diff options
5 files changed, 513 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/ChangeLog b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/ChangeLog
index 265768cc57ec..3db532907340 100644
--- a/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-util/eclipse-sdk
# Copyright 2003-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/ChangeLog,v 1.84 2005/03/23 16:16:48 seemant Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/ChangeLog,v 1.85 2005/04/06 19:38:00 karltk Exp $
+*eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6 (06 Apr 2005)
+ 06 Apr 2005; Karl Trygve Kalleberg <> files/eclipse-3.1,
+ +eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6.ebuild:
+ New upstream release. Disabled Motif and KDE support, since this is
+ deprecated upstream. Can now be bootstrapped with jikes. In theory,
+ eclipse-sdk should now be compilable on any VM which provide the JNI
+ headers, using Jikes.
23 Mar 2005; Seemant Kulleen <>
eclipse-sdk-2.1.3-r5.ebuild, eclipse-sdk-3.0.0-r3.ebuild,
diff --git a/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/Manifest b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/Manifest
index b64c7d9bca0b..3be02f965265 100644
--- a/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/Manifest
@@ -1,35 +1,37 @@
-MD5 784f7f8fdf82be12bba512c56169050e eclipse-sdk-2.1.3-r5.ebuild 9905
+MD5 b46f3362dcf17eebc979bc87c2581b49 eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre3.ebuild 16524
+MD5 5f47b5e1d82a19fafb466d830a509d01 eclipse-sdk-3.0.1.ebuild 11886
MD5 a2d7d204d16c0363da6429bad390431a eclipse-sdk-3.0.0-r3.ebuild 12081
-MD5 030ee53185dd243ff9adbc829417bd5d eclipse-sdk-3.0.1-r1.ebuild 13995
+MD5 626ba739016658d8eddbb1b1f0dd596d eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre5.ebuild 17446
MD5 fa833aa696b5b81ccfd0e4799435a68d eclipse-sdk-3.0.1-r2.ebuild 14289
-MD5 5f47b5e1d82a19fafb466d830a509d01 eclipse-sdk-3.0.1.ebuild 11886
-MD5 0b6f44460f5c2164e469e4444060b23f eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre1.ebuild 12137
MD5 233b7bd25c8c68c658a37232777f4f61 eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre2.ebuild 16365
-MD5 b46f3362dcf17eebc979bc87c2581b49 eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre3.ebuild 16524
MD5 3dd370d05757375aa1edeb5ce2605196 eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre4.ebuild 17450
-MD5 626ba739016658d8eddbb1b1f0dd596d eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre5.ebuild 17446
+MD5 784f7f8fdf82be12bba512c56169050e eclipse-sdk-2.1.3-r5.ebuild 9905
+MD5 030ee53185dd243ff9adbc829417bd5d eclipse-sdk-3.0.1-r1.ebuild 13995
+MD5 323bb4c1f4b63e5d19bc39f8802b10eb eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6.ebuild 13322
+MD5 0b6f44460f5c2164e469e4444060b23f eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre1.ebuild 12137
+MD5 24d0ba47441138a4f658fc27e28bd5da ChangeLog 16866
MD5 8de14dda7d318d8fb514fdbcecd4058b metadata.xml 782
-MD5 9d615a59b62e298326e7ad866886444d ChangeLog 16485
MD5 ab0f6620b4767e065bd533b06245b0fc files/01-distribute_ant_target-2.1.patch 1103
-MD5 ed33fd609db26b85ef9b0c2a82a06b22 files/01-distribute_ant_target-3.0.patch 726
-MD5 59c18169fdf20b43544bb4891592dce4 files/02-konqueror_help_browser-2.1.patch 1013
+MD5 69ee2069b0260e40c6fa93315ff759cc files/eclipse-3.1.desktop 226
+MD5 6ac05b530442f845b10b830e624ffe04 files/eclipse-2.desktop 222
