path: root/net-im
diff options
authorPeter Volkov <>2010-08-12 10:43:18 +0000
committerPeter Volkov <>2010-08-12 10:43:18 +0000
commita6459c72ee443589bb18c9155dd12aedf8d09ea6 (patch)
tree8d6dcc3afbb4c1ceababc33f14a0baa8201d553b /net-im
parentstable x86, bug 332095 (diff)
Version bump. Thank Jeroen Roovers for report, bug #332275.
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'net-im')
3 files changed, 218 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/net-im/pidgin/ChangeLog b/net-im/pidgin/ChangeLog
index d8a0598ffd4f..6b2d2abe540e 100644
--- a/net-im/pidgin/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-im/pidgin/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for net-im/pidgin
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/pidgin/ChangeLog,v 1.186 2010/08/10 16:08:17 ranger Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/pidgin/ChangeLog,v 1.187 2010/08/12 10:43:18 pva Exp $
+*pidgin-2.7.3 (12 Aug 2010)
+ 12 Aug 2010; Peter Volkov <> +pidgin-2.7.3.ebuild:
+ Version bump. Thank Jeroen Roovers for report, bug #332275.
10 Aug 2010; Brent Baude <> pidgin-2.7.2.ebuild:
Marking pidgin-2.7.2 ppc64 for bug 328667
diff --git a/net-im/pidgin/Manifest b/net-im/pidgin/Manifest
index 9ae26f48d4f1..bca9296cf6c8 100644
--- a/net-im/pidgin/Manifest
+++ b/net-im/pidgin/Manifest
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ AUX pidgin-2.7.0-icq-fix.patch 1991 RMD160 7158710b27950bec2d8dec47e02a4494f8dfa
AUX pidgin-2.7.2-ldflags.patch 1593 RMD160 ade438f25d0af927485523e561ce728762645948 SHA1 6ac16bd019ad048109643af5e3525987c994dbb0 SHA256 64d78b48111345b49216e9678c114f321963393b4fd0aa6046de8aec6f03cb44
DIST pidgin-2.7.1.tar.bz2 9647234 RMD160 5e5deec529b1c8d75cd3f925b3f5e4f5310e42e5 SHA1 b746720cc3e65b3d6da6eab0729f26673f997849 SHA256 f412a5a7389ad553229743b49399f968278095c8258dc0f89f766a6cd0ba95d1
DIST pidgin-2.7.2.tar.bz2 9681708 RMD160 c277e26f5fe91425033cb8fe6c8913d965dffec0 SHA1 03232f7befcfbe1c457d50d697493924fe5f9b49 SHA256 8ab5f126f384197727db8f61306663325c2779c25e54e61ff95366448a0861c0
+DIST pidgin-2.7.3.tar.bz2 9746117 RMD160 276fb19abf6505f9d56120c7412987002511fcb3 SHA1 81b9b5591ddbdf36aa656ddd90ff935ae090e940 SHA256 8b5788aa7b8c3fa372e6c5f671592731c86e41322bcc09facb6bbe6127e323f2
EBUILD pidgin-2.7.1-r1.ebuild 5963 RMD160 39723d94d3eee63e2fb626a61925ec05e8092d90 SHA1 dfa1d302e8e97735caeacaa80c0e445e3c2e2403 SHA256 c1a894845aaaf1b837eeae1c581a149163a0bd57079e76edbdb95eeca178c92a
EBUILD pidgin-2.7.2-r1.ebuild 6073 RMD160 2996832d5fe0d3b98bf9233eb9234304f595ae90 SHA1 2097c068d2b679a21edbb64aee6bb9769128da50 SHA256 0165a0de1af704b355e69d9112655b04c42f591ba1a5846bcdfb18bea5ea839a
EBUILD pidgin-2.7.2.ebuild 5956 RMD160 388324cc15fb12abf5eac4e7c3f4af36cb0b486f SHA1 d2705eb880b742dc424f21cc6c7de39edd253ad9 SHA256 bc54a37582e096030fd8cc94d164bb6535f20178a38c2c5a90c2f8ea68914d00
-MISC ChangeLog 25903 RMD160 b328e4dd5336c49184141a2c742200bc6eca18a6 SHA1 dd98ba9e2e786876dc096f97384369e4123f3fc6 SHA256 d63d2722e96ff15f6378595969fba223b74121fdd12e393dcf3e1569a455923e
+EBUILD pidgin-2.7.3.ebuild 6099 RMD160 02551d2b75d843640fc798d9af26349f8c20fd52 SHA1 8e9c29bec150631dbd8e378321da3865e68c753e SHA256 a8fcf1196ba21493ecfc6134db0d00bb99120b76c8c0a7716555e40e0ea57704
+MISC ChangeLog 26059 RMD160 36b6401bb8917196816965463425bdfa326c9b4e SHA1 2185778eadb5fc6711c2055ceaa554b9cb72e803 SHA256 bdd6c4fa421063ad5f3d617d45dc5040058a031a9a63b2455b9b5e25263c1c09
MISC metadata.xml 1347 RMD160 ab118b33da598ea43ea4adb8cd07d269faf19528 SHA1 d68aea7e02d1fa45f1a71eb34c98259d61c935ca SHA256 b1b9067810378483188a403fb85f8ff76bc5260cb4bb811179eed1088dd6f5ba
diff --git a/net-im/pidgin/pidgin-2.7.3.ebuild b/net-im/pidgin/pidgin-2.7.3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9d078ab53311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-im/pidgin/pidgin-2.7.3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/pidgin/pidgin-2.7.3.ebuild,v 1.1 2010/08/12 10:43:18 pva Exp $
