )
- )
- howl-compat? ( !net-misc/howl )
- mdnsresponder-compat? ( !net-misc/mDNSResponder )
- python? (
- >=virtual/python-2.4
- gtk? ( >=dev-python/pygtk-2 )
- )
- bookmarks? (
- dev-python/twisted
- dev-python/twisted-web
- )
- kernel_linux? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- !net-misc/mDNSResponder"
- >=dev-util/intltool-0.35
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.9.0
- doc? (
- app-doc/doxygen
- mono? ( >=virtual/monodoc-1.1.8 )
- )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use python && ! built_with_use dev-lang/python gdbm
- then
- die "For python support you need dev-lang/python compiled with gdbm support!"
- fi
- if use python && use dbus && ! has_version dev-python/dbus-python && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus python
- then
- die "For python and dbus support you need sys-apps/dbus compiled with python support or dev-python/dbus-python!"
- fi
- if ( use mdnsresponder-compat || use howl-compat || use mono ) && ! use dbus
- then
- die "For *-compat or mono support you also need to enable the dbus USE flag!"
- fi
- if use bookmarks && ! ( use python && use dbus && use gtk )
- then
- die "For bookmarks support you also need to enable the python, dbus and gtk USE flags!"
- fi
-pkg_preinst() {
- enewgroup netdev
- enewgroup avahi
- enewuser avahi -1 -1 -1 avahi
- if use autoipd
- then
- enewgroup avahi-autoipd
- enewuser avahi-autoipd -1 -1 -1 avahi-autoipd
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.6.1-no-ipv6.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-ui-sharp-automake.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-ui-sharp-gtk.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-assert-security.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.6.20-autoipd.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/avahi-start-after-netmount.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/avahi-vncviewer.patch
- eautomake
-src_compile() {
- local myconf=""
- if use python
- then
- use dbus && myconf="${myconf} --enable-python-dbus"
- use gtk && myconf="${myconf} --enable-pygtk"
- fi
- if use mono && use doc
- then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-monodoc"
- fi
- # We need to unset DISPLAY, else the configure script might have problems detecting the pygtk module
- unset DISPLAY
- econf \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --with-distro=gentoo \
- --disable-python-dbus \
- --disable-pygtk \
- --disable-xmltoman \
- --disable-monodoc \
- --enable-glib \
- $(use_enable test tests) \
- $(use_enable autoipd) \
- $(use_enable mdnsresponder-compat compat-libdns_sd) \
- $(use_enable howl-compat compat-howl) \
- $(use_enable doc doxygen-doc) \
- $(use_enable mono) \
- $(use_enable dbus) \
- $(use_enable python) \
- $(use_enable gtk) \
- $(use_enable qt3) \
- $(use_enable qt4) \
- $(use_enable gdbm) \
- ${myconf} \
- || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- make install py_compile=true DESTDIR="${D}" || die "make install failed"
- use bookmarks || rm -f "${D}"/usr/bin/avahi-bookmarks
- use howl-compat && ln -s avahi-compat-howl.pc "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/howl.pc
- use mdnsresponder-compat && ln -s avahi-compat-libdns_sd/dns_sd.h "${D}"/usr/include/dns_sd.h
- if use autoipd
- then
- insinto /$(get_libdir)/rcscripts/net
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/
- fi
- dodoc docs/{AUTHORS,README,TODO}
-pkg_postrm() {
- use python && python_mod_cleanup /usr/$(get_libdir)/python*/site-packages/avahi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use python; then
- python_version
- python_mod_optimize /usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/avahi
- fi
- if use autoipd
- then
- elog
- elog "To use avahi-autoipd to configure your interfaces with IPv4LL (RFC3927)"
- elog "addresses, just set config_<interface>=( autoipd ) in /etc/conf.d/net!"
