diff options
authorJoshua Kinard <>2007-05-20 07:20:39 +0000
committerJoshua Kinard <>2007-05-20 07:20:39 +0000
commit49d13144213a57ed8f43233081f5f57921e5a89c (patch)
treeffd7f159a63dae25a8ca4c438de2116f395ddcc0 /sys-kernel
parentstable amd64, security bug 177820 (diff)
Update the patchset with a patch to bring the uber experimental IP32 R10k support up to par, as well as update the info text of the various machines. No rev bump needed as no sane person should be using the IP32 R10k system anyways.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-kernel')
4 files changed, 59 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/ChangeLog b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/ChangeLog
index 502a848fea1e..f5ae864597b0 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-kernel/mips-sources
# Copyright 2002-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/mips-sources/ChangeLog,v 1.109 2007/05/19 01:59:53 kumba Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/mips-sources/ChangeLog,v 1.110 2007/05/20 07:20:39 kumba Exp $
+ 20 May 2007; Joshua Kinard <>
+ mips-sources-
+ Update the patchset with a patch to bring the uber experimental IP32 R10k
+ support up to par, as well as update the info text of the various machines.
+ No rev bump needed as no sane person should be using the IP32 R10k system
+ anyways.
19 May 2007; Joshua Kinard <>
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/Manifest b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/Manifest
index 426d9706bcff..cd6619e0a9a4 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/Manifest
+++ b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/Manifest
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ DIST linux-2.6.16.tar.bz2 40845005 RMD160 af5c2f55733fadd2fdf8b00da55e7b31d516d4
DIST linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919 RMD160 26aad30c9a6610665c6c7d62401d79bf56a6a699 SHA1 0605c975b9dead2af31a3decf09dd4138fadaf2b SHA256 ab0f647d52f124958439517df9e1ae0efda90cdb851f59f522fa1749f1d87d58
DIST linux-2.6.20.tar.bz2 43375937 RMD160 14657ade7be4363143dbd5593f5710d21eda7a03 SHA1 e730979adfb287528263e779c91284659672510d SHA256 2c14ada1ac7d272e03b430d3a530d60fc9ec69cc8252382aa049afba7d2b8558
DIST mips-sources-generic_patches-1.27.tar.bz2 697624 RMD160 60f2d340f286938a468dc31374535c1ba4861b44 SHA1 640a137dbdf7a72b29f154607aad2eb2e2c1f352 SHA256 0a7c1b79b8e95ff60e3cd8b58fed10b2425d79a64c3015730ca7ff55a313ae7a
-DIST mips-sources-generic_patches-1.28.tar.bz2 735258 RMD160 c1728be6a7926a0b354c1e58f28644a9c846fbbc SHA1 a217ae9d2fe83f8e79c7f8099fe8a478a7819014 SHA256 cc74bdff161f1bbe697537b82c9e83f52118b47d74ee2fb8077983b654e7b42f
+DIST mips-sources-generic_patches-1.29.tar.bz2 736751 RMD160 c1fe5a07ccc06141004d6e8a59c007c318ebe2cb SHA1 fd112ca39ce8ba4b8e95fad0c59e3c8cfd7cabc0 SHA256 62c55bc399ac779f654c48b4a67b558ef158cae4213f15338b9b53452a2609e8
DIST mipsgit-2.6.16-20070415.diff.bz2 132222 RMD160 0546df387608885cc1e8a9e8c07e8510d931e8c2 SHA1 78e573ce97b300c842e290b419f7211e3547f76d SHA256 9e1d803e4343edd5ed81e9b6a9126abfd275cc9cc97d83c75ddd009d7c33f676
