path: root/net-fs
diff options
authorPeter Volkov <>2011-04-03 11:16:05 +0000
committerPeter Volkov <>2011-04-03 11:16:05 +0000
commit11ec1ebce5726b4972dfe518e44afee1f74d262b (patch)
tree59046d582c52d8f308baaf89367116c3041b27cf /net-fs
parentDon't PROVIDE virtual/gzip, bug 358829. (diff)
Drop old, #361773, thank Dustin Polke for this job.
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'net-fs')
18 files changed, 10 insertions, 1583 deletions
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/ChangeLog b/net-fs/autofs/ChangeLog
index 447c0eee03c2..6c9c78c3771b 100644
--- a/net-fs/autofs/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-fs/autofs/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for net-fs/autofs
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/ChangeLog,v 1.99 2011/04/03 09:49:15 pva Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/ChangeLog,v 1.100 2011/04/03 11:16:05 pva Exp $
+ 03 Apr 2011; Peter Volkov <> -autofs-3.1.7-r5.ebuild,
+ -autofs-3.1.7-r6.ebuild, -autofs-5.0.4.ebuild, -autofs-5.0.4-r2.ebuild,
+ -autofs-5.0.4-r3.ebuild, -autofs-5.0.4-r4.ebuild, -files/autofs.confd,
+ -files/autofs.rc10, -files/autofs.rc6, -files/autofs.rc7, -files/autofs.rc8,
+ -files/autofs.rc9, -files/autofs1.confd, -files/automount.diff,
+ -files/ldap_config.patch, -files/nisyp.patch:
+ Drop old, #361773, thank Dustin Polke for this job.
*autofs-5.0.5-r1 (03 Apr 2011)
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/Manifest b/net-fs/autofs/Manifest
index 9230af8d424f..2a207b434945 100644
--- a/net-fs/autofs/Manifest
+++ b/net-fs/autofs/Manifest
@@ -11,24 +11,13 @@ AUX autofs-5.0.5-fix-building-without-sasl.patch 469 RMD160 63727a0f759f57291fb0
AUX autofs-5.0.5-fix-install-deadlink.patch 544 RMD160 1fc3e01015a0b18e90a41754654ca6b7b1f3f30c SHA1 6170d1f7cd2ba88063967154b92d2ef67d760160 SHA256 48393e00ddb51c5b0588ea45711abb16bf256c487c584062bc3de59b30bae053
AUX autofs-5.0.5-respect-user-flags-and-fix-asneeded-v1.patch 4400 RMD160 441f8c5488267036da65f69234f11fd82015f809 SHA1 94016e5fde7286e54f8ca0c465dc3f1fe3bbd3ba SHA256 ab5cbc585fb3f6f753d08345beffbb4a188d8f957fad3ee9c81487baca6e69ec
AUX autofs-5.0.5-respect-user-flags-and-fix-asneeded.patch 3851 RMD160 df4fec7045a4dea512745f91fbbb3c7d00d2cf9f SHA1 b9e175dffcb65cb83fc34a15dce3c91f279278f3 SHA256 f69b3fcc717e96826fa6f6b2766423bc6d12cee06b739b0f10b99ffa3e4589ad
-AUX autofs.confd 186 RMD160 812709be1af1cfc35fa313907496bfb4e9490386 SHA1 51cfe6ffa36ee5bc02f61a3d500469d73e3aa266 SHA256 d32c102ae6bab4958d230366cd42c1a67fab4f38e0d6abdf0c4a94cd71dffa45
AUX autofs.confd9 799 RMD160 ef61372f9f804dc5b9f662d3810b8a8c80b635de SHA1 80612d8fa46c2b9b7ffdd8d3e711e6d14f0af19f SHA256 c19db9095a5b21bcc0da40adad7141800ddb43db09548adf4c91fd813d9b5e1f
-AUX autofs.rc10 6373 RMD160 bbff8d48111f33a36afd4bf1628d7366a87478fd SHA1 957f37f6e61c89ab0cb452f7a1e7e55e4d0f9070 SHA256 e8ddf8aac8ae593be10ad9640f739f2ddc4d23566bdaeb9b1ac70a3d5c4f31ec
AUX autofs.rc11 7469 RMD160 e8472a75e3804a83cdb31fb1a9e293a87492ba0b SHA1 be29dc822d5216bd40edf1067df04eb5b56455a1 SHA256 a050aff19d249598d789859fbfd01ac72d73a68f83d9edb96661aae76a5f5481
AUX autofs.rc12 7807 RMD160 bdd91c47ee5c223ca6eb7b395a4f82f36abd26f6 SHA1 a5efe6948c9674c4d2019db5e81de9d0a64ffaca SHA256 dc08949c2d47614be7fcea8be9988de52715b8072753ee3df77a87c19962975c
AUX autofs.rc13 7876 RMD160 feb761b16f10e90ca55fc25a75b1ada9e79a83e2 SHA1 dadfdea84cf741ede50f5131433f88b09dd05f40 SHA256 d477a63305db5d0cc78e9f538cea745f733ae46305f71986c8a5abce1d2f0c56
AUX autofs.rc14 7881 RMD160 f801010b880dca90ea76926880af928889b2fe38 SHA1 3d1cb7d1bd9b34035932452ea47dcd291ff7b0b4 SHA256 6d233d75882e93f2139b706df58eb4172dbac1ffe55dd1b4792492db97ab457d
-AUX autofs.rc6 3717 RMD160 9124279f8c70b0f4f9c4729a71469b178bd2395a SHA1 b17efbf35768395ea25c9ea4037d49c3eb61d4a2 SHA256 96ecff3e66a4364aaea5bdce7a33454b3315a04745cc5897208c33e749692016
-AUX autofs.rc7 3624 RMD160 898c771eedbf52cbf856449370640873db7c4fd2 SHA1 f72e598317ba58fe6c9598547876e8dd60b9e007 SHA256 406a9025829c8485ef73400a76f678a6c1c87694241936db1dfae5241e751e5e
-AUX autofs.rc8 5186 RMD160 7a97786ecbca979a1b3aa754b6a638b580a9836d SHA1 f1f5b9837d176085c5e81bfe2321bdec15f90e74 SHA256 e9c094b03fec0a184800f750d79bf73ee6daf614c312b5c927110d8f2b0d1511
-AUX autofs.rc9 5617 RMD160 2822212b6717504aecc29cab029e5247bddecca9 SHA1 2b159ab25f390cdc230b20046ce8b4adcc8e99fb SHA256 6534a2c96f915132d7834478bf8913a8f00bf97ae91c5df55bf5e612f403735b
-AUX autofs1.confd 137 RMD160 35c5171eb57db792830e94f28058b1b50534c236 SHA1 d5e415b4bb74b1fd91f9ad4ce863cd70ca5460d1 SHA256 d4be4500623e3ba986ad124b273c9119da78b12eb94c6d39e358ed9d623a1a8a
AUX autofs5.initd 1646 RMD160 1a50fdf84bee8a44e38555a4a788d80a79d6411a SHA1 97495945082aa52744d1308b4c94ce4c96a8c0e8 SHA256 1e814580d1455bd36737ec71c025d218bbea370977ac8cd067166451c8741117
AUX autofs5.rc1 920 RMD160 9adb413578fba86eeabefb2c25b4bf6e27bd8efe SHA1 44db5523bc7d07c949e71bf0fda6499b0c6578d1 SHA256 94c956da80446f391df3a8f89794754c0e42ea9d1fca47f2abe57eecadbc3ffa
-AUX automount.diff 322 RMD160 7fdfa7bd519451b47cbb9795e2ae482ddd45ff59 SHA1 c6bf3d6b2433cafe122d821142f44eee1a8b6ad7 SHA256 eef2d99787fc8967f10c5c308e3a271532013225bdfe28578d0ecb5e3c0c16c1
-AUX ldap_config.patch 785 RMD160 47b296b3dcb005fd65a8b707dbc0ace319d3ace7 SHA1 b81701d25b583d0382b41059be11e2e9ef6a523b SHA256 5f0eb87ea8e20fc4fac46afde8d50fe9307a1835979c279855d36d323e8ff57d
-AUX nisyp.patch 419 RMD160 338ad78c60e048aad661b98c008b8f7cafd7ba8b SHA1 079f558edc12ed022b6f843026aedcf2c6f290c1 SHA256 e85a998ed1f40d41c32b15e1184fcd0b96a9d86f42cf10ebd76c3e553eea19f0
-DIST autofs-3.1.7.tar.bz2 57000 RMD160 c2369e5667fd3315cd06d2168fc3eab075339b49 SHA1 ed1b21ed841ff87dba659693c8b511f0a9c760f7 SHA256 838c6e92c39827b54a37559a02c9b409a4f7ec3124cc6d20845aabfaabe2dd18
