diff options
authorRobert Piasek <>2012-02-17 10:54:22 +0000
committerRobert Piasek <>2012-02-17 10:54:22 +0000
commitcf54ac7f9e087f961d76f49ff4cf20b3018a6d34 (patch)
tree75f8ebb539beb7a742e4ace2d51db5613c8ca142 /sys-apps
parentversion bump wrt #401203. fixes compatibility with openrc > 0.9.4 (diff)
Add version 0.72.0
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps')
3 files changed, 178 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/paludis/ChangeLog b/sys-apps/paludis/ChangeLog
index 817b0e974572..7a53ef1fff10 100644
--- a/sys-apps/paludis/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-apps/paludis/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-apps/paludis
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/paludis/ChangeLog,v 1.214 2012/01/27 16:07:25 dagger Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/paludis/ChangeLog,v 1.215 2012/02/17 10:54:22 dagger Exp $
+*paludis-0.72.0 (17 Feb 2012)
+ 17 Feb 2012; Robert Piasek <> +paludis-0.72.0.ebuild:
+ Add version 0.72.0
*paludis-0.70.2 (27 Jan 2012)
diff --git a/sys-apps/paludis/Manifest b/sys-apps/paludis/Manifest
index f51ca416f784..dc6ac51bf9f9 100644
--- a/sys-apps/paludis/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/paludis/Manifest
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ DIST paludis-0.68.0.tar.bz2 1680854 RMD160 971d64e20ea12ad1041b0e576bc564359d450
DIST paludis-0.70.0.tar.bz2 1722332 RMD160 c73dc5559a4e6424458e8bd6e44c3213b1fd97b4 SHA1 fae231573062361118f4decc7a9ccac70cab4c99 SHA256 75d9ce6667a4d04947495a39112ec13f8bfc8b6fa417398d73c51c3b740c3ef0
DIST paludis-0.70.1.tar.bz2 1720498 RMD160 5a72b0e995fd4e06acd45daebfa805513f96889b SHA1 f53f22b152d0d6154a8421e9164bb8af946a64b2 SHA256 239ade0afbe2f2f447b1674d2719951bcf19b53c80f2d792525277e85c243ec1
DIST paludis-0.70.2.tar.bz2 1719246 RMD160 af0c48eb655dd8ac43c30088d03417739bd392b6 SHA1 9d075264a7da68e2658443a7b883075fe675d214 SHA256 3d584cc7db681eb1774c508be3cc72a2395d55e19070bf092b89f0729b6ec28d
+DIST paludis-0.72.0.tar.bz2 1718611 RMD160 f26f736e1b650f946a5b02886b1f7bcc40794a1a SHA1 1ffc68d6bb22bba824c47cb59a2cb54bdc9ca0a9 SHA256 295b05905b382133aab0c7be5eaedaa25eb591c27a324dc70536098a35481fc8
EBUILD paludis-0.58.5.ebuild 5459 RMD160 8fda9965e0b3fa04cf4d48a0ed72030fb7bafc5a SHA1 46e59ae5ed844293bd95581236e3e81587db2bd6 SHA256 526d6049d7209b0745fbb674da4d1f01694d7a4bfec47990630d2db8fda0a306
EBUILD paludis-0.60.4.ebuild 5255 RMD160 6284f204f9fc0992ae41b0b67502c22593f04eda SHA1 853bc8e6bd7787c33e7612cfdac896f6b51df7be SHA256 6cece10a82f1bb66e24c3730702af1b6d5d33dfeb397b055836e44c6fd2e66d9
EBUILD paludis-0.62.2.ebuild 5498 RMD160 06f2f654932287dea4b516f6e5086313f9909c1b SHA1 c6edf56c50f684dba3c9c5ea277725ae1e97e95e SHA256 216cecc84763ba2795d94644a1b213979561fe069cc22f360ff100871a559117
@@ -19,5 +20,6 @@ EBUILD paludis-0.68.0.ebuild 5252 RMD160 2f1b70dd7bdce667265d4a21dc9795d0bff3ff3
