diff options
authorJulien Allanos <>2008-01-06 00:34:54 +0000
committerJulien Allanos <>2008-01-06 00:34:54 +0000
commit81ef4ffa002efd0038032b2e803cc36d2ee93673 (patch)
tree8bfe5870a197ce85b359694d49a8949d6366b0f5 /www-apps
parentAdded mask for www-apps/trac-0.11 beta ebuilds. (diff)
Bump to 0.11_beta1, closing bugs #150632 and #204074.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'www-apps')
6 files changed, 232 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/trac/ChangeLog b/www-apps/trac/ChangeLog
index 92b40eb2277c..a510037e8e1d 100644
--- a/www-apps/trac/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-apps/trac/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for www-apps/trac
-# Copyright 2000-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/trac/ChangeLog,v 1.63 2007/10/26 17:22:49 nixnut Exp $
+# Copyright 2000-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/trac/ChangeLog,v 1.64 2008/01/06 00:34:53 dju Exp $
+*trac-0.11_beta1 (06 Jan 2008)
+ 06 Jan 2008; Julien Allanos <> files/postinst-en.txt,
+ +files/postupgrade-en.txt, +trac-0.11_beta1.ebuild:
+ Bump to 0.11_beta1, closing bugs #150632 and #204074.
26 Oct 2007; nixnut <> trac-0.10.4.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 196505
diff --git a/www-apps/trac/Manifest b/www-apps/trac/Manifest
index e4e37c9eb586..3396db4244c4 100644
--- a/www-apps/trac/Manifest
+++ b/www-apps/trac/Manifest
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@ AUX 0.9.6-postinst-en.txt 2275 RMD160 5434d1d4174621455f3983daf56b6d60b071bee2 S
MD5 1ef68ae7232130e8152d6e007afc4352 files/0.9.6-postinst-en.txt 2275
RMD160 5434d1d4174621455f3983daf56b6d60b071bee2 files/0.9.6-postinst-en.txt 2275
SHA256 1b89d5b0d69da1aad5be058096e4237ddef9e0b1fd46909495f9297b6b63f85d files/0.9.6-postinst-en.txt 2275
-AUX postinst-en.txt 2454 RMD160 144155b311bb35732f1b00bfd654381585534407 SHA1 74c45b519290e0694ee6c35d57141bb597e28a4a SHA256 158252c112391a401f14128d4a2ebe3db8ace85789d3ff015204acf1bfa6a971
-MD5 c3d3bc4118a7c3598bd177423ca7ad05 files/postinst-en.txt 2454
-RMD160 144155b311bb35732f1b00bfd654381585534407 files/postinst-en.txt 2454
-SHA256 158252c112391a401f14128d4a2ebe3db8ace85789d3ff015204acf1bfa6a971 files/postinst-en.txt 2454
+AUX postinst-en.txt 1349 RMD160 019db0eb917956b84e2afe621edcba501e83a105 SHA1 337a6d417aee1cb94d936952584a154a18ae6d74 SHA256 af9ea54a0499737a454852d8f878368fea6540dc50fce3ce486ede2a0a201a39
+MD5 0c936f80f64560dce3f0b9520a01e6c2 files/postinst-en.txt 1349
+RMD160 019db0eb917956b84e2afe621edcba501e83a105 files/postinst-en.txt 1349
+SHA256 af9ea54a0499737a454852d8f878368fea6540dc50fce3ce486ede2a0a201a39 files/postinst-en.txt 1349
+AUX postupgrade-en.txt 674 RMD160 088b1b590ebd7876347b06e71f9dda549238eda1 SHA1 f45997b23c35eec1188003b21dd971d28961ab98 SHA256 4ce5f023f0f2312ac6b6162b2db510397d204cc168db1d5c09ad3aae678ea6b0