DIST autofs-4.1.3-bad_chdir.patch 6343 RMD160 a406cdaa048c7b44cf93bb05df35bf2f790c6cfb SHA1 4e186624b0faaef1a15632d42615463427142dcb SHA256 ba89a372971daa3d689366f7708ec24034c294e485a88d921fb2eac573f95b0f
DIST autofs-4.1.3-miscfixes.patch.gz 3058 RMD160 ad3d831ac3dd60eba633f976bf0cd38c4f05c6a6 SHA1 29603180ca0ddb185ae4d8540e9c99f97659fd63 SHA256 630f9ee90d23b02ffaa5fe379c4f1bca7db61b8f24f9cd5a2764a0c99a7eddfc
DIST autofs-4.1.3-mtab_lock.patch 551 RMD160 f34aeb1e29d8ddc06259c51fcc1bccd48e2b7efc SHA1 a217b7bb26456738bd04c20b83647096e7942cb6 SHA256 13494713f698c29281bc5d27a7b4b2dbb7692b6d18f770fada71ab3b28c33fca
@@ -149,17 +138,11 @@ DIST autofs-5.0.4.tar.bz2 303863 RMD160 00708143c56b440fa0c7589c2d0d9170334e7c3e
DIST autofs-5.0.5-patches-1.tar.lzma 59744 RMD160 4f253dfb04e5f09d16b6101e5121377c3399e399 SHA1 74364fdd40c1b96e788701c5816762e83eb8fb17 SHA256 e94e59fe9c88df727fd7d623be1002250141ea519467bf179dd74ffe797ce2a5
DIST autofs-5.0.5-patches-3.tar.lzma 77343 RMD160 fc60a2605b65f9926dfd334c86c96ff617e845e4 SHA1 62d528a70b828c26496cd1de003fa15097114464 SHA256 161a397230cf767e1f15c50aeeac7974e407935f81939de29ff9029ae88f96a6
DIST autofs-5.0.5.tar.bz2 301327 RMD160 4d105cce439544193b4abcb0ca4763f8c1d3cf54 SHA1 7f8a320cc126cb233be23749669735320fe6933c SHA256 68c73e01bc3c14c7d3613a861bbde4ab601c13f3127fcb837d49e435e5986002
-EBUILD autofs-3.1.7-r5.ebuild 1739 RMD160 2aba32bed55900477131d080beb301b1271be1aa SHA1 8a6b81324f6f893dac00324432b1bcfbb321856a SHA256 4e5c9f0981fb87311e452be843f6426a694c03a613f7eb05c7360c6e43f147ae
-EBUILD autofs-3.1.7-r6.ebuild 1774 RMD160 9054304132c27b09695f97457d257d0099b018a3 SHA1 394c17d7905c79dc37a6abc0cb9801854e82c067 SHA256 c3f954cba4d42f40b3a4d40dc81d3d74976c4bb5b16cf0be7da0c3e11e4cdccb
EBUILD autofs-4.1.3-r7.ebuild 2992 RMD160 7fc94cc967a7756eb9efb3da4a422fbb647c4d2c SHA1 056a5a4710b7275fb47a495985b51a64312412c4 SHA256 e8c538577a1a04659a0ff990b543efdb2dbb61d8b6bbb1cd2c7c1b159a842710
EBUILD autofs-4.1.3-r9.ebuild 3101 RMD160 29c754ba5407258028cc372ee0d88193224f2ff9 SHA1 4fd3ec05fc46d05148c7ef32f97ee402bf2cb23f SHA256 a895a29abf8ee920cfa87764a30052f2d014d3003fc0421d430d0c2300e233bd
EBUILD autofs-5.0.3-r6.ebuild 4266 RMD160 f1fedf489dceea7366f0d334d499fcc1db57d824 SHA1 b8dc48046353e6ea3e4bdd7c228d0ed565077634 SHA256 7db072e58681b59a7e04970134ea8c5d37ffc1388e7e64a27280a013886d335a
-EBUILD autofs-5.0.4-r2.ebuild 2690 RMD160 2e06b0d476013352a24d317003bec8a72c8a0543 SHA1 c79ec2594cc6b9d27b40573383bcca7395dc35bc SHA256 a9ca5432abef194969d40ea041c506c345b21203d283130b166a14dc577c3602
-EBUILD autofs-5.0.4-r3.ebuild 4193 RMD160 820198e5016743bc58993274a8eb6216391391d5 SHA1 456a9c922ce2294f1e6fac4157f7452340ca6d08 SHA256 e6dff9174bb10ca08d15f2deb101298e3fca09926f973ceb01e42850b3c5b944
-EBUILD autofs-5.0.4-r4.ebuild 4467 RMD160 fd8b8bf519bd585154c0216e387e2ffdef5c6e58 SHA1 de127e4e8946b9636ff0a51fab4c71a2fc940b92 SHA256 a3ebf1697a3bd3271f4c3186748d35b12389a94519418fdd310ae225c82e29b7
EBUILD autofs-5.0.4-r5.ebuild 4856 RMD160 f976f8a74c6c4d3aeb9d70066409c53de99baee8 SHA1 14829c8353c82928d902247891cbbae0b3b6e099 SHA256 3e175bde315b472c7f83c94a847f0c40666b345c9486bf143c7a39db0cb71ccc
-EBUILD autofs-5.0.4.ebuild 2520 RMD160 101142f25740c5c9c07178615834abdb9c0d36db SHA1 d965e8186c3d6d4075afab86cfb5500ca5295a0c SHA256 ae46e201d50517bbbbe3cf45dd6555a09d3c18a94ff041a89b5bd5d75a749826
EBUILD autofs-5.0.5-r1.ebuild 3301 RMD160 14bceeaba4a0cf75ef52890b8f427c309a7d6ccd SHA1 64d45908756cb44e59a8128ceb9e0fb443a97488 SHA256 15864305a8b4ab20faeab43ca7a8fb17574d7041ca8696dd5c0bba6f30d276b9
EBUILD autofs-5.0.5.ebuild 2835 RMD160 5c5ca0c11ae8205f85bc8fbec7e2b95f206bbb91 SHA1 0d342ceed013e86f9c7f3a97706bde018843b301 SHA256 5107794cdebe88a072bb8ea82e42b0e17de242da17e032d515fb19a650dab8fe
-MISC ChangeLog 16397 RMD160 0e7abb00ed4604f85f750d7f019528722615f082 SHA1 585857b2600aaa37b64a840346173cd3e95cebce SHA256 c27236c41db67d3ceb50f53ad646b1a84e57812a855c2633413ec647d3d90cbf
+MISC ChangeLog 16863 RMD160 dfc51c0f17154eab999afd8416efb9c61348a705 SHA1 3c463dfd350d7b1df828c9a004ee96d48e488ed3 SHA256 5721aebb1072dd470f7766414ad10b5208d94b90573577d83df37d7e205989df
MISC metadata.xml 629 RMD160 e54d3bf18dc419c0e900d81ed9aca1432e555d65 SHA1 64893b5cd342d35c9278df1b63fa106629b5ccf4 SHA256 2f9dffb787ccf5f094c9f839c60f32cc78f12546b56da94fec2c1fbb23e07e2b
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-3.1.7-r5.ebuild b/net-fs/autofs/autofs-3.1.7-r5.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f8cbc5c1a1d1..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-3.1.7-r5.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/autofs-3.1.7-r5.ebuild,v 1.17 2007/05/06 10:07:34 genone Exp $
-DESCRIPTION="Kernel based automounter"
-DEPEND="ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-1.2 )"
-KEYWORDS="alpha ia64 ppc sparc x86"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- patch -p0 < ${FILESDIR}/ldap_config.patch || die
- cd ${S}/include
- patch -p0 < ${FILESDIR}/automount.diff || die
- cd ${S}/daemon
- mv Makefile Makefile.orig
- sed -e 's/LIBS \= \-ldl/LIBS \= \-ldl \-lnsl \$\{LIBLDAP\}/' Makefile.orig > Makefile
-src_compile() {
- local myconf
- use ldap || myconf="--without-openldap"
- ./configure \
- --host=${HOST} \
- --prefix=/usr \
- ${myconf} || die
- make || die
-src_install() {
- into /usr
- dosbin daemon/automount
- insinto /usr/lib/autofs
- insopts -m 755
- doins modules/*.so
- cd man
- doman auto.master.5 autofs.5 autofs.8 automount.8
- cd ../samples
- dodir /etc/autofs
- cp ${FILESDIR}/auto.master ${D}/etc/autofs
- cp ${FILESDIR}/auto.misc ${D}/etc/autofs
- exeinto /etc/init.d ; newexe ${FILESDIR}/autofs.rc8 autofs
- insinto /etc/conf.d ; newins ${FILESDIR}/autofs.confd autofs
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Note: If you plan on using autofs for automounting"
- elog "remote NFS mounts without having the NFS daemon running"
- elog "please add portmap to your default run-level."