- elog
- fi
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.22-r1.ebuild b/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.22-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 18017ff2f5ac..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.22-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2000-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.22-r1.ebuild,v 1.10 2008/12/14 15:15:48 loki_val Exp $
-inherit eutils mono python multilib autotools
-DESCRIPTION="System which facilitates service discovery on a local network"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ~arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 ~sh sparc x86"
-IUSE="bookmarks howl-compat mdnsresponder-compat gdbm dbus doc mono gtk python qt3 qt4 autoipd kernel_linux test ipv6"
- dev-libs/expat
- >=dev-libs/glib-2
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm )
- qt3? ( x11-libs/qt:3 )
- qt4? (
- || (
- x11-libs/qt-core:4
- x11-libs/qt:4
- )
- )
- gtk? (
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4.0
- >=gnome-base/libglade-2.4.0
- )
- dbus? (
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30
- python? (
- || (
- dev-python/dbus-python
- (
- <sys-apps/dbus-0.90
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30
- )
- )
- )
- )
- mono? (
- >=dev-lang/mono-1.1.10
- gtk? ( >=dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-2 )
- )
- howl-compat? ( !net-misc/howl )
- mdnsresponder-compat? ( !net-misc/mDNSResponder )
- python? (
- >=virtual/python-2.4
- gtk? ( >=dev-python/pygtk-2 )
- )
- bookmarks? (
- dev-python/twisted
- dev-python/twisted-web
- )
- kernel_linux? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- !net-misc/mDNSResponder"
- >=dev-util/intltool-0.35
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.9.0
- doc? (
- app-doc/doxygen
- mono? ( >=virtual/monodoc-1.1.8 )
- )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use python && ! built_with_use dev-lang/python gdbm
- then
- die "For python support you need dev-lang/python compiled with gdbm support!"
- fi
- if use python && use dbus && ! has_version dev-python/dbus-python && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus python
- then
- die "For python and dbus support you need sys-apps/dbus compiled with python support or dev-python/dbus-python!"
- fi
- if ( use mdnsresponder-compat || use howl-compat || use mono ) && ! use dbus
- then
- die "For *-compat or mono support you also need to enable the dbus USE flag!"
- fi
- if use bookmarks && ! ( use python && use dbus && use gtk )
- then
- die "For bookmarks support you also need to enable the python, dbus and gtk USE flags!"
- fi
- if use python && ! use dbus && ! use gtk
- then
- die "For proper python support you also need the dbus and gtk USE flags!"
- fi
-pkg_preinst() {
- enewgroup netdev
- enewgroup avahi
- enewuser avahi -1 -1 -1 avahi
- if use autoipd
- then
- enewgroup avahi-autoipd
- enewuser avahi-autoipd -1 -1 -1 avahi-autoipd
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-vncviewer.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gobject.patch
- eautomake
- use ipv6 && sed -i -e s/use-ipv6=no/use-ipv6=yes/ avahi-daemon/avahi-daemon.conf
- sed -i -e "s:\\.\\./\\.\\./\\.\\./doc/avahi-docs/html/:../../../doc/${PF}/html/:" doxygen_to_devhelp.xsl
-src_compile() {
- local myconf=""
- if use python
- then
- use dbus && myconf="${myconf} --enable-python-dbus"
- use gtk && myconf="${myconf} --enable-pygtk"
- fi
- if use mono && use doc
- then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-monodoc"
- fi
- # We need to unset DISPLAY, else the configure script might have problems detecting the pygtk module
- unset DISPLAY
- econf \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --with-distro=gentoo \
- --disable-python-dbus \
- --disable-pygtk \
- --disable-xmltoman \
- --disable-monodoc \
- --enable-glib \
- $(use_enable test tests) \
- $(use_enable autoipd) \
- $(use_enable mdnsresponder-compat compat-libdns_sd) \
- $(use_enable howl-compat compat-howl) \
- $(use_enable doc doxygen-doc) \
- $(use_enable mono) \
- $(use_enable dbus) \
- $(use_enable python) \
- $(use_enable gtk) \
- $(use_enable qt3) \
- $(use_enable qt4) \
- $(use_enable gdbm) \
- ${myconf} \
- || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
- use doc && emake avahi.devhelp
-src_install() {
- emake install py_compile=true DESTDIR="${D}" || die "make install failed"
- use bookmarks || rm -f "${D}"/usr/bin/avahi-bookmarks
- use howl-compat && ln -s avahi-compat-howl.pc "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/howl.pc
- use mdnsresponder-compat && ln -s avahi-compat-libdns_sd/dns_sd.h "${D}"/usr/include/dns_sd.h
- if use autoipd
- then
- insinto /$(get_libdir)/rcscripts/net
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/
- insinto /$(get_libdir)/rc/net
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/
- fi
- dodoc docs/{AUTHORS,README,TODO}
- if use doc
- then
- dohtml -r doxygen/html/.