+MD5 2e6f488e1469b6432db69a43bca48c63 files/postupgrade-en.txt 674
+RMD160 088b1b590ebd7876347b06e71f9dda549238eda1 files/postupgrade-en.txt 674
+SHA256 4ce5f023f0f2312ac6b6162b2db510397d204cc168db1d5c09ad3aae678ea6b0 files/postupgrade-en.txt 674
AUX tracd.confd 359 RMD160 7328dd041576abbc76130ce220041d837289dd00 SHA1 91a6077f1baf9301082826697e8828c6039f7648 SHA256 6ae50c887d18f8eeda7d59c4d3fd1b5e07e407711c4e4679fef3583f7be8ed6e
MD5 95b1311ca65e1ffcd51a191542f45ba4 files/tracd.confd 359
RMD160 7328dd041576abbc76130ce220041d837289dd00 files/tracd.confd 359
@@ -14,6 +18,7 @@ AUX tracd.initd 598 RMD160 d2a85d9acb6376bb748c1bca62fbbc9d00769b90 SHA1 c601da4
MD5 d7e954480e84e17e0b889c3bb8fe1f4d files/tracd.initd 598
RMD160 d2a85d9acb6376bb748c1bca62fbbc9d00769b90 files/tracd.initd 598
SHA256 571c1e9b9501f3e271aceef7cd402fbea4be0269cc13691da65077517455955e files/tracd.initd 598
+DIST Trac-0.11b1.tar.gz 634125 RMD160 ec73091b56877900487db75bccfa04fc93edd5ff SHA1 c64d300347abca761964f356bc15f8c8f08837c0 SHA256 43a53b9df4835c36f6c4c35086ff1d7b94e53a287b232fb6d20715e69f07f4e5
DIST trac- 443713 RMD160 02b34dbb41d858c999627ee2201cdbd43e592576 SHA1 4735f453f9bea15d65b71bcbd0e4817ee21f104a SHA256 35cc090d6338a8aae8a902e4b41782a140284381baa9474051ac27fc89261476
DIST trac-0.10.4.tar.gz 449116 RMD160 9eb843eabf5f986b3d08cd2081f02fe9033abd1e SHA1 2b6db96665cb7753d02de4f7f75beef9a1d97afc SHA256 0061cf11d6d259505ff64252c40baf53e845095437eb56f98d3493fad9701100
DIST trac-0.9.6.tar.gz 339647 RMD160 3bf086f8c5a6b3b7d6584359dbc916f6ee61dfdc SHA1 b64b193ec014113341f493149e0de2876a32fc7d SHA256 67862c30c2dd0852ba4778a23bba79ab2387e9b40a85b40865cb76c4fa878dfc
@@ -25,14 +30,18 @@ EBUILD trac-0.10.4.ebuild 4414 RMD160 aa55f62537ed8048c186a76ff8fa385c2e295f6d S
MD5 5ea6bfe436df7a80007e3fdc8484df71 trac-0.10.4.ebuild 4414
RMD160 aa55f62537ed8048c186a76ff8fa385c2e295f6d trac-0.10.4.ebuild 4414
SHA256 fb8ce8478ff28f502d47a33f70f99bd416280a31453d4a8b0ef470457654afae trac-0.10.4.ebuild 4414
+EBUILD trac-0.11_beta1.ebuild 4069 RMD160 78d40cd0e0d9a816915b2e66f56d352f75ae8f8a SHA1 8b7c183e592dcf73a6499c6d7578f0a1beb8fa96 SHA256 564343a44ec8d654118c1566f2559688574e219493b4cd033ae7aac0ff6dbca6
+MD5 aab66cb3b2a3fd8fdfe0bc0558619a5f trac-0.11_beta1.ebuild 4069
+RMD160 78d40cd0e0d9a816915b2e66f56d352f75ae8f8a trac-0.11_beta1.ebuild 4069
+SHA256 564343a44ec8d654118c1566f2559688574e219493b4cd033ae7aac0ff6dbca6 trac-0.11_beta1.ebuild 4069
EBUILD trac-0.9.6.ebuild 3158 RMD160 5133838b24c969d64e51b121485152082a850d52 SHA1 fcd2ea1473b96d5bff95b275149b2bf923784612 SHA256 13a05b01957917fe42f14e3efa2984262fcbed94ef88665c0f9040a1d711fe42
MD5 014108e0d18c79770a9d89f01f2f0dae trac-0.9.6.ebuild 3158
RMD160 5133838b24c969d64e51b121485152082a850d52 trac-0.9.6.ebuild 3158
SHA256 13a05b01957917fe42f14e3efa2984262fcbed94ef88665c0f9040a1d711fe42 trac-0.9.6.ebuild 3158