- elog
- elog "Also the normal autofs status has been renamed stats"
- elog "as there is already a predefined Gentoo status"
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-3.1.7-r6.ebuild b/net-fs/autofs/autofs-3.1.7-r6.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 4222212c8f04..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-3.1.7-r6.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/autofs-3.1.7-r6.ebuild,v 1.7 2007/05/06 10:07:34 genone Exp $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Kernel based automounter"
-DEPEND="ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-1.2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/ldap_config.patch || die "ldap patch died"
- cd ${S}/include
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/automount.diff || die "automount patch died"
- cd ${S}
- autoconf
- cd ${S}/daemon
- sed -i 's/LIBS \= \-ldl/LIBS \= \-ldl \-lnsl \$\{LIBLDAP\}/' Makefile
-src_compile() {
- local myconf
- use ldap || myconf="--without-openldap"
- ./configure \
- --host=${HOST} \
- --prefix=/usr \
- ${myconf} || die
- make || die "make failed"
-src_install() {
- into /usr
- dosbin daemon/automount
- insinto /usr/lib/autofs
- insopts -m 755
- doins modules/*.so
- cd man
- doman auto.master.5 autofs.5 autofs.8 automount.8
- cd ../samples
- dodir /etc/autofs
- cp ${FILESDIR}/auto.master ${D}/etc/autofs
- cp ${FILESDIR}/auto.misc ${D}/etc/autofs
- exeinto /etc/init.d ; newexe ${FILESDIR}/autofs.rc8 autofs
- insinto /etc/conf.d ; newins ${FILESDIR}/autofs.confd autofs
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Note: If you plan on using autofs for automounting"
- elog "remote NFS mounts without having the NFS daemon running"
- elog "please add portmap to your default run-level."
- elog
- elog "Also the normal autofs status has been renamed stats"
- elog "as there is already a predefined Gentoo status"
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r2.ebuild b/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 489d62de47c8..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r2.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/09/23 18:35:30 patrick Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib autotools
-IUSE="ldap sasl"
-DESCRIPTION="Kernel based automounter"
-# This list is taken directly from
-# Please do not modify the order
- ${P}-fix-dumb-libxml2-check.patch
- ${P}-expire-specific-submount-only.patch
- ${P}-fix-negative-cache-non-existent-key.patch
- ${P}-fix-ldap-detection.patch
- ${P}-use-CLOEXEC-flag.patch
- ${P}-fix-select-fd-limit.patch
- ${P}-make-hash-table-scale-to-thousands-of-entries.patch
- ${P}-fix-quoted-mess.patch"
-for i in ${PATCH_LIST} ; do
-done ;
-DEPEND="ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-2.0 )
- sasl? ( virtual/krb5 )"
- # currently, sasl code assumes the presence of kerberosV
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${P}.tar.bz2
- for i in ${PATCH_LIST}; do
- EPATCH_OPTS="-p1 -d ${S}" epatch "${DISTDIR}"/${i}
- done
- cd "${S}"
- # fixes bug #210762
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.0.3-heimdal.patch
- # fixes bugs #253412 and #247969
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-user-ldflags-and-as-needed.patch
- # # use CC and CFLAGS from environment (bug #154797)
- # write these values in Makefile.conf
- (echo "# Use the compiler and cflags determined by configure";
- echo "CC := @CC@"; echo "CFLAGS := @CFLAGS@") >>
- # make sure Makefile.conf is parsed after Makefile.rules
- sed -ni '/include Makefile.conf/{x; n; G}; p' Makefile
- sed -i 's/^\(CC\|CXX\).*//' Makefile.rules
- sed -i 's/^CFLAGS=-fPIE.*//'
- # do not include <nfs/nfs.h>, rather <linux/nfs.h>,
- # as the former is a lame header for the latter (bug #157968)
- sed -i 's@nfs/nfs.h@linux/nfs.h@' include/rpc_subs.h
- eautoreconf || die "Autoconf failed"
-src_compile() {
- econf \
- $(use_with ldap openldap) \
- $(use_with sasl) \
- --enable-ignore-busy \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake DONTSTRIP=1 || die "make failed"
-src_install() {
- make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/autofs5.rc1 autofs
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Note: If you plan on using autofs for automounting"
- elog "remote NFS mounts without having the NFS daemon running"
- elog "please add portmap to your default run-level."