- insinto /usr/share/devhelp/books/avahi
- doins avahi.devhelp
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- use python && python_mod_cleanup
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use python; then
- python_version
- python_mod_optimize /usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/avahi
- fi
- if use autoipd
- then
- elog
- elog "To use avahi-autoipd to configure your interfaces with IPv4LL (RFC3927)"
- elog "addresses, just set config_<interface>=( autoipd ) in /etc/conf.d/net!"
- elog
- fi
- if use dbus
- then
- elog
- elog "If this is your first install of avahi please reload your dbus config"
- elog "with /etc/init.d/dbus reload before starting avahi-daemon!"
- elog
- fi
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.23.ebuild b/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.23.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ab13b437a24..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.23.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2000-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.23.ebuild,v 1.2 2008/12/14 15:15:48 loki_val Exp $
-inherit eutils mono python multilib
-DESCRIPTION="System which facilitates service discovery on a local network"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="bookmarks howl-compat mdnsresponder-compat gdbm dbus doc mono gtk python qt3 qt4 autoipd kernel_linux test ipv6"
- dev-libs/expat
- >=dev-libs/glib-2
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm )
- qt3? ( x11-libs/qt:3 )
- qt4? (
- || (
- x11-libs/qt-core:4
- x11-libs/qt:4
- )
- )
- gtk? (
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4.0
- >=gnome-base/libglade-2.4.0
- )
- dbus? (
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30
- python? (
- || (
- dev-python/dbus-python
- (
- <sys-apps/dbus-0.90
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30
- )
- )
- )
- )
- mono? (
- >=dev-lang/mono-1.1.10
- gtk? ( >=dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-2 )
- )
- howl-compat? ( !net-misc/howl )
- mdnsresponder-compat? ( !net-misc/mDNSResponder )
- python? (
- >=virtual/python-2.4
- gtk? ( >=dev-python/pygtk-2 )
- )
- bookmarks? (
- dev-python/twisted
- dev-python/twisted-web
- )
- kernel_linux? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- !net-misc/mDNSResponder"
- >=dev-util/intltool-0.35
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.9.0
- doc? (
- app-doc/doxygen
- mono? ( >=virtual/monodoc-1.1.8 )
- )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use python && ! built_with_use dev-lang/python gdbm
- then
- die "For python support you need dev-lang/python compiled with gdbm support!"
- fi
- if use python && use dbus && ! has_version dev-python/dbus-python && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus python
- then
- die "For python and dbus support you need sys-apps/dbus compiled with python support or dev-python/dbus-python!"
- fi
- if ( use mdnsresponder-compat || use howl-compat || use mono ) && ! use dbus
- then
- die "For *-compat or mono support you also need to enable the dbus USE flag!"
- fi
- if use bookmarks && ! ( use python && use dbus && use gtk )
- then
- die "For bookmarks support you also need to enable the python, dbus and gtk USE flags!"
- fi
- if use python && ! use dbus && ! use gtk
- then
- die "For proper python support you also need the dbus and gtk USE flags!"