-MISC ChangeLog 10680 RMD160 0e455d70297994cb44bb3592f7856c30ba3944f0 SHA1 676e29d66de6a11a83182e115fcc3e780c0ec919 SHA256 42288f6cdce29991a5aaaca58dbe103233ea815f408caf658600a0eff6213490
-MD5 bd67bd2ec4de4a652076b1f54262cd04 ChangeLog 10680
-RMD160 0e455d70297994cb44bb3592f7856c30ba3944f0 ChangeLog 10680
-SHA256 42288f6cdce29991a5aaaca58dbe103233ea815f408caf658600a0eff6213490 ChangeLog 10680
+MISC ChangeLog 10890 RMD160 3f58e7dd32d6c2374638793c6ec3c7a454bef60c SHA1 6592da4beb0a71646571185ae862fc73ca732ddc SHA256 93827957d245f74f30d1d5a8cd76cf9941a85ed7e742e3365b15557407b3db4c
+MD5 f5327605e43273e4cfb059c9d8ddadc1 ChangeLog 10890
+RMD160 3f58e7dd32d6c2374638793c6ec3c7a454bef60c ChangeLog 10890
+SHA256 93827957d245f74f30d1d5a8cd76cf9941a85ed7e742e3365b15557407b3db4c ChangeLog 10890
MISC metadata.xml 220 RMD160 dcc7b97d4b6eb6a017014b427fa9fd9c2ce04583 SHA1 2cf693a9408713395fdedb16da9edd6b33e5c2e7 SHA256 09bece3580791397bbf0b4d68ff9ac4abbc37150cf11fe7848f924119ca76b84
MD5 fc3b5dec4ccef02547c54bf840024aa6 metadata.xml 220
RMD160 dcc7b97d4b6eb6a017014b427fa9fd9c2ce04583 metadata.xml 220
@@ -43,6 +52,9 @@ SHA256 5d720577a23194c55479b5739ed29a3b6228bd4fb3c7a5162443410dd6c9bc3f files/di
MD5 a4494e873fd63d71e60cf7174424a0b3 files/digest-trac-0.10.4 235
RMD160 6ee4538e10fe43fc64553531b8039b1c7c6a2369 files/digest-trac-0.10.4 235
SHA256 aded48f35c3d907d50a01159ce364037b4e1f14fdd286416d5fbe0dc84ade3e5 files/digest-trac-0.10.4 235
+MD5 e07aa2f43d50d255873e56bc81e12ab8 files/digest-trac-0.11_beta1 235
+RMD160 9b1e7d72ba2a769a51aef6735f662ad8ac74c8bf files/digest-trac-0.11_beta1 235
+SHA256 4e0f4fc949d1f00a5373b0c5d1700b57b24f3193175cda1615a2a89a34017dcf files/digest-trac-0.11_beta1 235
MD5 ef7e6e6a4bfbbaa52235699344830326 files/digest-trac-0.9.6 232
RMD160 7e8faa5459569fc27f03dc441c9d7b9c34e00d9b files/digest-trac-0.9.6 232
SHA256 a44608e686cc8466aa7c2fe9a8722b43bb7b4c2436e032801b02703c27820742 files/digest-trac-0.9.6 232
diff --git a/www-apps/trac/files/digest-trac-0.11_beta1 b/www-apps/trac/files/digest-trac-0.11_beta1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fd793c932c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/trac/files/digest-trac-0.11_beta1
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 b7accd6d2e4c798e6a79c19571e33a25 Trac-0.11b1.tar.gz 634125
+RMD160 ec73091b56877900487db75bccfa04fc93edd5ff Trac-0.11b1.tar.gz 634125
+SHA256 43a53b9df4835c36f6c4c35086ff1d7b94e53a287b232fb6d20715e69f07f4e5 Trac-0.11b1.tar.gz 634125
diff --git a/www-apps/trac/files/postinst-en.txt b/www-apps/trac/files/postinst-en.txt
index a5f2f6663b19..1aa1d51b79b9 100644
--- a/www-apps/trac/files/postinst-en.txt
+++ b/www-apps/trac/files/postinst-en.txt
@@ -1,71 +1,41 @@
Install Instructions
-To complete the install, create your first Trac environment by running this
- trac-admin /var/lib/trac/<project-name> initenv
+This is brief and generic information about Trac.