+inherit flag-o-matic eutils toolchain-funcs multilib perl-app gnome2 python autotools
+DESCRIPTION="GTK Instant Messenger client"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="dbus debug doc eds gadu gnutls +gstreamer +gtk idn meanwhile"
+IUSE+=" networkmanager nls perl silc tcl tk spell qq sasl +startup-notification"
+IUSE+=" ncurses groupwise prediction python +xscreensaver zephyr zeroconf" # mono"
+# dbus requires python to generate C code for dbus bindings (thus DEPEND only).
+# finch uses libgnt that links with libpython - {R,}DEPEND. But still there is
+# no way to build dbus and avoid libgnt linkage with python. If you want this
+# send patch upstream.
+ >=dev-libs/glib-2.12
+ >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.18
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses[unicode]
+ dbus? ( <dev-lang/python-3 )
+ python? ( <dev-lang/python-3 ) )
+ gtk? (
+ >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.10:2
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ xscreensaver? ( x11-libs/libXScrnSaver )
+ startup-notification? ( >=x11-libs/startup-notification-0.5 )
+ spell? ( >=app-text/gtkspell-2.0.2 )
+ eds? ( gnome-extra/evolution-data-server )
+ prediction? ( >=dev-db/sqlite-3.3:3 ) )
+ gstreamer? ( =media-libs/gstreamer-0.10*
+ =media-libs/gst-plugins-good-0.10*
+ >=net-libs/farsight2-0.0.14
+ media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta
+ media-plugins/gst-plugins-gconf )
+ zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi )
+ dbus? ( >=dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.71
+ >=sys-apps/dbus-0.90 )
+ perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.8.2-r1[-build] )
+ gadu? ( >=net-libs/libgadu-1.9.0[-ssl] )
+ gnutls? ( net-libs/gnutls )
+ !gnutls? ( >=dev-libs/nss-3.11 )
+ meanwhile? ( net-libs/meanwhile )
+ silc? ( >=net-im/silc-toolkit-1.0.1 )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )
+ tk? ( dev-lang/tk )
+ sasl? ( dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:2 )
+ networkmanager? ( net-misc/networkmanager )
+ idn? ( net-dns/libidn )"
+ # Mono support crashes pidgin
+ #mono? ( dev-lang/mono )"
+ dev-lang/perl
+ dev-perl/XML-Parser
+ dev-util/pkgconfig
+ gtk? ( x11-proto/scrnsaverproto )
+ dbus? ( <dev-lang/python-3 )
+ doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )
+ nls? ( >=dev-util/intltool-0.41.1
+ sys-devel/gettext )"
+# Enable Default protocols
+# List of plugins
+# app-accessibility/pidgin-festival
+# net-im/librvp
+# x11-plugins/guifications
+# x11-plugins/msn-pecan
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-encryption
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-extprefs
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-hotkeys
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-latex
+# x11-plugins/pidgintex
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-libnotify
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-otr
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-rhythmbox
+# x11-plugins/purple-plugin_pack
+# x11-themes/pidgin-smileys
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-knotify
+# Plugins in Sunrise:
+# x11-plugins/pidgimpd
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-birthday
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-botsentry
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-convreverse
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-extended-blist-sort
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-lastfm
+# x11-plugins/pidgin-mbpurple
+pkg_setup() {
+ if ! use gtk && ! use ncurses ; then
+ einfo
+ elog "You did not pick the ncurses or gtk use flags, only libpurple"
+ elog "will be built."