MD5 a8bdecb6304c91da92a3b153e154f544 files/02-konqueror_help_browser-3.0.patch 1560
-MD5 8f66a016be8f50dc8f57353c8207c669 files/03-motif-java1.5-build.patch 1848
-MD5 79d8cfcfc342234eac01538827998fa2 files/04-amd64-gtk.patch 388
-MD5 21bde556ac55c5e22578cf4998135913 files/digest-eclipse-sdk-2.1.3-r5 176
MD5 0e815a2260dbd0153de35c6de26fbd05 files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.0.0-r3 86
-MD5 486d232cbe9d4b75d915bb6bf8b5f0d2 files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.0.1 88
MD5 486d232cbe9d4b75d915bb6bf8b5f0d2 files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.0.1-r1 88
MD5 486d232cbe9d4b75d915bb6bf8b5f0d2 files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.0.1-r2 88
+MD5 486d232cbe9d4b75d915bb6bf8b5f0d2 files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.0.1 88
MD5 eb74cc6c76bd05234e01af4fe0097b0c files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre1 88
MD5 5ad8ad3c4903f22b93bda11fc259940b files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre2 88
MD5 faec09f4506f1a9a12ceb725a09709f6 files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre3 88
MD5 18dfd928ae2d0f9bc5058eb604adc895 files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre4 88
MD5 997fca22d81ad543ce32c6e98c86cab6 files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre5 89
+MD5 c2e939c5ac99b36a6fd439fe179139cb files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6 88
+MD5 ed33fd609db26b85ef9b0c2a82a06b22 files/01-distribute_ant_target-3.0.patch 726
+MD5 21bde556ac55c5e22578cf4998135913 files/digest-eclipse-sdk-2.1.3-r5 176
+MD5 429b757eb766856a6b29094b06402576 files/eclipse-3.desktop 222
+MD5 8f66a016be8f50dc8f57353c8207c669 files/03-motif-java1.5-build.patch 1848
+MD5 59c18169fdf20b43544bb4891592dce4 files/02-konqueror_help_browser-2.1.patch 1013
+MD5 79d8cfcfc342234eac01538827998fa2 files/04-amd64-gtk.patch 388
MD5 de999f62aa03505bfd16a01f7e1a28a3 files/eclipse-2 956
-MD5 6ac05b530442f845b10b830e624ffe04 files/eclipse-2.desktop 222
MD5 a158c2a70562122805ec2ffa055a8271 files/eclipse-3 950
-MD5 eb79e64a2cba9f1e3fc57a1235726162 files/eclipse-3.1 952
-MD5 69ee2069b0260e40c6fa93315ff759cc files/eclipse-3.1.desktop 226
-MD5 429b757eb766856a6b29094b06402576 files/eclipse-3.desktop 222
MD5 32be5292ce0af7ff9c1866c1f59e1859 files/eclipse.1 2607
+MD5 e4ee97056b94052240fb360db6ffaef9 files/eclipse-3.1 1438
diff --git a/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6.ebuild b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec62d8892923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/04/06 19:38:00 karltk Exp $
+inherit eutils java-utils
+# karltk: Portage 2.0.51_pre13 needs this
+DESCRIPTION="Eclipse Tools Platform"
+IUSE="gnome mozilla jikes nosrc nodoc"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc"
+ || ( >=virtual/jre-1.4.2 =dev-java/blackdown-jdk-1.4.2* )
+ >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.2.4
+ mozilla? ( >=www-client/mozilla-1.4* )
+ jikes? ( >=dev-java/jikes-1.21 )
+ gnome? ( =gnome-base/gnome-vfs-2* =gnome-base/libgnomeui-2* )"
+ >=dev-java/ant-1.5.3
+ >=sys-apps/findutils-4.1.7
+ >=app-shells/tcsh-6.11
+ app-arch/unzip
+ app-arch/zip"
+pkg_setup() {
+ check-ram
+ check-cflags
+ java-utils_setup-vm
+ java-utils_ensure-vm-version-ge 1 4 2
+ if (java-utils_is-vm-version-ge 1 5 0) ; then
+ die "${P} cannot be compiled with a 1.5.x VM, set your system VM to a 1.4.x VM."