- fi
-pkg_preinst() {
- enewgroup netdev
- enewgroup avahi
- enewuser avahi -1 -1 -1 avahi
- if use autoipd
- then
- enewgroup avahi-autoipd
- enewuser avahi-autoipd -1 -1 -1 avahi-autoipd
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- use ipv6 && sed -i -e s/use-ipv6=no/use-ipv6=yes/ avahi-daemon/avahi-daemon.conf
- sed -i -e "s:\\.\\./\\.\\./\\.\\./doc/avahi-docs/html/:../../../doc/${PF}/html/:" doxygen_to_devhelp.xsl
-src_compile() {
- local myconf=""
- if use python
- then
- use dbus && myconf="${myconf} --enable-python-dbus"
- use gtk && myconf="${myconf} --enable-pygtk"
- fi
- if use mono && use doc
- then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-monodoc"
- fi
- # We need to unset DISPLAY, else the configure script might have problems detecting the pygtk module
- unset DISPLAY
- econf \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --with-distro=gentoo \
- --disable-python-dbus \
- --disable-pygtk \
- --disable-xmltoman \
- --disable-monodoc \
- --enable-glib \
- $(use_enable test tests) \
- $(use_enable autoipd) \
- $(use_enable mdnsresponder-compat compat-libdns_sd) \
- $(use_enable howl-compat compat-howl) \
- $(use_enable doc doxygen-doc) \
- $(use_enable mono) \
- $(use_enable dbus) \
- $(use_enable python) \
- $(use_enable gtk) \
- $(use_enable qt3) \
- $(use_enable qt4) \
- $(use_enable gdbm) \
- ${myconf} \
- || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
- use doc && emake avahi.devhelp
-src_install() {
- emake install py_compile=true DESTDIR="${D}" || die "make install failed"
- use bookmarks || rm -f "${D}"/usr/bin/avahi-bookmarks
- use howl-compat && ln -s avahi-compat-howl.pc "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/howl.pc
- use mdnsresponder-compat && ln -s avahi-compat-libdns_sd/dns_sd.h "${D}"/usr/include/dns_sd.h
- if use autoipd
- then
- insinto /$(get_libdir)/rcscripts/net
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/
- insinto /$(get_libdir)/rc/net
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/
- fi
- dodoc docs/{AUTHORS,README,TODO}
- if use doc
- then
- dohtml -r doxygen/html/.
- insinto /usr/share/devhelp/books/avahi
- doins avahi.devhelp
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- use python && python_mod_cleanup
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use python; then
- python_version
- python_mod_optimize /usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/avahi
- fi
- if use autoipd
- then
- elog
- elog "To use avahi-autoipd to configure your interfaces with IPv4LL (RFC3927)"
- elog "addresses, just set config_<interface>=( autoipd ) in /etc/conf.d/net!"
- elog
- fi
- if use dbus
- then
- elog
- elog "If this is your first install of avahi please reload your dbus config"
- elog "with /etc/init.d/dbus reload before starting avahi-daemon!"
- elog
- fi
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.24-r1.ebuild b/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.24-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 630c1cb8a0b1..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.24-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.24-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/03/06 23:04:33 swegener Exp $
-inherit eutils mono python multilib
-DESCRIPTION="System which facilitates service discovery on a local network"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="bookmarks howl-compat mdnsresponder-compat gdbm dbus doc mono gtk python qt3 qt4 autoipd kernel_linux test ipv6"
- dev-libs/expat
- >=dev-libs/glib-2
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm )
- qt3? ( x11-libs/qt:3 )
- qt4? (
- || (
- x11-libs/qt-core:4
- x11-libs/qt:4
- )
- )
- gtk? (
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4.0
- >=gnome-base/libglade-2.4.0
- )
- dbus? (
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30
- python? (
- || (
- dev-python/dbus-python
- (
- <sys-apps/dbus-0.90
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30
- )
- )
- )
- )
- mono? (
- >=dev-lang/mono-1.1.10
- gtk? ( >=dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-2 )
- )
- howl-compat? ( !net-misc/howl )
- mdnsresponder-compat? ( !net-misc/mDNSResponder )
- python? (
- >=virtual/python-2.4
- gtk? ( >=dev-python/pygtk-2 )
- )
- bookmarks? (
- dev-python/twisted
- dev-python/twisted-web
- )
- kernel_linux? ( sys-libs/libcap )"
- >=dev-util/intltool-0.35
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.9.0
- doc? (
- app-doc/doxygen
- mono? ( >=virtual/monodoc-1.1.8 )
- )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use python && ! built_with_use dev-lang/python gdbm
- then
- die "For python support you need dev-lang/python compiled with gdbm support!"