DIST mipsgit-2.6.17-20070415.diff.bz2 101497 RMD160 6493d2943f84a3402105dd90d18e49d759e15df5 SHA1 91eb9f5ce5394e1a36bb187c0fa2c5665a6d5c7e SHA256 5276cf6ebf080f52853daf5e1e49f8d93873e720e042e63f5adbc3f39d30d3a7
DIST mipsgit-2.6.20-20070415.diff.bz2 86454 RMD160 cb754953afef92fe1e9bf2e30cbc213b952cb323 SHA1 d518750baf53190559c060e09ef696568a41d02b SHA256 a634ffe60f7eb0217d5823339e4b2ba63e416eee3f6a812c782d8c5cdad065b4
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ EBUILD mips-sources- 19593 RMD160 fc031fd38d3d0f63553a346801754a
MD5 313dc16b7fcb46d2af00d0df8dae8b48 mips-sources- 19593
RMD160 fc031fd38d3d0f63553a346801754a34854aea3b mips-sources- 19593
SHA256 c9f254b0a0a53e0004ea96d2418755b607bb5bbd4d033c02b731dc1766fdbe04 mips-sources- 19593
-EBUILD mips-sources- 18757 RMD160 d884dc7c382e691641c510e0d7e0a1e7df47ed28 SHA1 95305d97f6e6294a3e80ca4c8c44f18c967b8ca5 SHA256 53a535f8d51ee0562991fec2c890333a5feee7fe064ef3a87d61498b544555bc
-MD5 cf114dbf0224fc93f070c102df964a59 mips-sources- 18757
-RMD160 d884dc7c382e691641c510e0d7e0a1e7df47ed28 mips-sources- 18757
-SHA256 53a535f8d51ee0562991fec2c890333a5feee7fe064ef3a87d61498b544555bc mips-sources- 18757
-MISC ChangeLog 43961 RMD160 9197b1c22450fdc033827f7b487ea99146a9dd39 SHA1 79eab3f13b05667e64dea3c5161307ef0d8aeae4 SHA256 59893dd16f3022607a88a17e48d313afea8e561e1cd410930461eb9fad3ba71d
-MD5 be563351db058db3177357d9317ac4cb ChangeLog 43961
-RMD160 9197b1c22450fdc033827f7b487ea99146a9dd39 ChangeLog 43961
-SHA256 59893dd16f3022607a88a17e48d313afea8e561e1cd410930461eb9fad3ba71d ChangeLog 43961
+EBUILD mips-sources- 18105 RMD160 9bd17245fe5f689c6363c385335a3bd0ed5515ae SHA1 bc5d46dde23c30da3069025e861f5643e5f11ed9 SHA256 86214c6aeef6498e66acfb11f6b91f2b2b9e71b6cd5e33ac969cbd2fdba963c7
+MD5 18f557059c0caa9fb97413618e8e0ccb mips-sources- 18105
+RMD160 9bd17245fe5f689c6363c385335a3bd0ed5515ae mips-sources- 18105
+SHA256 86214c6aeef6498e66acfb11f6b91f2b2b9e71b6cd5e33ac969cbd2fdba963c7 mips-sources- 18105
+MISC ChangeLog 44284 RMD160 f778e5069795a1f4e7051a6d4eedceb4ee10f696 SHA1 d63b729b298ffdd2e00ceb3cffdb5f6afb7d3727 SHA256 12a6e91c1a9b85eaee135a881adae4fd91f8998ee2176189b1192ae28dc9e940
+MD5 6022ca7d5f23130e61eb7a30b65266e9 ChangeLog 44284
+RMD160 f778e5069795a1f4e7051a6d4eedceb4ee10f696 ChangeLog 44284
+SHA256 12a6e91c1a9b85eaee135a881adae4fd91f8998ee2176189b1192ae28dc9e940 ChangeLog 44284
MISC metadata.xml 378 RMD160 16684ccbf54bd2a4580dbf6e11cb0c8b4582e38b SHA1 4362cc5652f1b06dbd03263ece6dac4da2ebaad5 SHA256 25f7c0d45f0238401d2ab5075149519037844bf692c3c60ea355d984e22834fd
MD5 ad25a2a0b6ade60c13ad8040f3c319c6 metadata.xml 378
RMD160 16684ccbf54bd2a4580dbf6e11cb0c8b4582e38b metadata.xml 378
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ SHA256 1d98d0a8eb58a77c5f5de12e5762480fbd3a550b70643e58a75f88c1976a71b9 files/di
MD5 65aac46a5462018e600f8221e51e4d06 files/digest-mips-sources- 1063
RMD160 8eb746070baeca6169091e123624529521943b55 files/digest-mips-sources- 1063
SHA256 86cd5ab1c3d2029e37ec5f7cdf87477d9b9340ab2e4066a72cbc311ddc4e9f35 files/digest-mips-sources- 1063
-MD5 b3d719f12fc87ee2e90ea9bd1a7fed9d files/digest-mips-sources- 1060