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ setup-dir-vars
+ mkdir ${S}
+ cd ${S}
+ unpack ${MY_A} || die "Could not unpack ${MY_A}"
+ einfo "Setting up virtual machine"
+ java-utils_setup-vm
+ einfo "Patching build.xmls"
+ process-build-xmls
+ einfo "Cleaning out prebuilt code"
+ clean-prebuilt-code
+ einfo "Patching frontend"
+ patch-frontend
+ einfo "Set build version in Help->About"
+ patch-about
+src_compile() {
+ ${use_gtk} && use mozilla && detect-mozilla
+ setup-dir-vars
+ # karltk: this should be handled by the java-pkg eclass in setup-vm
+ addwrite "/proc/self/maps"
+ addwrite "/proc/cpuinfo"
+ addwrite "/dev/random"
+ # Figure out VM, set up classpath and other Ant options
+ setup-ant-opts
+ einfo "Building native front end code"
+ build-native
+ einfo "Building core resources"
+ build-core-resources
+ einfo "Bootstrapping ecj compiler"
+ build-compiler
+ einfo "Compiling all Java code"
+ build-java compile
+ einfo "Installing all code"
+ build-java install
+ einfo "Creating .desktop entry"
+ create-desktop-entry
+src_install() {
+ setup-dir-vars
+ eclipse_dir="/usr/lib/eclipse-${SLOT}"
+ dodir /usr/lib
+ einfo "Installing features and plugins"
+ [ -f result/org.eclipse.sdk-I*-linux.gtk.${ARCH}.tar.gz ] || die "gtk zip bundle was not build properly!"
+ tar zxf result/org.eclipse.sdk-I*-linux.gtk.${ARCH}.tar.gz -C ${D}/usr/lib
+ mv ${D}/usr/lib/eclipse ${D}/${eclipse_dir}
+ insinto ${eclipse_dir}
+ # Install launchers and native code
+ exeinto ${eclipse_dir}
+ einfo "Installing eclipse-gtk binary"
+ doexe ${launcher_src_dir}/eclipse-gtk || die "Failed to install eclipse-gtk"
+ doins plugins/org.eclipse.platform/{startup.jar,splash.bmp}
+ if use nosrc ; then
+ einfo "Stripping away source code"
+ strip-src
+ fi
+ if use nodoc ; then
+ einfo "Stripping away documentation"
+ strip-docs
+ fi
+ # Install startup script
+ exeinto /usr/bin
+ doexe ${FILESDIR}/eclipse-${SLOT}
+ install-desktop-entry
+ doman ${FILESDIR}/eclipse.1
+ install-link-files
+ check-cflags
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Helper functions
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function detect-mozilla()
+ mozilla_dir="--mozdir-unset---"
+ if [ -f ${ROOT}/usr/lib/mozilla/ ] ; then
+ einfo "Compiling against www-client/mozilla"
+ mozilla_dir=/usr/lib/mozilla
+ elif [ -f ${ROOT}/usr/lib/MozillaFirefox/ ] ; then
+ einfo "Compiling against www-client/mozilla-firefox"
+ mozilla_dir=/usr/lib/MozillaFirefox
+ else
+ eerror "You have enabled the embedded mozilla component, but no suitable"
+ eerror "provider was found. You need Mozilla or Firefox compiled against"
+ eerror "gtk+ v2.0 or newer."
+ eerror "To merge it, execute 'USE=\"gtk2\" emerge mozilla' as root."
+ eerror "To disable embedded mozilla, remove \"mozilla\" from your USE flags."
+ die "Need Mozilla compiled with gtk+-2.x support"
+ fi
+function setup-dir-vars() {
+ launcher_src_dir="features/org.eclipse.launchers/library/gtk"
+ swt_src_dir="plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/gtk/library"
+ core_src_dir="plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources.linux/src"
+ case ${ARCH} in
+ x86)
+ swt_dest_dir="plugins/org.eclipse.swt.gtk/os/linux/x86"
+ core_dest_dir="plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources.linux/os/linux/x86"
+ ;;
+ ppc)
+ swt_dest_dir="plugins/org.eclipse.swt.gtk/os/linux/ppc"
+ core_dest_dir="plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources.linux/os/linux/ppc/"
+ ;;
+ esac
+function process-build-xmls() {
+ # Turn off verbose mode and on errors in all build.xml files
+ find . -type f -name "build.xml" | while read x ; do
+ sed -i -r \
+ -e 's/failonerror="[^"]+"/failonerror="true"/' \
+ -e 's/verbose="[^"]+"/verbose="false"/' "$x"
+ done
+function patch-frontend() {
+ # Move around some source code that should have been handled by the build system
+ # Some files are arbitrarily duplicated (make_common.mak), but others are not.