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r3.ebuild b/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f9cd4f96a390..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r3.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/09/23 18:35:30 patrick Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib autotools
-IUSE="ldap sasl"
-DESCRIPTION="Kernel based automounter"
-# This list is taken directly from
-# Please do not modify the order
- ${P}-fix-dumb-libxml2-check.patch
- ${P}-expire-specific-submount-only.patch
- ${P}-fix-negative-cache-non-existent-key.patch
- ${P}-fix-ldap-detection.patch
- ${P}-use-CLOEXEC-flag.patch
- ${P}-fix-select-fd-limit.patch
- ${P}-make-hash-table-scale-to-thousands-of-entries.patch
- ${P}-fix-quoted-mess.patch
- ${P}-use-CLOEXEC-flag-setmntent.patch
- ${P}-fix-hosts-map-use-after-free.patch
- ${P}-uris-list-locking-fix.patch
- ${P}-renew-sasl-creds-upon-reconnect-fail.patch
- ${P}-library-reload-fix-update.patch
- ${P}-force-unlink-umount.patch
- ${P}-always-read-file-maps.patch
- ${P}-code-analysis-corrections.patch
- ${P}-make-MAX_ERR_BUF-and-PARSE_MAX_BUF-use-easier-to-audit.patch
- ${P}-easy-alloca-replacements.patch
- ${P}-configure-libtirpc.patch
- ${P}-ipv6-name-and-address-support.patch
- ${P}-ipv6-parse.patch
- ${P}-add-missing-changelog-entries.patch
- ${P}-use-CLOEXEC-flag-setmntent-include-fix.patch
- ${P}-easy-alloca-replacements-fix.patch
- ${P}-libxml2-workaround-fix.patch
- ${P}-configure-libtirpc-fix.patch
- ${P}-add-nfs-mount-proto-default-conf-option.patch
- ${P}-fix-bad-token-declare.patch
- ${P}-fix-return-start-status-on-fail.patch
- ${P}-fix-double-free-in-expire_proc.patch
- ${P}-another-easy-alloca-replacements-fix.patch
- ${P}-add-lsb-init-script-parameter-block.patch
- ${P}-always-read-file-maps-fix.patch
- ${P}-use-misc-device.patch
- ${P}-fix-restorecon.patch
- ${P}-clear-rpc-client-on-lookup-fail.patch
- ${P}-fix-lsb-init-script-header.patch
- ${P}-fix-memory-leak-reading-ldap-master.patch
- ${P}-fix-st_remove_tasks-locking.patch
- ${P}-reset-flex-scanner-when-setting-buffer.patch
- ${P}-zero-s_magic-is-valid.patch
- ${P}-use-percent-hack-for-master.patch
- ${P}-use-intr-as-hosts-mount-default.patch
- ${P}-fix-kernel-includes.patch
- ${P}-dont-umount-existing-direct-mount-on-reread.patch"
-for i in ${PATCH_LIST} ; do
-done ;
-DEPEND="ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-2.0 )
- sasl? ( virtual/krb5 )"
- # currently, sasl code assumes the presence of kerberosV
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${P}.tar.bz2
- for i in ${PATCH_LIST}; do
- EPATCH_OPTS="-p1 -d ${S}" epatch "${DISTDIR}"/${i}
- done
- cd "${S}"
- # fixes bug #210762
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.0.3-heimdal.patch
- # fixes bugs #253412 and #247969
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-user-ldflags-and-as-needed-v2.patch
- # # use CC and CFLAGS from environment (bug #154797)
- # write these values in Makefile.conf
- (echo "# Use the compiler and cflags determined by configure";
- echo "CC := @CC@"; echo "CFLAGS := @CFLAGS@") >>
- # make sure Makefile.conf is parsed after Makefile.rules
- sed -ni '/include Makefile.conf/{x; n; G}; p' Makefile
- sed -i 's/^\(CC\|CXX\).*//' Makefile.rules
- sed -i 's/^CFLAGS=-fPIE.*//'
- # do not include <nfs/nfs.h>, rather <linux/nfs.h>,
- # as the former is a lame header for the latter (bug #157968)
- sed -i 's@nfs/nfs.h@linux/nfs.h@' include/rpc_subs.h
- eautoreconf || die "Autoconf failed"
-src_compile() {
- econf \
- $(use_with ldap openldap) \
- $(use_with sasl) \
- --enable-ignore-busy \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake DONTSTRIP=1 || die "make failed"
-src_install() {
- make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/autofs5.rc1 autofs
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Note: If you plan on using autofs for automounting"
- elog "remote NFS mounts without having the NFS daemon running"
- elog "please add portmap to your default run-level."
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r4.ebuild b/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1039f52784a0..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4-r4.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/09/23 18:35:30 patrick Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib autotools
-IUSE="ldap sasl"
-DESCRIPTION="Kernel based automounter"
-# This list is taken directly from
-# Please do not modify the order
- ${P}-fix-dumb-libxml2-check.patch
- ${P}-expire-specific-submount-only.patch
- ${P}-fix-negative-cache-non-existent-key.patch
- ${P}-fix-ldap-detection.patch
- ${P}-use-CLOEXEC-flag.patch
- ${P}-fix-select-fd-limit.patch
- ${P}-make-hash-table-scale-to-thousands-of-entries.patch
- ${P}-fix-quoted-mess.patch
- ${P}-use-CLOEXEC-flag-setmntent.patch
- ${P}-fix-hosts-map-use-after-free.patch
- ${P}-uris-list-locking-fix.patch
- ${P}-renew-sasl-creds-upon-reconnect-fail.patch
- ${P}-library-reload-fix-update.patch
- ${P}-force-unlink-umount.patch
- ${P}-always-read-file-maps.patch
- ${P}-code-analysis-corrections.patch
- ${P}-make-MAX_ERR_BUF-and-PARSE_MAX_BUF-use-easier-to-audit.patch
- ${P}-easy-alloca-replacements.patch
- ${P}-configure-libtirpc.patch
- ${P}-ipv6-name-and-address-support.patch
- ${P}-ipv6-parse.patch
- ${P}-add-missing-changelog-entries.patch
- ${P}-use-CLOEXEC-flag-setmntent-include-fix.patch
- ${P}-easy-alloca-replacements-fix.patch
- ${P}-libxml2-workaround-fix.patch
- ${P}-configure-libtirpc-fix.patch
- ${P}-add-nfs-mount-proto-default-conf-option.patch
- ${P}-fix-bad-token-declare.patch
- ${P}-fix-return-start-status-on-fail.patch
- ${P}-fix-double-free-in-expire_proc.patch
- ${P}-another-easy-alloca-replacements-fix.patch
- ${P}-add-lsb-init-script-parameter-block.patch
- ${P}-always-read-file-maps-fix.patch
- ${P}-use-misc-device.patch
- ${P}-fix-restorecon.patch
- ${P}-clear-rpc-client-on-lookup-fail.patch
- ${P}-fix-lsb-init-script-header.patch
- ${P}-fix-memory-leak-reading-ldap-master.patch
- ${P}-fix-st_remove_tasks-locking.patch
- ${P}-reset-flex-scanner-when-setting-buffer.patch
- ${P}-zero-s_magic-is-valid.patch
- ${P}-use-percent-hack-for-master.patch
- ${P}-use-intr-as-hosts-mount-default.patch
- ${P}-fix-kernel-includes.patch
- ${P}-dont-umount-existing-direct-mount-on-reread.patch
- ${P}-library-reload-fix-update-fix.patch
- ${P}-improve-manual-umount-recovery.patch
- ${P}-dont-fail-on-ipv6-address-adding-host.patch
- ${P}-always-read-file-maps-multi-map-fix.patch
- ${P}-always-read-file-maps-key-lookup-fixes.patch
- ${P}-use-srv-query-for-domain-dn.patch"
-for i in ${PATCH_LIST} ; do
-done ;
-DEPEND="ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-2.0 )
- sasl? ( virtual/krb5 )"
- # currently, sasl code assumes the presence of kerberosV
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${P}.tar.bz2
- for i in ${PATCH_LIST}; do
- EPATCH_OPTS="-p1 -d ${S}" epatch "${DISTDIR}"/${i}
- done
- cd "${S}"
- # fixes bug #210762
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.0.3-heimdal.patch
- # fixes bugs #253412 and #247969
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-user-ldflags-and-as-needed-v2.patch
- # # use CC and CFLAGS from environment (bug #154797)
- # write these values in Makefile.conf
- (echo "# Use the compiler and cflags determined by configure";
- echo "CC := @CC@"; echo "CFLAGS := @CFLAGS@") >>
- # make sure Makefile.conf is parsed after Makefile.rules
- sed -ni '/include Makefile.conf/{x; n; G}; p' Makefile
- sed -i 's/^\(CC\|CXX\).*//' Makefile.rules
- sed -i 's/^CFLAGS=-fPIE.*//'
- # do not include <nfs/nfs.h>, rather <linux/nfs.h>,
- # as the former is a lame header for the latter (bug #157968)
- sed -i 's@nfs/nfs.h@linux/nfs.h@' include/rpc_subs.h
- eautoreconf || die "Autoconf failed"
-src_compile() {
- econf \
- $(use_with ldap openldap) \
- $(use_with sasl) \
- --enable-ignore-busy \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake DONTSTRIP=1 || die "make failed"
-src_install() {
- make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/autofs5.rc1 autofs
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Note: If you plan on using autofs for automounting"
- elog "remote NFS mounts without having the NFS daemon running"
- elog "please add portmap to your default run-level."