-RMD160 e0e9e617d6b2cf3c1cf774c53aeb5e3d7826f1e6 files/digest-mips-sources- 1060
-SHA256 eacaf8cebf36a4fb417f352b99b7bf4a45ecb524b75f9720af9223bc25fe8dec files/digest-mips-sources- 1060
+MD5 46f44bc04362007b95e139cdd4da79cb files/digest-mips-sources- 1060
+RMD160 7010508907fa053a01b29290a8e887301279494d files/digest-mips-sources- 1060
+SHA256 6994e7379a7b8224fce3bbfb8883d54d9094bc22de3927dd948a977eda8ccb97 files/digest-mips-sources- 1060
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/files/digest-mips-sources- b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/files/digest-mips-sources-
index ea2ec3258d9d..3cc4d1739601 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/files/digest-mips-sources-
+++ b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/files/digest-mips-sources-
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
MD5 34b0f354819217e6a345f48ebbd8f13e linux-2.6.20.tar.bz2 43375937
RMD160 14657ade7be4363143dbd5593f5710d21eda7a03 linux-2.6.20.tar.bz2 43375937
SHA256 2c14ada1ac7d272e03b430d3a530d60fc9ec69cc8252382aa049afba7d2b8558 linux-2.6.20.tar.bz2 43375937
-MD5 b1d6a03db8666632baa8442867638f4d mips-sources-generic_patches-1.28.tar.bz2 735258
-RMD160 c1728be6a7926a0b354c1e58f28644a9c846fbbc mips-sources-generic_patches-1.28.tar.bz2 735258
-SHA256 cc74bdff161f1bbe697537b82c9e83f52118b47d74ee2fb8077983b654e7b42f mips-sources-generic_patches-1.28.tar.bz2 735258
+MD5 5e30a549cfa607130cad896974e67595 mips-sources-generic_patches-1.29.tar.bz2 736751
+RMD160 c1fe5a07ccc06141004d6e8a59c007c318ebe2cb mips-sources-generic_patches-1.29.tar.bz2 736751
+SHA256 62c55bc399ac779f654c48b4a67b558ef158cae4213f15338b9b53452a2609e8 mips-sources-generic_patches-1.29.tar.bz2 736751
MD5 7ee74b19254021e32f5608580285413d mipsgit-2.6.20-20070415.diff.bz2 86454
RMD160 cb754953afef92fe1e9bf2e30cbc213b952cb323 mipsgit-2.6.20-20070415.diff.bz2 86454
SHA256 a634ffe60f7eb0217d5823339e4b2ba63e416eee3f6a812c782d8c5cdad065b4 mipsgit-2.6.20-20070415.diff.bz2 86454
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/mips-sources- b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/mips-sources-
index 55d3cc58de65..a7fcb40bad4e 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/mips-sources-
+++ b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/mips-sources-
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/mips-sources/mips-sources-,v 1.2 2007/05/19 01:59:53 kumba Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/mips-sources/mips-sources-,v 1.3 2007/05/20 07:20:39 kumba Exp $
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
# Version Data
GITDATE="20070415" # Date of diff between and lmo GIT
-GENPATCHVER="1.28" # Tarball version for generic patches
+GENPATCHVER="1.29" # Tarball version for generic patches
F_KV="${OKV}" # Fetch KV, used to know what mipsgit diff to grab.
@@ -150,53 +150,39 @@ err_disabled_mach() {
show_ip22_info() {
echo -e ""
- einfo "IP22 systems should work well with this release, however, R4600"
- einfo "setups may still experience bugs. Please report any encountered"
- einfo "problems."
+ einfo "IP22 systems with an R5000 processor should work well with this release."
