diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-python/fitsio/files/fitsio-1.2.1-numpy-2.patch')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/fitsio/files/fitsio-1.2.1-numpy-2.patch b/dev-python/fitsio/files/fitsio-1.2.1-numpy-2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cfc0b99a8f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/fitsio/files/fitsio-1.2.1-numpy-2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+diff --git a/fitsio/ b/fitsio/
+index 7ef718b..3d43549 100644
+--- a/fitsio/
++++ b/fitsio/
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ import numpy
+ from . import _fitsio_wrap
+-from .util import IS_PY3, mks, array_to_native, isstring
++from .util import IS_PY3, mks, array_to_native, isstring, copy_if_needed
+ from .header import FITSHDR
+ from .hdu import (
+@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ def create_image_hdu(self,
+ if IS_PY3 and img2send.dtype.char == 'U':
+ # for python3, we convert unicode to ascii
+ # this will error if the character is not in ascii
+- img2send = img2send.astype('S', copy=False)
++ img2send = img2send.astype('S', copy=copy_if_needed)
+ else:
+ self._ensure_empty_image_ok()
+@@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@ def npy_obj2fits(data, name=None):
+ else:
+ fits_dtype = _table_npy2fits_form['S']
+ else:
+- arr0 = numpy.array(first, copy=False)
++ arr0 = numpy.array(first, copy=copy_if_needed)
+ dtype0 = arr0.dtype
+ npy_dtype = dtype0.descr[0][1][1:]
+ if npy_dtype[0] == 'S' or npy_dtype[0] == 'U':
+diff --git a/fitsio/hdu/ b/fitsio/hdu/
+index 8c06bcf..a2d16c8 100644
+--- a/fitsio/hdu/
++++ b/fitsio/hdu/
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ from math import floor
+ from .base import HDUBase, IMAGE_HDU
+-from ..util import IS_PY3, array_to_native
++from ..util import IS_PY3, array_to_native, copy_if_needed
+ # for python3 compat
+ if IS_PY3:
+@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def write(self, img, start=0, **keys):
+ if IS_PY3 and img_send.dtype.char == 'U':
+ # for python3, we convert unicode to ascii
+ # this will error if the character is not in ascii
+- img_send = img_send.astype('S', copy=False)
++ img_send = img_send.astype('S', copy=copy_if_needed)
+ if not numpy.isscalar(start):
+ # convert to scalar offset
+diff --git a/fitsio/hdu/ b/fitsio/hdu/
+index f210121..3b462b1 100644
+--- a/fitsio/hdu/
++++ b/fitsio/hdu/
+@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
+ array_to_native,
+ array_to_native_c,
+ FITSRuntimeWarning,
+- mks
++ mks,
++ copy_if_needed,
+ )
+ from .base import HDUBase, ASCII_TBL, IMAGE_HDU, _hdu_type_map
+@@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ def write(self, data, firstrow=0, columns=None, names=None, slow=False,
+ if IS_PY3 and colref.dtype.char == 'U':
+ # for python3, we convert unicode to ascii
+ # this will error if the character is not in ascii
+- colref = colref.astype('S', copy=False)
++ colref = colref.astype('S', copy=copy_if_needed)
+ nonobj_arrays.append(colref)
+@@ -347,7 +348,7 @@ def write_column(self, column, data, firstrow=0, **keys):
+ if IS_PY3 and data_send.dtype.char == 'U':
+ # for python3, we convert unicode to ascii
+ # this will error if the character is not in ascii
+- data_send = data_send.astype('S', copy=False)
++ data_send = data_send.astype('S', copy=copy_if_needed)
+ self._verify_column_data(colnum, data_send)
+@@ -1420,13 +1421,13 @@ def _extract_rows(self, rows, sort=False):
+ Extract an array of rows from an input scalar or sequence
+ """
+ if rows is not None:
+- rows = np.array(rows, ndmin=1, copy=False, dtype='i8')
++ rows = np.array(rows, ndmin=1, copy=copy_if_needed, dtype='i8')
+ if sort:
+ rows = np.unique(rows)
+ return rows, None
+ # returns unique, sorted. Force i8 for 32-bit systems
+- sortind = np.array(rows.argsort(), dtype='i8', copy=False)
++ sortind = np.array(rows.argsort(), dtype='i8', copy=copy_if_needed)
+ maxrow = self._info['nrows']-1
+ if rows.size > 0:
+@@ -1583,7 +1584,7 @@ def _maybe_decode_fits_ascii_strings_to_unicode_py3(self, array):
+ else:
+ new_dt.append(_dt)
+ if do_conversion:
+- array = array.astype(new_dt, copy=False)
++ array = array.astype(new_dt, copy=copy_if_needed)
+ return array
+ def _convert_bool_array(self, array):
+@@ -1721,7 +1722,7 @@ def _read_var_column(self, colnum, rows, sortind, vstorage):
+ descr = 'S%d' % max_size
+ array = np.fromiter(dlist, descr)
+ if IS_PY3:
+- array = array.astype('U', copy=False)
++ array = array.astype('U', copy=copy_if_needed)
+ else:
+ descr = dlist[0].dtype.str
+ array = np.zeros((len(dlist), max_size), dtype=descr)
+diff --git a/fitsio/ b/fitsio/
+index 562b609..5d337be 100644
+--- a/fitsio/
++++ b/fitsio/
+@@ -41,7 +41,10 @@ def cfitsio_version(asfloat=False):
+ numpy.uint64, numpy.int64)
+ # different for py3
+-_stypes += (numpy.string_, numpy.str_)
++if numpy.lib.NumpyVersion(numpy.__version__) < "1.28.0":
++ _stypes += (numpy.string_, numpy.str_,)
++ _stypes += (numpy.bytes_, numpy.str_,)
+ # for header keywords
+ _ftypes = (float, numpy.float32, numpy.float64)
+@@ -134,9 +137,22 @@ def array_to_native(array, inplace=False):
+ return output
++if numpy.lib.NumpyVersion(numpy.__version__) >= "2.0.0":
++ copy_if_needed = None
++elif numpy.lib.NumpyVersion(numpy.__version__) < "1.28.0":
++ copy_if_needed = False
++ # 2.0.0 dev versions, handle cases where copy may or may not exist
++ try:
++ numpy.array([1]).__array__(copy=None)
++ copy_if_needed = None
++ except TypeError:
++ copy_if_needed = False
+ def array_to_native_c(array_in, inplace=False):
+ # copy only made if not C order
+- arr = numpy.array(array_in, order='C', copy=False)
++ arr = numpy.array(array_in, order='C', copy=copy_if_needed)
+ return array_to_native(arr, inplace=inplace)