-For security, trac relies on the webserver for authentication. The following
-command creates a password database for Basic Authentication with Apache 2:
+See the releases notes at
+for the Trac version you have installed to learn about software changes and
+possible caveats.
- htpasswd2 -c /etc/apache2/trac.htpasswd <user-name>
+Web Server
-Please adjust for the webserver of your choice, and refer to your webserver
+Trac installation depends on the web server you are using.
-Now, all you need to do is to configure your webserver. The following is a
-configuration example for Apache 2 and CGI:
+FastCGI users: see
- <Location "/cgi-bin/trac.cgi">
- SetEnv TRAC_ENV "/var/lib/trac/<project-name>"
- </Location>
- <Location "/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/login">
- AuthType Basic
- AuthName "trac"
- AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/trac.htpasswd
- Require valid-user
- </Location>
+CGI users: see
-Again, please adjust for the webserver of your choice.
+Apache 2 and mod_python users: you have to manually emerge
+www-apache/mod_python. See
-Fast-CGI users: you have to emerge and configure your Fast-CGI engine
-You can also use Trac without having to install a webserver. See
+You can also use Trac without having to install a web server. See to know more.
-Don't forget to update the configuration file! It is located at
-/var/lib/trac/<project-name>/conf/trac.ini. See its reference at
-More information (multiple projects setup, installation with Apache 2 and
-mod_python, lighttpd...) can be found on the Trac wiki:
+Trac relies on the web server for users authentication. Please refer to the
+Trac wiki and to your web server documentation to set up authentication.
+Trac environments
-Upgrade Instructions
-If you are upgrading from a previous Trac version, please follow the
-instructions here:
-If upgrading to Trac 0.10, you need to upgrade, resync, wiki upgrade and
-possibly review your Wiki pages for your Trac environments.
+To complete the install, create your first Trac environment by running this
-Since 0.9, Trac uses sqlite-3 instead of sqlite-2. If you were using Trac 0.8.x
-or below, you have to upgrade your database files or else you won't be able to
-use Trac. You can issue the following commands, for each environment you have:
+ trac-admin /var/lib/trac/<project-name> initenv
- mv /var/lib/trac/<project-name>/db/trac.db \
- /var/lib/trac/<project-name>/db/trac2.db
- sqlite /var/lib/trac/<project-name>/db/trac2.db .dump \
- | sqlite3 /var/lib/trac/<project-name>/db/trac.db
- trac-admin /var/lib/trac/<project-name> upgrade
- trac-admin /var/lib/trac/<project-name> resync
- trac-admin /var/lib/trac/<project-name> wiki upgrade
+Don't forget to review the configuration file! It is located at
+/var/lib/trac/<project-name>/conf/trac.ini. Consult its reference at
-And review the trac.ini configuration file by comparing it to
+See to know more about Trac
+environments and how to configure them.
diff --git a/www-apps/trac/files/postupgrade-en.txt b/www-apps/trac/files/postupgrade-en.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2fbdc18303a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/trac/files/postupgrade-en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Upgrade Instructions
+This is brief and generic information about Trac.
+See the releases notes at
+for the Trac version you have installed to learn about software changes and
+possible caveats.
+If you are upgrading from a previous Trac version, please follow the
+instructions here:
+You will need to run trac-admin commands (upgrade, wiki upgrade...) for each
+Trac environment you have.
+You might also want to check for new configuration options by comparing trac.ini
+file with trac.ini.sample file in the conf/ directory in each Trac environment.
diff --git a/www-apps/trac/trac-0.11_beta1.ebuild b/www-apps/trac/trac-0.11_beta1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..290ddcc46da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/trac/trac-0.11_beta1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/trac/trac-0.11_beta1.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/01/06 00:34:53 dju Exp $
+inherit distutils webapp
+DESCRIPTION="Trac is a minimalistic web-based project management, wiki and bug/issue tracking system."