+ einfo "The R4x00 series of processors tend to be rather flaky, especially the"
+ einfo "R4600. If you have to run an R4x00 processor, then try to use an R4400."
einfo ""
einfo "Some Notes:"
einfo "\t- Supported graphics card right now is Newport (XL)."
- einfo "\t- A driver for Extreme (XZ) is in the works, but remains"
- einfo "\t\040\040unreleased by its author for public consumption."
+ einfo "\t- A driver for Extreme (XZ) supposedly exists, but its author"
+ einfo "\t\040\040has steadfastly refused to release the code for various reasons."
+ einfo "\t\040\040Any questions regarding its status should be directed to "onion" in"
+ einfo "\t\040\040#mipslinux on the Freenode IRC network. Given he is the author, he"
+ einfo "\t\040\040will know the most current status of the driver."
echo -e ""
show_ip27_info() {
echo -e ""
- einfo "IP27 support can be considered a game of Russian Roulette. It'll work"
- einfo "great for some but not for others. It also uses some rather horrible"
- einfo "hacks to get going -- hopefully these will be repaired in the future."
- echo -e ""
- ewarn "Please keep all kittens and any other small, cute, and fluffy creatures"
- ewarn "away from an IP27 Box running these sources. Failure to do so may cause"
- ewarn "the IP27 to consume the hapless creature. Consider this your only"
- ewarn "warning regarding the experimental nature of this particular machine."
+ ewarn "IP27 support can be considered a game of Russian Roulette. It'll work"
+ ewarn "great for some but not for others. We don't get a chance to test this"
+ ewarn "machine very often with each new kernel, so your mileage may vary."
echo -e ""
show_ip28_info() {
echo -e ""
- einfo "Support for the Indigo2 Impact R10000 is very experimental. If you do not"
- einfo "have a clue in the world about what an IP28 is, what the mips architecture"
- einfo "is about, or are new to Gentoo, then it is highly advised that you steer"
- einfo "clear of messing with this machine. Due to the experimental nature of this"
- einfo "particular class of system, we have to provide such warnings, as it is only"
- einfo "for use by those who know what they are doing."
- echo -e ""
- einfo "Be advised that attempting to run Gentoo/Linux (or any Linux distro) on this"
- einfo "system may cause the sudden, unexplained disappearence of any nearby furry"
- einfo "creatures. So please keep any and all small pets away from this system at"
- einfo "all times."
- echo -e ""
- ewarn "That said, support for this system REQUIRES that you use the ip28 cascade"
- ewarn "profile (${HILITE}default-linux/mips/2006.1/ip28/o32${NORMAL}), because a very special"
- ewarn "patch is used on the kernel-gcc (${GOOD}gcc-mips64${NORMAL}) and the kernel itself"
- ewarn "in order to support this machine. These patches will only be applied"
- ewarn "if \"ip28\" is defined in USE, which the profile sets. As of gcc-4.1.1,"
- ewarn "this patch is automatically applied. In time, ${HILITE}kgcc64${NORMAL} will replace ${GOOD}gcc-mips64${NORMAL}"
+ einfo "Support for the Indigo2 Impact R10000 is experimental, and will likely remain so."
+ einfo "As such, If you do not have a clue in the world about what an IP28 is, what the"
+ einfo "mips architecture is about, are new to Gentoo, or even Linux in particular, then"
+ einfo "it is highly advised that you steer clear of messing with this machine. Due to"
+ einfo "the experimental nature of this particular class of system, we have to provide"
+ einfo "such warnings, as it is only for use by those who know what they are doing."
echo -e ""
- ewarn "As a final warning, _nothing_ is guaranteed to work smoothly. However,"
- ewarn "the Impact console driver and X driver do work somewhat decently."
+ ewarn "Remember, due to the R10000 Speculative Execution issue that exists with this"
+ ewarn "machine class, _nothing_ is guaranteed to work smoothly. Your mileage may vary."
echo -e ""
@@ -221,16 +207,19 @@ show_ip30_info() {
show_ip32_info() {
echo -e ""
einfo "IP32 systems function well, however there are some notes:"
- einfo "\t- No driver exists yet for the sound card."