- fi
- if use python && use dbus && ! has_version dev-python/dbus-python && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus python
- then
- die "For python and dbus support you need sys-apps/dbus compiled with python support or dev-python/dbus-python!"
- fi
- if ( use mdnsresponder-compat || use howl-compat || use mono ) && ! use dbus
- then
- die "For *-compat or mono support you also need to enable the dbus USE flag!"
- fi
- if use bookmarks && ! ( use python && use dbus && use gtk )
- then
- die "For bookmarks support you also need to enable the python, dbus and gtk USE flags!"
- fi
- if use python && ! use dbus && ! use gtk
- then
- die "For proper python support you also need the dbus and gtk USE flags!"
- fi
-pkg_preinst() {
- enewgroup netdev
- enewgroup avahi
- enewuser avahi -1 -1 -1 avahi
- if use autoipd
- then
- enewgroup avahi-autoipd
- enewuser avahi-autoipd -1 -1 -1 avahi-autoipd
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- use ipv6 && sed -i -e s/use-ipv6=no/use-ipv6=yes/ avahi-daemon/avahi-daemon.conf
- sed -i -e "s:\\.\\./\\.\\./\\.\\./doc/avahi-docs/html/:../../../doc/${PF}/html/:" doxygen_to_devhelp.xsl
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/avahi-0.6.24-CVE-2009-0758.patch
-src_compile() {
- local myconf=""
- if use python
- then
- use dbus && myconf="${myconf} --enable-python-dbus"
- use gtk && myconf="${myconf} --enable-pygtk"
- fi
- if use mono && use doc
- then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-monodoc"
- fi
- # We need to unset DISPLAY, else the configure script might have problems detecting the pygtk module
- unset DISPLAY
- econf \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --with-distro=gentoo \
- --disable-python-dbus \
- --disable-pygtk \
- --disable-xmltoman \
- --disable-monodoc \
- --enable-glib \
- $(use_enable test tests) \
- $(use_enable autoipd) \
- $(use_enable mdnsresponder-compat compat-libdns_sd) \
- $(use_enable howl-compat compat-howl) \
- $(use_enable doc doxygen-doc) \
- $(use_enable mono) \
- $(use_enable dbus) \
- $(use_enable python) \
- $(use_enable gtk) \
- $(use_enable qt3) \
- $(use_enable qt4) \
- $(use_enable gdbm) \
- ${myconf} \
- || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
- use doc && emake avahi.devhelp
-src_install() {
- emake install py_compile=true DESTDIR="${D}" || die "make install failed"
- use bookmarks || rm -f "${D}"/usr/bin/avahi-bookmarks
- use howl-compat && ln -s avahi-compat-howl.pc "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/howl.pc
- use mdnsresponder-compat && ln -s avahi-compat-libdns_sd/dns_sd.h "${D}"/usr/include/dns_sd.h
- if use autoipd
- then
- insinto /$(get_libdir)/rcscripts/net
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/
- insinto /$(get_libdir)/rc/net
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/
- fi
- dodoc docs/{AUTHORS,README,TODO}
- if use doc
- then
- dohtml -r doxygen/html/.
- insinto /usr/share/devhelp/books/avahi
- doins avahi.devhelp
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- use python && python_mod_cleanup
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use python; then
- python_version
- python_mod_optimize /usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/avahi
- fi
- if use autoipd
- then
- elog
- elog "To use avahi-autoipd to configure your interfaces with IPv4LL (RFC3927)"
- elog "addresses, just set config_<interface>=( autoipd ) in /etc/conf.d/net!"
- elog
- fi
- if use dbus
- then
- elog
- elog "If this is your first install of avahi please reload your dbus config"
- elog "with /etc/init.d/dbus reload before starting avahi-daemon!"