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4.ebuild b/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c19d6eb2520..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/autofs-5.0.4.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/09/23 18:35:30 patrick Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib autotools
-IUSE="ldap sasl"
-DESCRIPTION="Kernel based automounter"
-# This list is taken directly from
-# Please do not modify the order
- ${P}-fix-dumb-libxml2-check.patch
- ${P}-expire-specific-submount-only.patch
- ${P}-fix-negative-cache-non-existent-key.patch
- ${P}-fix-ldap-detection.patch"
-for i in ${PATCH_LIST} ; do
-done ;
-DEPEND="ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-2.0 )
- sasl? ( virtual/krb5 )"
- # currently, sasl code assumes the presence of kerberosV
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${P}.tar.bz2
- for i in ${PATCH_LIST}; do
- EPATCH_OPTS="-p1 -d ${S}" epatch "${DISTDIR}"/${i}
- done
- cd "${S}"
- # fixes bug #210762
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.0.3-heimdal.patch
- # fixes bugs #253412 and #247969
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-user-ldflags-and-as-needed.patch
- # # use CC and CFLAGS from environment (bug #154797)
- # write these values in Makefile.conf
- (echo "# Use the compiler and cflags determined by configure";
- echo "CC := @CC@"; echo "CFLAGS := @CFLAGS@") >>
- # make sure Makefile.conf is parsed after Makefile.rules
- sed -ni '/include Makefile.conf/{x; n; G}; p' Makefile
- sed -i 's/^\(CC\|CXX\).*//' Makefile.rules
- sed -i 's/^CFLAGS=-fPIE.*//'
- # do not include <nfs/nfs.h>, rather <linux/nfs.h>,
- # as the former is a lame header for the latter (bug #157968)
- sed -i 's@nfs/nfs.h@linux/nfs.h@' include/rpc_subs.h
- eautoreconf || die "Autoconf failed"
-src_compile() {
- econf \
- $(use_with ldap openldap) \
- $(use_with sasl) \
- --enable-ignore-busy \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake DONTSTRIP=1 || die "make failed"
-src_install() {
- make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/autofs5.rc1 autofs
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Note: If you plan on using autofs for automounting"
- elog "remote NFS mounts without having the NFS daemon running"
- elog "please add portmap to your default run-level."
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.confd b/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.confd
deleted file mode 100644
index 33a3d07a5de7..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.confd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Config file for /etc/init.d/autofs
-# e.g. localoptions='rsize=8192,wsize=8192'
-# additional options for automount, ie. timeout
-daemonoptions='--timeout 60'
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc10 b/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc10
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e6b167595e9..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc10
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc10,v 1.1 2005/03/15 04:18:38 robbat2 Exp $
-# rc file for automount using a Sun-style "master map".
-# We first look for a local /etc/autofs/auto.master, then a YP
-# map with that name
-depend() {
- need localmount
- use ypbind nfs slapd portmap net
-opts="start stop status stats reload restart"
-# Check for all maps that are to be loaded
-function getschemes()
- awk '/^automount:/{ $1="" ; gsub("\\[.*\\]","") ; print $0 }' /etc/nsswitch.conf
-function getfilemounts()
- if [ -f /etc/autofs/auto.master ] ; then
- sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d' < /etc/autofs/auto.master
- fi
-function getnismounts()
- /usr/bin/ypcat -k ${nis_mapname} 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d'
-function getldapmounts()
- if [ -x /usr/lib/autofs/autofs-ldap-auto-master ]; then
- /usr/lib/autofs/autofs-ldap-auto-master \
- -m ${ldap_map_oc} -e ${ldap_entry_oc} \
- -n ${ldap_map_key} -k ${ldap_entry_key} \
- -v ${ldap_value} 2> /dev/null
- fi
-function getrawmounts()
- for scheme in `getschemes` ; do
- case "$scheme" in
- files)
- getfilemounts
- ;;
- nis*)
- getnismounts
- ;;
- ldap*)
- getldapmounts
- ;;
- esac
- done
-# This function will build a list of automount commands to execute in
-# order to activate all the mount points. It is used to figure out
-# the difference of automount points in case of a reload
-function getmounts()
- knownmaps=" "
- getrawmounts | (
- while read dir map options
- do
- # These checks screen out duplicates and skip over directories
- # where the map is '-'.
- if [ ! -z "$dir" -a ! -z "$map" \
- -a x`echo "$map" | cut -c1` != 'x-' \
- -a "`echo "$knownmaps" | grep -w $dir/`" = "" ]
- then
- # If the options include a -t or --timeout parameter, then
- # pull those particular options out.
- # echo DAEMONOPTIONS OPTIONS $daemonoptions $options
- allopts="$daemonoptions $options"
- startupoptions=
- # there is no way to get all of these out in a single sed call that I'm aware of :-(
- opt_timeout="$(echo ${allopts} | sed -n -e '/-t/s/.*--*t\(imeout\)*[[:space:]=]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/--timeout \2/gp')"
- opt_pidfile="$(echo ${allopts} | sed -n -e '/-p/s/.*--*p\(id-file\)*[[:space:]=]*\([^[:space:]]*\).*$/--pid-file \2/gp')"
- opt_verbose="$(echo ${allopts} | sed -n -e '/-v/s/.*--*v\(erbose\)*.*$/--verbose/gp')"
- opt_debug="$(echo ${allopts} | sed -n -e '/-d/s/.*--*d\(ebug\)*.*$/--debug/gp')"
- opt_ghost="$(echo ${allopts} | sed -n -e '/-g/s/.*--*g\(host\)*.*$/--ghost/gp')"
- startupoptions="${opt_timeout} ${opt_pidfile} ${opt_verbose} ${opt_debug} ${opt_ghost}"
- # Other option flags are intended for maps.
- mapoptions="$(echo ${allopts} | sed \
- -e '/-t/{s/--*t\(imeout\)*[[:space:]=]*\([0-9][0-9]*\)//g }' \
- -e '/-p/{s/--*p\(id-file\)*[[:space:]=]*\([^[:space:]]*\)//g }' \
- -e '/-v/{s/--*v\(erbose\)*//g }' \
- -e '/-d/{s/--*d\(ebug\)*//g }' \
- -e '/-g/{s/--*g\(host\)*//g }' \
- -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' \
- -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//g')"
- # Break up the maptype and map, if the map type is specified
- maptype="${map/:*}"
- # Handle degenerate map specifiers
- if [ "$maptype" = "$map" ] ; then
- if [ -x "$map" ]; then
- maptype="program"
- elif [ -x "/etc/$map" ]; then
- maptype="program"
- map=`echo /etc/$map | sed 's^//^/^g'`
- elif [ -f "$map" ]; then
- maptype="file"
- elif [ -f "/etc/$map" ]; then
- maptype="file"
- map=`echo /etc/$map | sed 's^//^/^g'`
- elif [ "$map" = "hesiod" -o "$map" = "userhome" ] ; then
- maptype="$map"
- map=
- elif [ "$map" = "multi" ] ; then
- maptype="$map"
- map=
- else
- maptype=yp
- map=`basename $map | sed -e s/^auto_home/auto.home/ -e s/^auto_mnt/auto.mnt/`
- fi
- fi
- map="${map#*:}"
- #echo STARTUPOPTIONS $startupoptions > /tmp/debug
- #echo DIR $dir >> /tmp/debug
- #echo MAPTYPE $maptype >> /tmp/debug
- #echo MAP $map >> /tmp/debug
- #echo MAPOPTIONS $mapoptions >> /tmp/debug
- #echo LOCALOPTIONS $localoptions >> /tmp/debug
- echo "$DAEMON $startupoptions $dir $maptype $map $mapoptions $localoptions" | sed -e 's/ / /g' -e 's/ / /g'
- # echo ------------------------
- fi
- knownmaps=" $dir/ $knownmaps"
- done
- )
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting automounter"
- # Check that maps exist
- if [ -z "$(getmounts)" ]; then
- eend 1 "No automount maps defined"
- exit 1
- fi
- # ensure autofs support is loaded
- grep -q autofs /proc/filesystems || modprobe -q autofs4 || modprobe -q autofs
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- eend 1 "No autofs support available"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Now go
- getmounts | while read cmd timeout time mnt rest
- do
- #FIXME: this works but it really sucks
- if echo $timeout|grep -v -- '--timeout' >/dev/null ; then
- rest="$time $mnt $rest"
- mnt="$timeout"
- time=""
- timeout=""
- fi
- echo -n " $mnt"
- pidfile=/var/run/autofs`echo $mnt | sed 's/\//./g'`.pid
- start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $pidfile --quiet \
- --exec /usr/sbin/automount -- $timeout $time $mnt $rest
- #
- # Automount needs a '--pidfile' or '-p' option.
- # For now we look for the pid ourself.