+ # I'm feeling inclined to start using the term "eclipse logic" to refer to build
+ # system strangeness, because this build system has heaploads and heaploads of
+ # weird idiosyncracies, and they keep changing between minor versions. Hurrah. -- karltk
+ local m="Failed to move native files for SWT gtk+"
+ cp ${S}/plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse\ SWT/common/library/* ${S}/"${swt_src_dir}" || die ${m}
+ cp ${S}/plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse\ SWT\ Mozilla/common/library/* ${S}/"${swt_src_dir}" || die ${m}
+ cp ${S}/plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse\ SWT\ Program/gnome/library/* ${S}/"${swt_src_dir}" || die ${m}
+ cp ${S}/plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse\ SWT\ AWT/gtk/library/* ${S}/"${swt_src_dir}" || die ${m}
+function create-desktop-entry() {
+ cat ${FILESDIR}/eclipse-${SLOT}.desktop | \
+ sed -e "s/@PV@/${PV}/" \
+ > eclipse-${SLOT}.desktop || die "Failed to create desktop entry"
+function build-java() {
+ local target=${1}
+ einfo "Building GTK+ frontend (${target}) -- see compilelog.txt for details"
+ LOCALCLASSPATH=jdtcore.jar ant -q -q \
+ -buildfile build.xml \
+ -DcollPlace="eclipse-${SLOT}" \
+ -DinstallOs=linux \
+ -DinstallWs=gtk \
+ -DinstallArch=$ARCH \
+ ${ant_extra_opts} ${target} \
+ || die "Failed to ${target} Java code (gtk+)"
+function install-desktop-entry() {
+ dodir /usr/share/applnk/Development
+ insinto /usr/share/applnk/Development
+ doins eclipse-${SLOT}.desktop
+function build-native() {
+ einfo "Building SWT"
+ # Perpare destination directory
+ mkdir -p ${S}/"${swt_dest_dir}"
+ einfo "Building the eclipse-gtk binary"
+ cd ${S}/${launcher_src_dir}
+ PROGRAM_OUTPUT=eclipse-gtk \
+ DEFAULT_OS=linux \
+ DEFAULT_WS=gtk \
+ make -f make_linux.mak || die "Failed to build eclipse-gtk"
+ cd ${S}/"${swt_src_dir}"
+ einfo "Building the SWT bindings"
+ # Disabled for 3.1 series
+ # KDE_LIB_PATH=$(kde-config --prefix)/lib
+ # KDE_INCLUDE_PATH=$(kde-config --prefix)/include
+ local awt_lib_path
+ [ ${ARCH} == 'x86' ] && awt_lib_path=${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/i386
+ [ ${ARCH} == 'amd64' ] && awt_lib_path=${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/amd64
+ [ ${ARCH} == 'amd64' ] && swt_ptr_cflags=-DSWT_PTR_SIZE_64
+ [ ${ARCH} == 'x86' ] && output_dir="../../../org.eclipse.swt.gtk/os/linux/x86"
+ [ ${ARCH} == 'ppc' ] && output_dir="../../../org.eclipse.swt.gtk64/os/linux/ppc"
+ [ ${ARCH} == 'amd64' ] && output_dir="../../../org.eclipse.swt.gtk64/os/linux/x86_64"
+ export AWT_LIB_PATH=${awt_lib_path}
+ export XTEST_LIB_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib
+ export GECKO_SDK=/usr/lib/mozilla
+ export GECKO_INCLUDES="-include ${GECKO_SDK}/include/mozilla-config.h \
+ -I${GECKO_SDK}/include/nspr \
+ -I${GECKO_SDK}/include/nspr \
+ -I${GECKO_SDK}/include/xpcom \
+ -I${GECKO_SDK}/include/string \
+ -I${GECKO_SDK}/include/embed_base"
+ export GECKO_LIBS="-L${GECKO_SDK} -lgtkembedmoz"
+ export SWT_PTR_CFLAGS="${swt_ptr_cflags} -I${JAVA_HOME}/include/linux"
+ export OUTPUT_DIR=${output_dir}
+ einfo "Building SWT support"