+ einfo
+ fi
+ if use dbus && ! use python; then
+ elog "It's impossible to disable linkage with python in case dbus is enabled."
+ fi
+ if use dbus || { use ncurses && use python; }; then
+ python_set_active_version 2
+ python_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ gnome2_src_prepare
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.7.2-ldflags.patch
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ # Stabilize things, for your own good
+ strip-flags
+ replace-flags -O? -O2
+ local myconf
+ if use gadu; then
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-gadu-includes=."
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-gadu-libs=."
+ fi
+ use silc && DYNAMIC_PRPLS+=",silc"
+ use qq && DYNAMIC_PRPLS+=",qq"
+ use meanwhile && DYNAMIC_PRPLS+=",sametime"
+ use zeroconf && DYNAMIC_PRPLS+=",bonjour"
+ use groupwise && DYNAMIC_PRPLS+=",novell"
+ use zephyr && DYNAMIC_PRPLS+=",zephyr"
+ if use gnutls; then
+ einfo "Disabling NSS, using GnuTLS"
+ myconf+=" --enable-nss=no --enable-gnutls=yes"
+ myconf+=" --with-gnutls-includes=/usr/include/gnutls"
+ myconf+=" --with-gnutls-libs=/usr/$(get_libdir)"
+ else
+ einfo "Disabling GnuTLS, using NSS"
+ myconf+=" --enable-gnutls=no --enable-nss=yes"
+ fi
+ if use dbus || { use ncurses && use python; }; then
+ myconf+=" --with-python=$(PYTHON)"
+ else
+ myconf+=" --without-python"
+ fi
+ econf \
+ --disable-silent-rules \
+ $(use_enable ncurses consoleui) \
+ $(use_enable nls) \
+ $(use_enable gtk gtkui) \
+ $(use_enable gtk sm) \
+ $(use gtk && use_enable startup-notification) \
+ $(use gtk && use_enable xscreensaver screensaver) \
+ $(use gtk && use_enable prediction cap) \
+ $(use gtk && use_enable eds gevolution) \
+ $(use gtk && use_enable spell gtkspell) \
+ $(use_enable perl) \
+ $(use_enable tk) \
+ $(use_enable tcl) \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ $(use_enable dbus) \
+ $(use_enable meanwhile) \
+ $(use_enable gstreamer) \
+ $(use_enable gstreamer farsight) \
+ $(use_enable gstreamer vv) \
+ $(use_enable sasl cyrus-sasl ) \
+ $(use_enable doc doxygen) \
+ $(use_enable networkmanager nm) \
+ $(use_enable zeroconf avahi) \
+ $(use_enable idn) \
+ "--with-dynamic-prpls=${DYNAMIC_PRPLS}" \
+ --disable-mono \
+ --x-includes=/usr/include/X11 \
+ ${myconf}
+ #$(use_enable mono) \
+src_install() {
+ gnome2_src_install
+ if use gtk; then
+ # Fix tray pathes for kde-3.5, e16 (x11-wm/enlightenment) and other
+ # implementations that are not complient with new hicolor theme yet, #323355
+ local pixmapdir
+ for d in 16 22 32 48; do
+ pixmapdir=${D}/usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/tray/hicolor/${d}x${d}/actions
+ mkdir "${pixmapdir}" || die
+ pushd "${pixmapdir}" >/dev/null || die
+ for f in ../status/*; do
+ ln -s ${f} || die
+ done
+ popd >/dev/null
+ done
+ fi
+ use perl && fixlocalpod