- #
- ps ax | grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] /usr/sbin/automount $timeout $time \?$mnt" | (
- read pid rest
- echo $pid > $pidfile
- echo "$mnt $rest" >> $pidfile
- )
- done
- echo
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping automounter"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal 12 --exec /usr/sbin/automount
- eend $?
-stats() {
- echo "Configured Mount Points:"
- echo "------------------------"
- getmounts
- echo ""
- echo "Active Mount Points:"
- echo "--------------------"
- ps ax|grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] /usr/sbin/automount " | (
- while read pid tt stat time command; do echo $command; done
- )
-reload() {
- echo "Reloading automounter: checking for changes ... "
- TMP=/var/run/autofs.tmp
- getmounts >$TMP
- for i in /var/run/autofs.*.pid
- do
- pid=`head -n 1 $i 2>/dev/null`
- [ "$pid" = "" ] && continue
- command=`tail -n +2 $i`
- if ! grep -q "^$command" $TMP
- then
- echo "Stopping automounter: $command"
- kill -USR2 $pid
- fi
- done
- rm -f $TMP
- svc_start
-restart() {
- svc_stop
- svc_start
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc6 b/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc6
deleted file mode 100644
index d482c27dc75c..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc6
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc6,v 1.9 2004/09/02 17:56:05 swegener Exp $
-# rc file for automount using a Sun-style "master map".
-# We first look for a local /etc/auto.master, then a YP
-# map with that name
-depend() {
- need ypbind
- need net
-opts="start stop status reload"
-# This function will build a list of automount commands to execute in
-# order to activate all the mount points. It is used to figure out
-# the difference of automount points in case of a reload
-getmounts() {
-# Check for local maps to be loaded
-if [ -f /etc/autofs/auto.master ]
- cat /etc/autofs/auto.master | sed -e '/^ *[^# ]/!d'| (
- while read dir map options
- do
- if [ ! -z "$dir" -a ! -z "$map" \
- -a x`echo "$map" | cut -c1` != 'x-' ]
- then
- map=`echo "/etc/$map" | sed -e 's:^/etc//:/:'`
- timeout=`echo $options | sed --silent -e 's/\(.*\)\(--timeout=[0-9]\+\)\(.*\)/\2/g ; /--timeout=[0-9]\+/ p'`
- options=`echo $options | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\(--timeout=[0-9]\+\)\(.*\)/\1\3/g ; s/\(^\|[ \t]\)-/\1/g'`
- if [ -x $map ]; then
- echo "/usr/sbin/automount $timeout $dir program $map $options $localoptions"
- elif [ -f $map ]; then
- echo "/usr/sbin/automount $timeout $dir file $map $options $localoptions"
- else
- echo "/usr/sbin/automount $timeout $dir `basename $map` $options $localoptions"
- fi
- fi
- done
- )
-# Check for YellowPage maps to be loaded
-if [ -e /usr/bin/ypcat ] && [ `ypcat -k auto.master 2>/dev/null | wc -l` -gt 0 ]
- ypcat -k auto.master | (
- while read dir map options
- do
- if [ ! -z "$dir" -a ! -z "$map" \
- -a x`echo "$map" | cut -c1` != 'x-' ]
- then
- map=`echo "$map" | sed -e 's/^auto_/auto./'`
- if echo $options | grep -- '-t' >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- mountoptions="--timeout $(echo $options | \
- sed 's/^.*-t\(imeout\)*[ \t]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\2/g')"
- fi
- options=`echo "$options" | sed -e '
- s/--*t\(imeout\)*[ \t]*[0-9][0-9]*//g
- s/\(^\|[ \t]\)-/\1/g'`
- echo "/usr/sbin/automount $mountoptions $dir yp $map $options $localoptions"
- fi
- done
- )
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting automounter"
- getmounts | while read cmd timeout mnt rest
- do
- #FIXME: this works but it really sucks
- if echo $timeout|grep -v -- '--timeout' >/dev/null ; then
- rest="$mnt $rest"
- mnt="$timeout"
- timeout=""
- fi
- echo -n " $mnt"
- pidfile=/var/run/autofs`echo $mnt | sed 's/\//./g'`.pid
- start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $pidfile --quiet \
- --exec /usr/sbin/automount -- $timeout $mnt $rest
- #
- # Automount needs a '--pidfile' or '-p' option.
- # For now we look for the pid ourself.
- #
- ps ax | grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] /usr/sbin/automount $timeout \?$mnt" | (
- read pid rest
- echo $pid > $pidfile
- echo "$mnt $rest" >> $pidfile
- )
- done
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping automounter"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal 12 --exec /usr/sbin/automount
- eend $?
-status() {
- echo "Configured Mount Points:"
- echo "------------------------"
- getmounts
- echo ""
- echo "Active Mount Points:"
- echo "--------------------"
- ps ax|grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] automount " | (
- while read pid tt stat time command; do echo $command; done
- )
-reload() {
- echo "Reloading automounter: checking for changes ... "
- TMP=/var/run/autofs.tmp
- getmounts >$TMP
- for i in /var/run/autofs.*.pid
- do
- pid=`head -n 1 $i 2>/dev/null`
- [ "$pid" = "" ] && continue
- command=`tail -n +2 $i`
- if ! grep -q "^$command" $TMP
- then
- echo "Stopping automounter: $command"
- kill -USR2 $pid
- fi
- done
- rm -f $TMP
- svc_start
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc7 b/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc7
deleted file mode 100644
index ef525bde400c..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc7
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc7,v 1.5 2004/09/02 17:56:05 swegener Exp $
-# rc file for automount using a Sun-style "master map".
-# We first look for a local /etc/auto.master, then a YP
-# map with that name
-depend() {
- need net
- use portmap ypbind
-opts="start stop status stats reload restart"
-# This function will build a list of automount commands to execute in
-# order to activate all the mount points. It is used to figure out
-# the difference of automount points in case of a reload
-getmounts() {
-# Check for local maps to be loaded
-if [ -f /etc/autofs/auto.master ]
- cat /etc/autofs/auto.master | sed -e '/^ *[^# ]/!d'| (
- while read dir map options
- do
- if [ ! -z "$dir" -a ! -z "$map" \
- -a x`echo "$map" | cut -c1` != 'x-' ]
- then
- map=`echo "/etc/$map" | sed -e 's:^/etc//:/:'`
- timeout=`echo $options | sed --silent -e 's/\(.*\)\(--timeout=[0-9]\+\)\(.*\)/\2/g ; /--timeout=[0-9]\+/ p'`
- options=`echo $options | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\(--timeout=[0-9]\+\)\(.*\)/\1\3/g ; s/\(^\|[ \t]\)-/\1/g'`
- if [ -x $map ]; then
- echo "/usr/sbin/automount $timeout $dir program $map $options $localoptions"
- elif [ -f $map ]; then
- echo "/usr/sbin/automount $timeout $dir file $map $options $localoptions"
- else
- echo "/usr/sbin/automount $timeout $dir `basename $map` $options $localoptions"
- fi
- fi
- done
- )
-# Check for YellowPage maps to be loaded
-if [ -e /usr/bin/ypcat ] && [ `ypcat -k auto.master 2>/dev/null | wc -l` -gt 0 ]
- ypcat -k auto.master | (
- while read dir map options
- do
- if [ ! -z "$dir" -a ! -z "$map" \
- -a x`echo "$map" | cut -c1` != 'x-' ]
- then
- map=`echo "$map" | sed -e 's/^auto_/auto./'`
- if echo $options | grep -- '-t' >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- mountoptions="--timeout $(echo $options | \
- sed 's/^.*-t\(imeout\)*[ \t]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\2/g')"
- fi
- options=`echo "$options" | sed -e '
- s/--*t\(imeout\)*[ \t]*[0-9][0-9]*//g
- s/\(^\|[ \t]\)-/\1/g'`
- echo "/usr/sbin/automount $mountoptions $dir yp $map $options $localoptions"
- fi
- done
- )
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting automounter"
- getmounts | while read cmd timeout mnt rest
- do
- echo -n " $mnt"
- pidfile=/var/run/autofs`echo $mnt | sed 's/\//./g'`.pid
- start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $pidfile --quiet \
- --exec /usr/sbin/automount -- $timeout $mnt $rest
- #
- # Automount needs a '--pidfile' or '-p' option.