+ make -f make_linux.mak make_swt || "Failed to build SWT support"
+ cp libswt-gtk-*.so libswt-pi-gtk-*.so ${S}/"${swt_dest_dir}" || die "Failed to copy SWT .so files"
+ einfo "Building AWT support"
+ make -f make_linux.mak make_awt || "Failed to build AWT support"
+ cp libswt-awt-gtk-*.so ${S}/"${swt_dest_dir}" || die "Failed to copy AWT .so"
+ if use gnome ; then
+ einfo "Building GNOME VFS support"
+ make -f make_linux.mak make_gnome || die "Failed to build GNOME VFS support"
+ cp libswt-gnome-gtk-*.so ${S}/"${swt_dest_dir}" || die "Failed to copy GNOME VFS .so files"
+ fi
+ if use mozilla ; then
+ einfo "Building Mozilla component"
+ make -f make_linux.mak make_mozilla || die "Failed to build Mozilla support"
+ cp libswt-mozilla-gtk-*.so ${S}/"${swt_dest_dir}" || die "Failed to copy GNOME VFS .so files"
+ fi
+ cd ${S}
+ einfo "Native gtk+ bindings built"
+function clean-prebuilt-code() {
+ einfo "Cleaning all pre-built code"
+ ant -q -DinstallWs=gtk -DinstallOs=linux clean
+ ant -q -DinstallWs=motif -DinstallOs=linux clean
+ find ${S} -name '*.so' -exec rm -f {} \;
+ find ${S} -name '*.so.*' -exec rm -f {} \;
+ find ${S} -type f -name 'eclipse' -exec rm {} \;
+ rm -f eclipse
+function get-memory-total() {
+ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | sed -r "s/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/\1/"
+function check-ram() {
+ einfo "Checking for sufficient physical RAM"
+ local mem=$(get-memory-total)
+ [ $(get-memory-total) -lt 775000 ] &&
+ (
+ echo
+ ewarn "To build Eclipse, at least 768MB of RAM is recommended."
+ ewarn "Your machine has less RAM. Continuing anyway."
+ echo
+ )
+function install-link-files() {
+ einfo "Installing link files"
+ dodir /usr/lib/eclipse-${SLOT}/links
+ echo "path=/opt/eclipse-extensions-3" > ${D}/${eclipse_dir}/links/
+ echo "path=/opt/eclipse-extensions-3.1" > ${D}/${eclipse_dir}/links/
+ echo "path=/usr/lib/eclipse-extensions-3" > ${D}/${eclipse_dir}/links/
+ echo "path=/usr/lib/eclipse-extensions-3.1" > ${D}/${eclipse_dir}/links/
+function check-cflags() {
+ einfo "Checking for bad CFLAGS"
+ local badflags="-fomit-frame-pointer -msse2"
+ local error=false
+ for x in ${badflags} ; do
+ if [ ! -z "$(echo ${CFLAGS} | grep -- $x)" ] ; then
+ ewarn "Found offending option $x in your CFLAGS"
+ error=true
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ ${error} == "true" ]; then
+ echo
+ ewarn "One or more potentially gruesome CFLAGS detected. When you run into trouble,"
+ ewarn "please edit /etc/make.conf and remove all offending flags, then recompile"
+ ewarn "Eclipse and all its dependencies before submitting a bug report."
+ echo
+ einfo "Tip: use equery depgraph \"=${PF}\" to list all dependencies"
+ echo
+ ebeep
+ fi
+function patch-about() {
+ find -type f -name about.mappings -exec sed -e "s/@build@/Gentoo Linux ${PF}/" -i \{\} \; \
+ || die "Failed to patch about.mappings"
+ sed -e "s/@build@/Gentoo Linux ${PF}/" \
+ -i features/org.eclipse.platform/gtk/configuration/config.ini \
+ -i features/org.eclipse.platform/motif/configuration/config.ini \
+ -i build.xml || die "Failed to set build version"
+function build-compiler() {
+ pushd .