- elog
- fi
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.24.ebuild b/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.24.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ebcc7cac642a..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.24.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2000-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.6.24.ebuild,v 1.8 2009/03/05 21:13:27 swegener Exp $
-inherit eutils mono python multilib
-DESCRIPTION="System which facilitates service discovery on a local network"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ~arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 ~sh sparc x86"
-IUSE="bookmarks howl-compat mdnsresponder-compat gdbm dbus doc mono gtk python qt3 qt4 autoipd kernel_linux test ipv6"
- dev-libs/expat
- >=dev-libs/glib-2
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm )
- qt3? ( x11-libs/qt:3 )
- qt4? (
- || (
- x11-libs/qt-core:4
- x11-libs/qt:4
- )
- )
- gtk? (
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4.0
- >=gnome-base/libglade-2.4.0
- )
- dbus? (
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30
- python? (
- || (
- dev-python/dbus-python
- (
- <sys-apps/dbus-0.90
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30
- )
- )
- )
- )
- mono? (
- >=dev-lang/mono-1.1.10
- gtk? ( >=dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-2 )
- )
- howl-compat? ( !net-misc/howl )
- mdnsresponder-compat? ( !net-misc/mDNSResponder )
- python? (
- >=virtual/python-2.4
- gtk? ( >=dev-python/pygtk-2 )
- )
- bookmarks? (
- dev-python/twisted
- dev-python/twisted-web
- )
- kernel_linux? ( sys-libs/libcap )"
- >=dev-util/intltool-0.35
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.9.0
- doc? (
- app-doc/doxygen
- mono? ( >=virtual/monodoc-1.1.8 )
- )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use python && ! built_with_use dev-lang/python gdbm
- then
- die "For python support you need dev-lang/python compiled with gdbm support!"
- fi
- if use python && use dbus && ! has_version dev-python/dbus-python && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus python
- then
- die "For python and dbus support you need sys-apps/dbus compiled with python support or dev-python/dbus-python!"
- fi
- if ( use mdnsresponder-compat || use howl-compat || use mono ) && ! use dbus
- then
- die "For *-compat or mono support you also need to enable the dbus USE flag!"
- fi
- if use bookmarks && ! ( use python && use dbus && use gtk )
- then
- die "For bookmarks support you also need to enable the python, dbus and gtk USE flags!"
- fi
- if use python && ! use dbus && ! use gtk
- then
- die "For proper python support you also need the dbus and gtk USE flags!"
- fi
-pkg_preinst() {
- enewgroup netdev
- enewgroup avahi
- enewuser avahi -1 -1 -1 avahi
- if use autoipd
- then
- enewgroup avahi-autoipd
- enewuser avahi-autoipd -1 -1 -1 avahi-autoipd
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- use ipv6 && sed -i -e s/use-ipv6=no/use-ipv6=yes/ avahi-daemon/avahi-daemon.conf
- sed -i -e "s:\\.\\./\\.\\./\\.\\./doc/avahi-docs/html/:../../../doc/${PF}/html/:" doxygen_to_devhelp.xsl
-src_compile() {
- local myconf=""
- if use python
- then
- use dbus && myconf="${myconf} --enable-python-dbus"
- use gtk && myconf="${myconf} --enable-pygtk"
- fi
- if use mono && use doc
- then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-monodoc"
- fi
- # We need to unset DISPLAY, else the configure script might have problems detecting the pygtk module
- unset DISPLAY
- econf \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --with-distro=gentoo \
- --disable-python-dbus \
- --disable-pygtk \
- --disable-xmltoman \
- --disable-monodoc \
- --enable-glib \
- $(use_enable test tests) \
- $(use_enable autoipd) \
- $(use_enable mdnsresponder-compat compat-libdns_sd) \
- $(use_enable howl-compat compat-howl) \
- $(use_enable doc doxygen-doc) \
- $(use_enable mono) \
- $(use_enable dbus) \
- $(use_enable python) \
- $(use_enable gtk) \
- $(use_enable qt3) \
- $(use_enable qt4) \
- $(use_enable gdbm) \
- ${myconf} \
- || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
- use doc && emake avahi.devhelp
-src_install() {
- emake install py_compile=true DESTDIR="${D}" || die "make install failed"
- use bookmarks || rm -f "${D}"/usr/bin/avahi-bookmarks
- use howl-compat && ln -s avahi-compat-howl.pc "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/howl.pc
- use mdnsresponder-compat && ln -s avahi-compat-libdns_sd/dns_sd.h "${D}"/usr/include/dns_sd.h
- if use autoipd
- then
- insinto /$(get_libdir)/rcscripts/net
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/
- insinto /$(get_libdir)/rc/net
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/
- fi
- dodoc docs/{AUTHORS,README,TODO}
- if use doc
- then
- dohtml -r doxygen/html/.