- # For now we look for the pid ourself.
- #
- ps ax | grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] /usr/sbin/automount $timeout \?$mnt" | (
- read pid rest
- echo $pid > $pidfile
- echo "$mnt $rest" >> $pidfile
- )
- done
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping automounter"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal 12 --exec /usr/sbin/automount
- eend $?
-stats() {
- echo "Configured Mount Points:"
- echo "------------------------"
- getmounts
- echo ""
- echo "Active Mount Points:"
- echo "--------------------"
- ps awx | grep automount | (
- while read pid tt stat time command; do echo $command; done
- )
-reload() {
- echo "Reloading automounter: checking for changes ... "
- TMP=/var/run/autofs.tmp
- getmounts >$TMP
- for i in /var/run/autofs.*.pid
- do
- pid=`head -n 1 $i 2>/dev/null`
- [ "$pid" = "" ] && continue
- command=`tail -n +2 $i`
- if ! grep -q "^$command" $TMP
- then
- echo "Stopping automounter: $command"
- kill -USR2 $pid
- fi
- done
- rm -f $TMP
- svc_start
-restart() {
- svc_stop
- svc_start
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc8 b/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc8
deleted file mode 100644
index ed3fc8d358b0..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc8,v 1.10 2004/12/16 23:42:57 robbat2 Exp $
-# rc file for automount using a Sun-style "master map".
-# We first look for a local /etc/auto.master, then a YP
-# map with that name
-depend() {
- need localmount
- use ypbind nfs portmap
-opts="start stop status stats reload restart"
-# Check for all maps that are to be loaded
-function getschemes()
- grep ^automount: /etc/nsswitch.conf | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/\[.*\]/ /g'
-function getfilemounts()
- if [ -f /etc/autofs/auto.master ] ; then
- cat /etc/autofs/auto.master | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d'
- fi
-function getnismounts()
- /usr/bin/ypcat -k auto.master 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d'
-function getldapmounts()
- if [ -x /usr/lib/autofs/autofs-ldap-auto-master ]; then
- /usr/lib/autofs/autofs-ldap-auto-master 2> /dev/null
- fi
-function getrawmounts()
- for scheme in `getschemes` ; do
- case "$scheme" in
- files)
- getfilemounts
- ;;
- nis*)
- getnismounts
- ;;
- ldap*)
- getldapmounts
- ;;
- esac
- done
-# This function will build a list of automount commands to execute in
-# order to activate all the mount points. It is used to figure out
-# the difference of automount points in case of a reload
-function getmounts()
- knownmaps=" "
- getrawmounts | (
- while read dir map options
- do
- # These checks screen out duplicates and skip over directories
- # where the map is '-'.
- if [ ! -z "$dir" -a ! -z "$map" \
- -a x`echo "$map" | cut -c1` != 'x-' \
- -a "`echo "$knownmaps" | grep $dir/`" = "" ]
- then
- # If the options include a -t or --timeout parameter, then
- # pull those particular options out.
- # echo DAEMONOPTIONS OPTIONS $daemonoptions $options
- startupoptions=
- if echo $options $daemonoptions | grep -q -- '-t' ; then
- startupoptions="--timeout $(echo $daemonoptions $options | \
- sed 's/.*--*t\(imeout\)*[ \t=]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\2/g')"
- fi
- # Other option flags are intended for maps.
- mapoptions="$(echo "$daemonoptions $options" |\
- sed 's/--*t\(imeout\)*[ \t=]*\([0-9][0-9]*\)//g')"
- # Break up the maptype and map, if the map type is specified
- maptype=`echo $map | cut -f1 -d:`
- # Handle degenerate map specifiers
- if [ "$maptype" = "$map" ] ; then
- if [ -x "$map" ]; then
- maptype=program
- elif [ -x "/etc/$map" ]; then
- maptype=program
- map=`echo /etc/$map | sed 's^//^/^g'`
- elif [ -f "$map" ]; then
- maptype=file
- elif [ -f "/etc/$map" ]; then
- maptype=file
- map=`echo /etc/$map | sed 's^//^/^g'`
- elif [ "$map" = "hesiod" -o "$map" = "userhome" ] ; then
- maptype=$map
- map=
- elif [ "$map" = "multi" ] ; then
- maptype=$map
- map=
- else
- maptype=yp
- map=`basename $map | sed -e s/^auto_home/auto.home/ -e s/^auto_mnt/auto.mnt/`
- fi
- fi
- map=`echo $map | cut -f2- -d:`
- #echo STARTUPOPTIONS $startupoptions > /tmp/debug
- #echo DIR $dir >> /tmp/debug
- #echo MAPTYPE $maptype >> /tmp/debug
- #echo MAP $map >> /tmp/debug
- #echo MAPOPTIONS $mapoptions >> /tmp/debug
- #echo LOCALOPTIONS $localoptions >> /tmp/debug
- echo "$DAEMON $startupoptions $dir $maptype $map $mapoptions $localoptions" | sed -e 's/ / /g' -e 's/ / /g'
- # echo ------------------------
- fi
- knownmaps=" $dir/ $knownmaps"
- done
- )
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting automounter"
- getmounts | while read cmd timeout time mnt rest
- do
- #FIXME: this works but it really sucks
- if echo $timeout|grep -v -- '--timeout' >/dev/null ; then
- rest="$time $mnt $rest"
- mnt="$timeout"
- time=""
- timeout=""
- fi
- echo -n " $mnt"
- pidfile=/var/run/autofs`echo $mnt | sed 's/\//./g'`.pid
- start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $pidfile --quiet \
- --exec /usr/sbin/automount -- $timeout $time $mnt $rest
- #
- # Automount needs a '--pidfile' or '-p' option.
- # For now we look for the pid ourself.
- #
- ps ax | grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] /usr/sbin/automount $timeout $time \?$mnt" | (
- read pid rest
- echo $pid > $pidfile
- echo "$mnt $rest" >> $pidfile
- )
- done
- echo
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping automounter"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal 12 --exec /usr/sbin/automount
- eend $?
-stats() {
- echo "Configured Mount Points:"
- echo "------------------------"
- getmounts
- echo ""
- echo "Active Mount Points:"
- echo "--------------------"
- ps ax|grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] /usr/sbin/automount " | (
- while read pid tt stat time command; do echo $command; done
- )
-reload() {
- echo "Reloading automounter: checking for changes ... "
- TMP=/var/run/autofs.tmp
- getmounts >$TMP
- for i in /var/run/autofs.*.pid
- do
- pid=`head -n 1 $i 2>/dev/null`
- [ "$pid" = "" ] && continue
- command=`tail -n +2 $i`
- if ! grep -q "^$command" $TMP
- then
- echo "Stopping automounter: $command"
- kill -USR2 $pid
- fi
- done
- rm -f $TMP
- svc_start
-restart() {
- svc_stop
- svc_start
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc9 b/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc9
deleted file mode 100644
index 837138ad26b5..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc9
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs.rc9,v 1.4 2005/03/15 04:18:38 robbat2 Exp $
-# rc file for automount using a Sun-style "master map".