+ cd jdtcoresrc
+ # WTF? Why does compilejdtcorewithjavac.xml delete its own source code?
+ # See their #90319.
+ [ -f src/ ] && cp src/
+ [ -f ] && cp src/
+ use jikes && antopts="-Dbuild.compiler=jikes"
+ ant ${antopts} -q -f compilejdtcorewithjavac.xml || die "Failed to bootstrap jdtcore compiler"
+ LOCALCLASSPATH=jdtcore.jar ant -q -f compilejdtcore.xml || die "Failed to compile jdtcore"
+ # WTF? Just to make things interesting, compilejdtcore.xml suddenly moves jdtcore.jar to ../
+ popd
+function setup-ant-opts() {
+ # Figure out correct boot classpath
+ # karltk: this should be handled by the java-pkg eclass in setup-vm
+ if [ ! -z "`java-config --java-version | grep IBM`" ] ; then
+ local bp="$(java-config --jdk-home)/jre/lib"
+ ant_extra_opts="-Dbootclasspath=${bp}/core.jar:${bp}/xml.jar:${bp}/graphics.jar:${bp}/security.jar"
+ else
+ # Sun derived JREs (Blackdown, Sun)
+ local bp="$(java-config --jdk-home)/jre/lib"
+ ant_extra_opts="-Dbootclasspath=${bp}/rt.jar:${bp}/jsse.jar"
+ fi
+ einfo "Using ant_extra_opts=${ant_extra_opts}"
+ export ANT_OPTS=-Xmx768m
+function build-core-resources() {
+ cd ${S}/${core_src_dir}
+ make \
+ JDK_INCLUDE="-I`java-config -O`/include -I`java-config -O`/include/linux" || die "Failed to build core resources"
+ mkdir -p ${S}/"${core_dest_dir}"
+ mv libcore*.so ${S}/"${core_dest_dir}"
+ cd ${S}
+function strip-src() {
+ local bp=${D}/${eclipse_dir}
+ rm -rf ${bp}/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.source_3*
+ rm -rf ${bp}/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.source_3*
+ rm -rf ${bp}/plugins/org.eclipse.platform.source.linux.*
+ rm -rf ${bp}/plugins/org.eclipse.platform.source_3*
+ rm -rf ${bp}/features/org.eclipse.jdt.source_3*/
+ rm -rf ${bp}/features/org.eclipse.pde.source_3*/
+ rm -rf ${bp}/features/org.eclipse.platform.source_3*/
+function strip-docs() {
+ local bp=${D}/${eclipse_dir}
+ rm -rf ${bp}/plugins/org.eclipse.platform.doc.*
+ rm -rf ${bp}/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.*
+ rm -rf ${bp}/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.doc.*
diff --git a/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6 b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a889cdf33a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/files/digest-eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 51d81345d2fa0e8aa0b455f6cf4c447f 59038692
diff --git a/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/files/eclipse-3.1 b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/files/eclipse-3.1
index eff0607cc951..32bbe4a8ba82 100644
--- a/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/files/eclipse-3.1
+++ b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/files/eclipse-3.1
@@ -33,4 +33,15 @@ if [ ! -x ${ECLIPSE_BIN} ] ; then
exit -1
+if [ $(whoami) == "root" ] ; then
+ echo "!!! You are running Eclipse as root. Be advised that this will modify the contents of"
+ echo "!!! /usr/lib/eclipse-3.1, and that such a modification may prevent you from safely"
+ echo "!!! upgrading to later 3.1 revisions."
+ echo
+ echo "!!! To ensure correct behavior on your next upgrade, do:"
+ echo "!!! 1) 'emerge unmerge \"=eclipse-sdk-3.1\"'"
+ echo "!!! 2) 'rm -rf /usr/lib/eclipse-3.1'"
+ echo "!!! 3) 'emerge eclipse-sdk'"