+IUSE="cgi fastcgi mysql postgres sqlite subversion"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+# doing so because tools, python packages... overlap
+ dev-python/setuptools
+ "
+ dev-python/genshi
+ dev-python/pygments
+ >=dev-python/docutils-0.3.9
+ dev-python/pytz
+ cgi? (
+ virtual/httpd-cgi
+ )
+ fastcgi? (
+ virtual/httpd-fastcgi
+ )
+ mysql? (
+ >=dev-python/mysql-python-1.2.1
+ >=virtual/mysql-4.1
+ )
+ postgres? (
+ >=dev-python/psycopg-2
+ )
+ sqlite? (
+ >=dev-db/sqlite-3.3.4
+ || (
+ >=dev-lang/python-2.5
+ >=dev-python/pysqlite-2.3.2
+ )
+ )
+ subversion? (
+ >=dev-util/subversion-1.4.2
+ )
+ !www-apps/trac-webadmin
+ "
+# The following function should be added to eutils.eclass (see bug #143572):
+# Generate an standard error message for missing USE flags
+# in existing packages, and die.
+# Usage: built_with_use_die <category/package> <functionality> [<USE flag>]
+# ex: built_with_use_die dev-util/subversion python
+# or: built_with_use_die www-servers/apache LDAP ldap
+# Typical usage:
+# if ! built_with_use dev-util/subversion python ; then
+# built_with_use_die dev-util/subversion python
+# fi
+# Note: when <USE flag> is not specified, <functionality> is used for the USE flag name.
+built_with_use_die() {
+ local package=$1
+ local func=$2
+ local use_flag=$3
+ [[ -z ${use_flag} ]] && use_flag=${func}
+ eerror "Your ${package} package has been built without"
+ eerror "${func} support, please enable the '${use_flag}' USE flag and"
+ eerror "re-emerge ${package}."
+ elog "You can enable this USE flag either globally in /etc/make.conf,"
+ elog "or just for specific packages in /etc/portage/package.use."
+ die "${package} missing ${func} support"
+pkg_setup() {
+ webapp_pkg_setup
+ if ! use mysql && ! use postgres && ! use sqlite ; then
+ eerror "You must select at least one database backend, by enabling"
+ eerror "at least one of the 'mysql', 'postgres' or 'sqlite' USE flags."
+ die "no database backend selected"
+ fi
+ # python has built-in sqlite support starting from 2.5
+ if use sqlite && \
+ has_version ">=dev-lang/python-2.5" && \
+ ! has_version ">=dev-python/pysqlite-2.3" && \
+ ! built_with_use dev-lang/python sqlite ; then
+ eerror "To use the sqlite database backend, you must either:"
+ eerror "- build dev-lang/python with sqlite support, using the 'sqlite'"
+ eerror " USE flag, or"
+ eerror "- emerge dev-python/pysqlite"
+ die "missing python sqlite support"
+ fi
+ if use subversion && \
+ ! built_with_use dev-util/subversion python ; then
+ built_with_use_die dev-util/subversion python
+ fi
+ ebegin "Creating tracd group and user"
+ enewgroup tracd
+ enewuser tracd -1 -1 -1 tracd
+ eend ${?}
+src_install() {
+ webapp_src_preinst
+ distutils_src_install
+ # project environments might go in here
+ keepdir /var/lib/trac
+ # documentation
+ rm "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${P}/PKG-INFO
+ cp -r contrib "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${P}/
+ # tracd init script
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/tracd.confd tracd
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/tracd.initd tracd
+ # prepare webapp master copy
+ # if needed, install cgi/fcgi scripts
+ if use cgi ; then
+ cp cgi-bin/trac.cgi "${D}"/${MY_CGIBINDIR} || die
+ fi
+ if use fastcgi ; then
+ cp cgi-bin/trac.fcgi "${D}"/${MY_CGIBINDIR} || die
+ fi
+ # copy graphics, css & js
+# cp -r htdocs/* ${D}/${MY_HTDOCSDIR}
+ for lang in en; do
+ webapp_postinst_txt ${lang} "${FILESDIR}"/postinst-${lang}.txt
+ webapp_postupgrade_txt ${lang} "${FILESDIR}"/postupgrade-${lang}.txt
+ done
+ webapp_src_install