- insinto /usr/share/devhelp/books/avahi
- doins avahi.devhelp
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- use python && python_mod_cleanup
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use python; then
- python_version
- python_mod_optimize /usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/avahi
- fi
- if use autoipd
- then
- elog
- elog "To use avahi-autoipd to configure your interfaces with IPv4LL (RFC3927)"
- elog "addresses, just set config_<interface>=( autoipd ) in /etc/conf.d/net!"
- elog
- fi
- if use dbus
- then
- elog
- elog "If this is your first install of avahi please reload your dbus config"
- elog "with /etc/init.d/dbus reload before starting avahi-daemon!"
- elog
- fi
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.1-no-ipv6.patch b/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.1-no-ipv6.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 85d78207604a..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.1-no-ipv6.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-uClibc systems dont define IPV6_V6ONLY when USE=-ipv6
---- avahi-core/socket.c
-+++ avahi-core/socket.c
-@@ -360,6 +360,7 @@
- }
- int avahi_open_socket_ipv6(int no_reuse) {
-+#ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY
- struct sockaddr_in6 sa, local;
- int fd = -1, yes, r;
- int ttl;
-@@ -425,6 +426,7 @@
- fail:
- if (fd >= 0)
- close(fd);
- return -1;
- }
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.19-assert-security.patch b/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.19-assert-security.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 596245ecbe31..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.19-assert-security.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Index: trunk/avahi-daemon/dbus-util.c
---- trunk/avahi-daemon/dbus-util.c (revision 1357)
-+++ trunk/avahi-daemon/dbus-util.c (revision 1482)
-@@ -345,4 +345,7 @@
- n = 0;
- dbus_message_iter_get_fixed_array(&sub2, &k, &n);
-+ if (!k)
-+ k = (const uint8_t*) "";
- strlst = avahi_string_list_add_arbitrary(strlst, k, n);
-Index: trunk/avahi-common/strlst.c
---- trunk/avahi-common/strlst.c (revision 1050)
-+++ trunk/avahi-common/strlst.c (revision 1482)
-@@ -52,5 +52,5 @@
- AvahiStringList *n;
-- assert(text);
-+ assert(size == 0 || text);
- if (!(n = avahi_string_list_add_anonymous(l, size)))
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.19-ui-sharp-automake.patch b/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.19-ui-sharp-automake.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a99cc2ed2a80..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.19-ui-sharp-automake.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Index: trunk/avahi-ui-sharp/
---- trunk/avahi-ui-sharp/ (revision 1478)
-+++ trunk/avahi-ui-sharp/ (revision 1480)
-@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
- $(ASSEMBLY).config: $(ASSEMBLY)
- $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/avahi-common/ < $< > $@
--zssh.exe: $(srcdir)/zssh.cs
-- mcs -out:$@ $^ -r:./avahi-ui-sharp.dll -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0 -r:Mono.Posix
-+zssh.exe: $(srcdir)/zssh.cs $(ASSEMBLY)
-+ mcs -out:$@ $(srcdir)/zssh.cs -r:./avahi-ui-sharp.dll -r:../avahi-sharp/avahi-sharp.dll -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0 -r:Mono.Posix
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.19-ui-sharp-gtk.patch b/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.19-ui-sharp-gtk.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f3d261e6262..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.19-ui-sharp-gtk.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nur avahi-0.6.19.orig/avahi-ui-sharp/ avahi-0.6.19/avahi-ui-sharp/
---- avahi-0.6.19.orig/avahi-ui-sharp/ 2007-06-29 17:46:50.068591000 +0000
-+++ avahi-0.6.19/avahi-ui-sharp/ 2007-06-29 17:48:32.023145178 +0000
-@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
- all: $(ASSEMBLY) $(ASSEMBLY).config zssh.exe
-@@ -68,3 +69,4 @@
- endif
- endif
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.20-autoipd.patch b/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.20-autoipd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e517575223b..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.20-autoipd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Index: trunk/avahi-autoipd/main.c