+ einfo "\t- No driver exists yet for the sound card. There is active work on one,"
+ einfo "\t\040\040however. Interested parties are encouraged to browse the Linux/MIPS"
+ einfo "\t\040\040mailing list archives during the first few months of 2007 for more"
+ einfo "\t\040\040information on this driver's status."
einfo "\t- Framebuffer console is limited to 4MB. Anything greater"
einfo "\t\040\040specified when building the kernel will likely oops or panic"
einfo "\t\040\040the kernel."
einfo "\t- X support is limited to the generic fbdev driver. No X gbefb"
- einfo "\t\040\040driver exists for O2 yet."
+ einfo "\t\040\040driver exists for O2 yet. Patches are welcome, however :)"
echo -e ""
if use ip32r10k; then
- eerror "R10000/R12000 Support on IP32 is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL!"
+ eerror "R10000/R12000 Support on IP32 is ${HILITE}HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL!${NORMAL}"
eerror "This is intended ONLY for people interested in fixing it up. And"
eerror "by that, I mean people willing to SEND IN PATCHES! If you're not"
eerror "interested in debugging this issue seriously or just want to run it"
@@ -247,22 +236,19 @@ show_ip32_info() {
eerror "manual, or those who are familiar with the IP32 chipset and the feature"
eerror "called \"Juice\"."
echo -e ""
- eerror "To build this kernel tree, make sure you re-merge your kernel compiler"
- eerror "with the \"ip32r10k\" USE flag enabled via crossdev. This uses a"
- eerror "tweaked version of the gcc cache barriers patch that makes gcc emit "
- eerror "more barriers, as IP32 needs them to have any hope of staying online."
eerror "!!! BIG FAT WARNING"
eerror "!!! To Build 64bit kernels for SGI O2 (IP32) or SGI Indy/Indigo2 R4x00 (IP22)"
- eerror "!!! systems, you _need_ to be using a >=gcc-4.1.1 compiler. In prior times, an"
- eerror "!!! ugly hack was used to build an ELF64 binary that resembled an ELF32 binary in"
- eerror "!!! order to make the ARCS PROMs on these systems boot the kernel. This hack is no"
- eerror "!!! longer in use nor supported in 2.6.17 and beyond. In order to achieve the same"
- eerror "!!! effect, a new flag available in >=gcc-4.x is used, and as such, makes"
- eerror "!!! >=gcc-4.1.1 the preferred compiler for 2.6.17 and beyond."
+ eerror "!!! systems, you _need_ to be using a >=gcc-4.1.1 compiler, have CONFIG_BUILD_ELF64"
+ eerror "!!! disabled in your kernel config, and building with the ${HILITE}vmlinux.32${NORMAL} make target."
+ eerror "!!! In prior times, an ugly hack was used to build an ELF64 binary that resembled"
+ eerror "!!! an ELF32 binary in order to make the ARCS PROMs on these systems boot the"
+ eerror "!!! kernel. This hack is no longer in use nor supported in 2.6.17 and beyond. In"
+ eerror "!!! order to achieve the same effect, a new flag available in >=gcc-4.x is used,"
+ eerror "!!! and as such, makes >=gcc-4.1.1 the preferred compiler for 2.6.17 and beyond."
eerror ""
- eerror "!!! One side effect of this is the need to build 64bit IP32 and IP22 kernels with the"
+ eerror "!!! Remember, build your IP22 and IP32 kernels with the following command:"
eerror "!!! following make command: ${GOOD}make vmlinux.32${NORMAL}"
eerror "!!! Once done, copy the ${GOOD}vmlinux.32${NORMAL} file and boot that. Do not use the"
eerror "!!! ${BAD}vmlinux${NORMAL} file -- this will either not boot on IP22 or result in"
@@ -394,7 +380,7 @@ do_sekrit_patches() {
# Modified version of the IP28 cache barriers patch for the kernel
# that removes all the IP28 specific pieces and leaves behind only
# the generic segments.
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip32-r10k-support.patch
+ epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.20-ip32-r10k-support.patch
## # No Sekrit Patches!