diff options
authorJason Zaman <>2017-12-25 16:06:21 +0800
committerJason Zaman <>2017-12-25 16:07:17 +0800
commit4461eeb47657ebadad7b84311c6fb3d2bb8d52ef (patch)
tree880119506bc31400772f1167432549a1c6395db0 /sec-policy/selinux-base
parentdev-libs/ding-libs: amd64 stable (diff)
sec-policy: Release of SELinux policies 2.20170805-r4
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.13, Repoman-2.3.3
Diffstat (limited to 'sec-policy/selinux-base')
2 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/Manifest b/sec-policy/selinux-base/Manifest
index 6bf8e092e307..22f7289e7b46 100644
--- a/sec-policy/selinux-base/Manifest
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/Manifest
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20170204-r3.tar.bz2 342266 BLAKE2B 4b4fb4
DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20170204-r4.tar.bz2 373731 BLAKE2B cb291e14e181c68d95c77dc07185ba6d186d4a7f2bf163cbe32670d54cdf29e32ecfac49d449d8631df7df67992499e2bec6b39f6096f4d9e9394a87f2b24654 SHA512 93a0644440064d85db32c56a381478f8ef94824a04531e6fbad26dd79be02dacd939b804759db35d0627908ff653f8107e18c48858df458c80ae785d80374667
DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20170805-r2.tar.bz2 314854 BLAKE2B 483d04f364195eb8627153647118eb23812a610db63a40d50819b42c19fc20ffd0a36cd5c1959a764eab2109bd2e5317f74fd3a5cc1c7ddd17d8c85be05579a5 SHA512 1358db158945b82e0e41907e3919a6888564b4f15ad765f0fe2dc7bf284485c18d11c5502d598268e33b2163a6fa0be2a4029a8e9f774abfd4377031ee9afd32
DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20170805-r3.tar.bz2 324834 BLAKE2B ecc3b0425987aa648b3dd52977a6e1fd987e605fe302c3b6d8742d3eac9a1c89697de1f97331e9863b132bb95814ae7577e161a024cdda297fb84458aa9417fd SHA512 62ec2e70397d06d464e95305a4c0699cc07063d879d986a74442955fb8076a00cbe4a4f7a3cda46876cbf2ad38189be06f0c05ce9698aadafa6e9f02a8daf668
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20170805-r4.tar.bz2 689641 BLAKE2B 1accfbecd4825a6cdb8c3c189c9e23898d1dbe8415d2fe26a842782dec634958f01861916a3c040740359562984718b61cee7af7d9395b125590931110e67eff SHA512 2067b090cd054e47d6496c9513d69a7a37a72de8dc873159a8055e27fe2380dc73006354d790c455ae893645f956c6be6d6ad2d30be7428ff8a442604a0c5400
DIST refpolicy-2.20170204.tar.bz2 709965 BLAKE2B 7fb10d6054d74204f8c7d6d8ee88603f37b6600ed4a03e937a3a233ea7a80feef6ab90ba01af8d444fa79b266456260b14af3be0ad6a311baff6e3408af7d1ba SHA512 30deabb02a5bde51c463e3e89988d850cff51596c2e72733a064245dec152ea46317eea79550dbe82a7a0d327ec0bcfbd9474ff8a902507392df0da00df6397f
DIST refpolicy-2.20170805.tar.bz2 740430 BLAKE2B 0597f51fceb5ca88b3506aa16cbd2d7f3df3a1d9c6afdf4cc5fc7eca25fa19c5810889f90ed1ee0abef401d41384558abb69f6638caf50341f71d075fa99e561 SHA512 dbb6809b028ae75296ad26d5997cc21d835c49555a0e37957cb39b36b144af6e817320073a29247448eba1876ab9e29d3956ff4456f1542b66ba38af459ec586
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20170805-r4.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20170805-r4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..75f0679ab23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20170805-r4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 -arm ~arm64 ~mips ~x86"
+IUSE="doc +open_perms +peer_perms systemd +ubac +unconfined"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ einfo "Applying SELinux policy updates ... "
+ eapply -p0 "${WORKDIR}/0001-full-patch-against-stable-release.patch"
+ fi
+ eapply_user
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy" || die
+ emake bare
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities" || die
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities" || die
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ if use systemd; then
+ sed -i -e '/^SYSTEMD/s/n/y/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to enable SystemD"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" || die
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy" || die
+ emake conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}" || die
+ cd "${S}/${i}" || die
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf" || die
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}" || die
+ emake base
+ if use doc; then
+ emake html
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}" || die
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type" || die
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types" || die
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ docinto ${i}/html
+ dodoc -r doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ docinto /
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+ insinto /usr/share/portage/config/sets
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/selinux.conf"