---- trunk/avahi-autoipd/main.c (revision 1502)
-+++ trunk/avahi-autoipd/main.c (revision 1503)
-@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
- sa.sll_halen = ETHER_ADDRLEN;
- memset(sa.sll_addr, 0xFF, ETHER_ADDRLEN);
-- if (sendto(fd, packet, packet_len, 0, (struct sockaddr*) &sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) {
-+ if (sendto(fd, packet->ether_payload, packet_len, 0, (struct sockaddr*) &sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) {
- daemon_log(LOG_ERR, "sendto() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.22-gobject.patch b/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.22-gobject.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2546ee1c7ddf..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.22-gobject.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-build avahi-gobject only when avahi-client is also built
-(modified to only patch the makefiles)
-Index: trunk/avahi-gobject/
---- trunk/avahi-gobject/ (revision 1669)
-+++ trunk/avahi-gobject/ (revision 1670)
-@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
- AM_CFLAGS+='-DDEBUG_TRAP=__asm__("int $$3")'
- avahigobjectincludedir=$(includedir)/avahi-gobject
-@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@
- $< > $@
- endif
- indent:
- indent -brf -nbbo -nbc -ip0 -cs -nbfde -npsl -br -brs -bap -i4 -bs -cdw -ce -npcs -hnl -cli4 -nut -ci8 ga-*.[ch]
-Index: trunk/
---- trunk/ (revision 1669)
-+++ trunk/ (revision 1670)
-@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
- $(srcdir)/avahi-glib/glib-malloc.h
- DX_INPUT += \
- $(srcdir)/avahi-gobject/ga-client.h \
- $(srcdir)/avahi-gobject/ga-entry-group.h \
-@@ -122,6 +123,7 @@
- $(srcdir)/avahi-gobject/ga-service-resolver.h
- endif
- endif
- DX_INPUT += \
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.22-vncviewer.patch b/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.22-vncviewer.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a47e79ff7f2..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-0.6.22-vncviewer.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-xvncviewer is an alternative on debian.
-vncviewer is what the vnc distribution and we use.
---- avahi-0.6.22/avahi-ui/bssh.c
-+++ avahi-0.6.22/avahi-ui/bssh.c
-@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
- gtk_widget_destroy(d);
-- g_print("xvncviewer %s\n", p);
-- execlp("xvncviewer", "xvncviewer", p, NULL);
-+ g_print("vncviewer %s\n", p);
-+ execlp("vncviewer", "vncviewer", p, NULL);
- } else {
- char p[16];
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-start-after-netmount.patch b/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-start-after-netmount.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 74de8e64756f..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-start-after-netmount.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Index: trunk/initscript/gentoo/
---- trunk/initscript/gentoo/ (revision 1538)
-+++ trunk/initscript/gentoo/ (working copy)
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
- # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
--opts="${opts} reload"
- depend() {
- need avahi-daemon
-Index: trunk/initscript/gentoo/
---- trunk/initscript/gentoo/ (revision 1538)
-+++ trunk/initscript/gentoo/ (working copy)
-@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
- #!/sbin/runscript
- # $Id: avahi-start-after-netmount.patch,v 1.1 2007/09/09 20:37:33 swegener Exp $
- # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
- # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
--opts="${opts} reload"
- depend() {
-+ before netmount
- use net
- need dbus
- }
diff --git a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-vncviewer.patch b/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-vncviewer.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cad6eb210668..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/avahi/files/avahi-vncviewer.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-xvncviewer is an alternative on debian.
-vncviewer is what the vnc distribution and we use.
---- avahi/avahi-ui/bssh.c
-+++ avahi/avahi-ui/bssh.c
-@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
- gtk_widget_destroy(d);
-- g_print("xvncviewer %s\n", p);
-- execlp("xvncviewer", "xvncviewer", p, NULL);
-+ g_print("vncviewer %s\n", p);
-+ execlp("vncviewer", "vncviewer", p, NULL);
- } else {
- char p[16];