EBUILD paludis-0.70.0.ebuild 5252 RMD160 f9b5d0aeeb77590a15a8f54a7fb9064342e95378 SHA1 125b5d080de64d00590972fac433309a8e01b89e SHA256 b1ccf74c13ac606ec7702a800f06d846704824cbf5041b2922b05be799c6791d
EBUILD paludis-0.70.1.ebuild 5252 RMD160 ec5ff78c1ac62149b07ea0c156796e1c53ad2f7f SHA1 40d796594f31c43dadd96f56a0dc2626fffa697f SHA256 575c1231208ab4f14a9a282e43c2a04b1161c843272ad5e74789805cb621a7ad
EBUILD paludis-0.70.2.ebuild 5252 RMD160 e6204f86cfc6569c185d7412de68cd230d777482 SHA1 23316214277a8ec430b5e67eca7503bc2144e852 SHA256 88afaff593021d09924cffd2ef1de605f362a772a3b2afa5c3e5c81c023cddf4
-MISC ChangeLog 33530 RMD160 4fa392fa8c29885c3ac73bcda19b3518a38b7320 SHA1 a66fbc41358614166eac3cafe10bc43e8f450012 SHA256 efc3f56a6e0c97708ad543fbbfde948bb881a450180b1166c8d5ae3e1590fe1d
+EBUILD paludis-0.72.0.ebuild 5256 RMD160 2d4a9365121e072c933cffd84fdf43bc2255f852 SHA1 c6215cab7669d4077b6d96a1bb29a738cbf933db SHA256 f1401272340b6cc430857b765b6a2a03dc86defc3060973edafe1001a9a5d6eb
+MISC ChangeLog 33656 RMD160 bcd9da790f5837670668a73a9c04f15ec70072b0 SHA1 df2586b24d890337b00780c252afe60cd6cb2129 SHA256 1f2eecbb81f5db3dd280fac29e83d381269edd7ab9ae7f5c1ab9aadf5e211f6e
MISC metadata.xml 1041 RMD160 c9f1539ff18f2a96cbdbbbe5ae34bea48a3f7ac3 SHA1 87b8a6090b0844c1ac5094e183892de5930a79cb SHA256 0a51714a9d46c78b1e941e5347d2e1f3f3dd1b9051eeb132be394e0bc7db83bd
diff --git a/sys-apps/paludis/paludis-0.72.0.ebuild b/sys-apps/paludis/paludis-0.72.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7b4d19bfa4e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/paludis/paludis-0.72.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/paludis/paludis-0.72.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2012/02/17 10:54:22 dagger Exp $
+inherit bash-completion eutils
+DESCRIPTION="paludis, the other package mangler"
+IUSE="doc pbins portage pink prebuilt-documentation python-bindings ruby-bindings search-index vim-syntax visibility xml zsh-completion"
+LICENSE="GPL-2 vim-syntax? ( vim )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+ >=app-admin/eselect-1.2.13
+ >=app-shells/bash-3.2
+ >=sys-devel/gcc-4.4
+ dev-libs/libpcre
+ sys-apps/file
+ pbins? ( >=app-arch/libarchive-2.8.4 )
+ python-bindings? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.6 >=dev-libs/boost-1.41.0 )
+ ruby-bindings? ( >=dev-lang/ruby-1.8 )
+ xml? ( >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6 )
+ search-index? ( >=dev-db/sqlite-3 )"
+ !prebuilt-documentation? (
+ >=app-text/asciidoc-8.6.3
+ app-text/xmlto
+ )
+ doc? (
+ || ( >=app-doc/doxygen-1.5.3 <=app-doc/doxygen-1.5.1 )
+ media-gfx/imagemagick
+ python-bindings? ( dev-python/epydoc dev-python/pygments )
+ ruby-bindings? ( dev-ruby/syntax dev-ruby/allison )
+ )
+ dev-util/pkgconfig
+ dev-cpp/gtest"
+ sys-apps/sandbox"
+# Keep syntax as a PDEPEND. It avoids issues when Paludis is used as the
+# default virtual/portage provider.
