diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eclass/golang-common.eclass')
1 files changed, 1016 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/golang-common.eclass b/eclass/golang-common.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5625c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/golang-common.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# @ECLASS: golang-utils.eclass
+# Mauro Toffanin <toffanin.mauro@gmail.com>
+# Mauro Toffanin <toffanin.mauro@gmail.com>
+# @BLURB: Base eclass for GoLang packages
+# This eclass provides functionalities which are used by golang-single.eclass,
+# golang-live.eclass, and as well as from ebuilds.
+# This eclass should not be inherited directly from an ebuild.
+# Instead, you should inherit golang-single or golang-live for GoLang packages.
+inherit versionator eutils multiprocessing
+if [[ -z ${_GOLANG_BASE_ECLASS} ]]; then
+# Silences repoman warnings.
+case "${EAPI:-0}" in
+ 5|6)
+ yes)
+ GO_DEPEND="dev-lang/go:0="
+ ;;
+ *)
+ GO_DEPEND="dev-lang/go:*"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ die "${ECLASS}: Unsupported eapi (EAPI=${EAPI})"
+ ;;
+RESTRICT+=" mirror strip"
+ usr/sbin/.*"
+# Sets the GoLang name for the generated package.
+# Sets the GoLang version for the generated package.
+# Sets the remote import path for the generated package.
+# GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH="github.com/captObvious/"
+# Sets an alias of the remote import path for the generated package.
+# GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS="privaterepo.com/captObvious/"
+# Sets the archive prefix for the file URI of the package.
+# Most projects hosted on GitHub's mirrors provide archives with prefix as
+# 'v' or 'source-', other hosted services offer different archive formats.
+# This eclass defaults to an empty prefix.
+# Sets the archive suffix for the file URI of the package.
+# Most projects hosted on GitHub's mirrors provide archives with suffix as
+# '.tar.gz' or '.zip', other hosted services offer different archive formats.
+# This eclass defaults to '.tar.gz'.
+# Specifies the output file name of the package.
+# If not set, it derives from the name of the package, such as $GOLANG_PKG_NAME.
+# This eclass defaults to $PN.
+# Specifies a go source file to be compiled as a single main package.
+# This eclass defaults to an empty value.
+# This eclass defaults to "/..." when the user declares GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE=1
+# Sets the root path into which a binary, or a list of binaries, will be
+# installed (e.x.: ${GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLPATH}/bin).
+# This eclass defaults to "/usr"
+# Sets a suffix to use in the name of the package installation directory.
+# This eclass defaults to an empty install suffix.
+# Set to enable the building of multiple packages from a single import path.
+# Set to enable the execution of automated testing.
+# Set to enable the execution of automated testing with support for
+# data race detection.
+# Set to enable the compilation of the package with CGO.
+# Set to run commands described by directives within existing golang files.
+# Set to ensure the package does depend on the dev-lang/go subslot value.
+# Possible values: {yes,no}
+# This eclass defaults to "no"
+# Sets the linker arguments to pass to 5l, 6l, or 8l.
+# This eclass defaults to an empty list.
+# Sets the list of build tags during the build.
+# This eclass defaults to an empty list.
+# Sets additional standard Go workspaces to be appended to the environment
+# variable GOPATH, as described in http://golang.org/doc/code.html.
+# This eclass defaults to an empty list.
+# Sets the arguments to pass to dev-go/statik.
+# This eclass defaults to an empty list.
+# The absolute path to the current GoLang interpreter.
+# This variable is set automatically after calling golang_setup().
+# Default value:
+# @CODE
+# /usr/bin/go
+# @CODE
+# The executable name of the current GoLang interpreter.
+# This variable is set automatically after calling golang_setup().
+# Default value:
+# @CODE
+# go
+# @CODE
+# Array variable containing all the patches to be applied. This variable
+# is expected to be defined in the global scope of ebuilds. Make sure to
+# specify the full path. This variable is used in src_prepare phase.
+# Example:
+# @CODE
+# "${FILESDIR}/mypatch.patch"
+# "${FILESDIR}/mypatch2.patch"
+# )
+# @CODE
+# Adds gccgo as a compile-time dependency when GOLANG_PKG_USE_CGO is set.