-# We first look for a local /etc/autofs/auto.master, then a YP
-# map with that name
-depend() {
- need localmount
- use ypbind nfs slapd portmap net
-opts="start stop status stats reload restart"
-# Check for all maps that are to be loaded
-function getschemes()
- awk '/^automount:/{ $1="" ; gsub("\\[.*\\]","") ; print $0 }' /etc/nsswitch.conf
-function getfilemounts()
- if [ -f /etc/autofs/auto.master ] ; then
- sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d' < /etc/autofs/auto.master
- fi
-function getnismounts()
- /usr/bin/ypcat -k ${nis_mapname} 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d'
-function getldapmounts()
- if [ -x /usr/lib/autofs/autofs-ldap-auto-master ]; then
- /usr/lib/autofs/autofs-ldap-auto-master \
- -m ${ldap_map_oc} -e ${ldap_entry_oc} \
- -n ${ldap_map_key} -k ${ldap_entry_key} \
- -v ${ldap_value} 2> /dev/null
- fi
-function getrawmounts()
- for scheme in `getschemes` ; do
- case "$scheme" in
- files)
- getfilemounts
- ;;
- nis*)
- getnismounts
- ;;
- ldap*)
- getldapmounts
- ;;
- esac
- done
-# This function will build a list of automount commands to execute in
-# order to activate all the mount points. It is used to figure out
-# the difference of automount points in case of a reload
-function getmounts()
- knownmaps=" "
- getrawmounts | (
- while read dir map options
- do
- # These checks screen out duplicates and skip over directories
- # where the map is '-'.
- if [ ! -z "$dir" -a ! -z "$map" \
- -a x`echo "$map" | cut -c1` != 'x-' \
- -a "`echo "$knownmaps" | grep -w $dir/`" = "" ]
- then
- # If the options include a -t or --timeout parameter, then
- # pull those particular options out.
- # echo DAEMONOPTIONS OPTIONS $daemonoptions $options
- startupoptions=
- if echo $options $daemonoptions | grep -q -- '-t' ; then
- startupoptions="--timeout $(echo $daemonoptions $options | \
- sed 's/.*--*t\(imeout\)*[ \t=]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\2/g')"
- fi
- # Other option flags are intended for maps.
- mapoptions="$(echo "$daemonoptions $options" |\
- sed 's/--*t\(imeout\)*[ \t=]*\([0-9][0-9]*\)//g')"
- # Break up the maptype and map, if the map type is specified
- maptype="${map/:*}"
- # Handle degenerate map specifiers
- if [ "$maptype" = "$map" ] ; then
- if [ -x "$map" ]; then
- maptype="program"
- elif [ -x "/etc/$map" ]; then
- maptype="program"
- map=`echo /etc/$map | sed 's^//^/^g'`
- elif [ -f "$map" ]; then
- maptype="file"
- elif [ -f "/etc/$map" ]; then
- maptype="file"
- map=`echo /etc/$map | sed 's^//^/^g'`
- elif [ "$map" = "hesiod" -o "$map" = "userhome" ] ; then
- maptype="$map"
- map=
- elif [ "$map" = "multi" ] ; then
- maptype="$map"
- map=
- else
- maptype=yp
- map=`basename $map | sed -e s/^auto_home/auto.home/ -e s/^auto_mnt/auto.mnt/`
- fi
- fi
- map="${map#*:}"
- #echo STARTUPOPTIONS $startupoptions > /tmp/debug
- #echo DIR $dir >> /tmp/debug
- #echo MAPTYPE $maptype >> /tmp/debug
- #echo MAP $map >> /tmp/debug
- #echo MAPOPTIONS $mapoptions >> /tmp/debug
- #echo LOCALOPTIONS $localoptions >> /tmp/debug
- echo "$DAEMON $startupoptions $dir $maptype $map $mapoptions $localoptions" | sed -e 's/ / /g' -e 's/ / /g'
- # echo ------------------------
- fi
- knownmaps=" $dir/ $knownmaps"
- done
- )
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting automounter"
- # Check that maps exist
- if [ -z "$(getmounts)" ]; then
- eend 1 "No automount maps defined"
- exit 1
- fi
- # ensure autofs support is loaded
- grep -q autofs /proc/filesystems || modprobe -q autofs4 || modprobe -q autofs
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- eend 1 "No autofs support available"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Now go
- getmounts | while read cmd timeout time mnt rest
- do
- #FIXME: this works but it really sucks
- if echo $timeout|grep -v -- '--timeout' >/dev/null ; then
- rest="$time $mnt $rest"
- mnt="$timeout"
- time=""
- timeout=""
- fi
- echo -n " $mnt"
- pidfile=/var/run/autofs`echo $mnt | sed 's/\//./g'`.pid
- start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $pidfile --quiet \
- --exec /usr/sbin/automount -- $timeout $time $mnt $rest
- #
- # Automount needs a '--pidfile' or '-p' option.
- # For now we look for the pid ourself.
- #
- ps ax | grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] /usr/sbin/automount $timeout $time \?$mnt" | (
- read pid rest
- echo $pid > $pidfile
- echo "$mnt $rest" >> $pidfile
- )
- done
- echo
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping automounter"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal 12 --exec /usr/sbin/automount
- eend $?
-stats() {
- echo "Configured Mount Points:"
- echo "------------------------"
- getmounts
- echo ""
- echo "Active Mount Points:"
- echo "--------------------"
- ps ax|grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] /usr/sbin/automount " | (
- while read pid tt stat time command; do echo $command; done
- )
-reload() {
- echo "Reloading automounter: checking for changes ... "
- TMP=/var/run/autofs.tmp
- getmounts >$TMP
- for i in /var/run/autofs.*.pid
- do
- pid=`head -n 1 $i 2>/dev/null`
- [ "$pid" = "" ] && continue
- command=`tail -n +2 $i`
- if ! grep -q "^$command" $TMP
- then
- echo "Stopping automounter: $command"
- kill -USR2 $pid
- fi
- done
- rm -f $TMP
- svc_start
-restart() {
- svc_stop
- svc_start
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs1.confd b/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs1.confd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d1c855d8dd3..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/files/autofs1.confd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Config file for /etc/init.d/autofs
-FLAGS="defaults 21"
-# e.g. localoptions='rsize=8192,wsize=8192'
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/files/automount.diff b/net-fs/autofs/files/automount.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 706547800d74..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/files/automount.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- automount.h~ Sat Nov 4 08:05:18 2000
-+++ automount.h Mon Jan 15 02:04:14 2001
-@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@
- #include <paths.h>
- #include "config.h"
-+/* OPEN_MAX */
-+#ifndef OPEN_MAX
-+#define OPEN_MAX 255
- /* We MUST have the paths to mount(8) and umount(8) */
- #ifndef HAVE_MOUNT
- #error Failed to locate mount(8)!
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/files/ldap_config.patch b/net-fs/autofs/files/ldap_config.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 02e27b44d683..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/files/ldap_config.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
---- 2002-11-09 15:10:55.000000000 +0000
-+++ 2002-11-09 15:46:01.000000000 +0000
-@@ -104,17 +104,19 @@
- elif test -z "$withval" -o "$withval" = 'yes'
- then
- : Search for LDAP in normal directory path
-+ LIBLDAP="-lldap -lresolv -llber"
- else
- : Search for LDAP in specific directory
- LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L${withval}/lib"
-- LIBLDAP="-L${withval}/lib"
-+ LIBLDAP="-L${withval}/lib -lldap -llber -lresolv"
- LDAP_FLAGS="-I${withval}/include"
- fi
- )
- if test -z "$HAVE_LDAP"; then
-- AC_CHECK_LIB(ldap, ldap_init, HAVE_LDAP=1 LIBLDAP="$LIBLDAP -lldap -llber", ,
-- -llber)
-+ AC_CHECK_LIB(ldap, ldap_init, HAVE_LDAP=1 LIBLDAP="$LIBLDAP -lldap -llber -lresolv", ,
-+ -llber -lresolv)
- fi
diff --git a/net-fs/autofs/files/nisyp.patch b/net-fs/autofs/files/nisyp.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e53909946eb..000000000000
--- a/net-fs/autofs/files/nisyp.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -ruN autofs-3.1.7/daemon/Makefile autofs-3.1.7-patched/daemon/Makefile
---- autofs-3.1.7/daemon/Makefile 2000-11-03 23:05:17.000000000 -0800
-+++ autofs-3.1.7-patched/daemon/Makefile 2002-07-19 13:00:10.000000000 -0700
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- CFLAGS += -rdynamic -DAUTOFS_LIB_DIR=\"$(autofslibdir)\" -DVERSION_STRING=\"$(version)\" -I../include
- LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
--LIBS = -ldl
-+LIBS = -ldl -lnsl
- all: automount