+ vim-syntax? ( >=app-editors/vim-core-7 )
+ app-admin/eselect-package-manager"
+create-paludis-user() {
+ enewgroup "paludisbuild"
+ enewuser "paludisbuild" -1 -1 "/var/tmp/paludis" "paludisbuild,tty"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if ! built_with_use dev-libs/libpcre cxx ; then
+ eerror "Paludis needs dev-libs/libpcre built with C++ support"
+ eerror "Please build dev-libs/libpcre with USE=cxx support"
+ die "Rebuild dev-libs/libpcre with USE=cxx"
+ fi
+ if ! built_with_use dev-cpp/gtest threads ; then
+ eerror "Paludis needs dev-cpp/gtest built with threads support"
+ eerror "Please build dev-cpp/gtest with USE=threads support"
+ die "Rebuild dev-cpp/gtest with USE threads"
+ fi
+ if use python-bindings && \
+ ! built_with_use --missing true dev-libs/boost python; then
+ eerror "With USE python-bindings you need boost build with the python"
+ eerror "use flag."
+ die "Rebuild dev-libs/boost with USE python"
+ fi
+ if use pbins && \
+ built_with_use app-arch/libarchive xattr; then
+ eerror "With USE pbins you need libarchive build without the xattr"
+ eerror "use flag."
+ die "Rebuild app-arch/libarchive without USE xattr"
+ fi
+ if id paludisbuild >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
+ if ! groups paludisbuild | grep --quiet '\<tty\>' ; then
+ eerror "The 'paludisbuild' user is now expected to be a member of the"
+ eerror "'tty' group. You should add the user to this group before"
+ eerror "upgrading Paludis."
+ die "Please add paludisbuild to tty group"
+ fi
+ fi
+ create-paludis-user
+ # 'paludis' tries to exec() itself after an upgrade
+ if [[ "${PKGMANAGER}" == paludis-0.[012345]* ]] && [[ -z "${CAVE}" ]] ; then
+ eerror "The 'paludis' client has been removed in Paludis 0.60. You must use"
+ eerror "'cave' to upgrade."
+ die "Can't use 'paludis' to upgrade Paludis"
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ local repositories=`echo default unavailable unpackaged | tr -s \ ,`
+ local environments=`echo default $(usev portage ) | tr -s \ ,`
+ econf \
+ $(use_enable doc doxygen ) \
+ $(use_enable pbins ) \
+ $(use_enable pink ) \
+ $(use_enable ruby-bindings ruby ) \
+ $(use ruby-bindings && use doc && echo --enable-ruby-doc ) \
+ $(use_enable prebuilt-documentation ) \
+ $(use_enable python-bindings python ) \
+ $(use python-bindings && use doc && echo --enable-python-doc ) \
+ $(use_enable vim-syntax vim ) \
+ $(use_enable visibility ) \
+ $(use_enable xml ) \
+ $(use_enable search-index ) \
+ --with-vim-install-dir=/usr/share/vim/vimfiles \
+ --with-repositories=${repositories} \
+ --with-environments=${environments} \
+ || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "install failed"
+ BASHCOMPLETION_NAME="cave" dobashcompletion bash-completion/cave
+ if use zsh-completion ; then
+ insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
+ doins zsh-completion/_cave
+ fi
+src_test() {
+ # Work around Portage bugs
+ export PALUDIS_DO_NOTHING_SANDBOXY="portage sucks"
+ export BASH_ENV=/dev/null
+ if [[ `id -u` == 0 ]] ; then
+ # hate
+ fi
+ if ! emake check ; then
+ eerror "Tests failed. Looking for files for you to add to your bug report..."
+ find "${S}" -type f -name '*.epicfail' -or -name '*.log' | while read a ; do
+ eerror " $a"
+ done
+ die "Make check failed"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ pm_is_paludis=false
+ if [[ -f ${ROOT}/etc/env.d/50package-manager ]] ; then
+ pm_is_paludis=$( source ${ROOT}/etc/env.d/50package-manager ; [[ ${PACKAGE_MANAGER} == paludis ]] && echo true || echo false )
+ fi
+ if ! $pm_is_paludis ; then
+ elog "If you are using paludis or cave as your primary package manager,"
+ elog "you should consider running:"
+ elog " eselect package-manager set paludis"
+ fi