+[[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_USE_CGO} ]] && DEPEND+=" >=sys-devel/gcc-4.8.4[go]"
+# Adds dev-go/statik as a compile-time dependency when GOLANG_PKG_STATIK is set.
+[[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK} ]] && DEPEND+=" dev-go/statik"
+if [[ -z ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH} ]]; then
+ eerror "The remote import path for this package has not been declared"
+ die "Mandatory variable GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH is unset"
+# Forces a multiple package build when user specifies GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE=1.
+if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE} && -z ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH} ]]; then
+# Validates use of GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH combined with GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE
+# FIX: makes sure user isn't overriding GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH with inane values.
+if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE} && ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH##*/} != "..." ]]; then
+ ewarn "Ebuild ${CATEGORY}/${PF} specifies GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE=1,"
+ ewarn "but then GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH is overridden with \"${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}\"."
+ ewarn "Please, fix it by appending \"/...\" to your GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH."
+ ewarn "If in doubt, remove GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH entirely."
+# Even though xz-utils are in @system, they must still be added to DEPEND; see
+# http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_a0d4833eb314d1be5d5802a3b710e0a4.xml
+if [[ ${GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVESUFFIX/.*} == "xz" ]]; then
+ DEPEND+=" app-arch/xz-utils"
+# Defines common USE flags
+IUSE="${IUSE} debug pie"
+# Enables USE 'test' when required by GOLANG_PKG_HAVE_TEST.
+if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_HAVE_TEST} ]]; then
+ IUSE+=" test"
+# Defines HOMEPAGE.
+# Defines SOURCE directory.
+# @FUNCTION: _factorize_dependency_entities
+# Factorizes the dependency declaration in specific tokens such as the import
+# path, the import path alias, the host name, the author name, the project name,
+# and the revision tag.
+_factorize_dependency_entities() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+ local -A dependency=()
+ local key_list=(importpathalias importpath host project_name author_name revision)
+ # Strips all the white spaces from the supplied argument.
+ local raw_dependency="${1//\ /}"
+ # Determines the alias of the import path (if present).
+ dependency[importpathalias]="${raw_dependency##*->}"
+ # Strips the import path alias from the supplied argument.
+ raw_dependency="${raw_dependency%%->*}"
+ # Determines the import path.
+ dependency[importpath]="${raw_dependency%:*}"
+ # When the importpath alias is not specified, then this eclass sets the
+ # alias as equal to the import path minus the project name.
+ if [[ "${raw_dependency}" == "${dependency[importpathalias]}" ]]; then
+ dependency[importpathalias]="${dependency[importpath]%/*}"
+ fi
+ # Determines the host.
+ dependency[host]="${dependency[importpath]%%/*}"
+ # Determines the project name.
+ dependency[project_name]="${dependency[importpath]##*/}"
+ # Determines the author name.
+ dependency[author_name]="${dependency[importpath]#*/}"
+ dependency[author_name]="${dependency[author_name]%/*}"
+ # Determines the revision.
+ dependency[revision]="${raw_dependency#*:}"
+ # Exports all the dependency tokens as an associated list.
+ for key in ${key_list[@]}; do
+ echo "${key} ${dependency[${key}]}"
+ done
+# @FUNCTION: golang_setup
+# Determines where is the GoLang implementation and then set-up the
+# GoLang build environment.
+golang_setup() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+ # NOTE: Keep /usr/bin/go as index [0] and never overwrite it,
+ # always append other binary paths after the index [0]
+ local GOLANG_BINS=(
+ /usr/bin/go
+ /usr/bin/gofmt
+ )
+ [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK} ]] && GOLANG_BINS+=(/usr/bin/statik)
+ # Reset GoLang environment variables
+ unset EGO
+ unset EGOFMT
+ unset ESTATIK
+ unset GO
+ unset GOPATH
+ unset GOBIN
+ # Determine is the GoLang interpreter is working
+ for binary in "${GOLANG_BINS[@]}"; do
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: Checking ... ${binary}"
+ [[ -x "${EPREFIX}/${binary}" ]] && continue
+ ewarn "It seems that the binary '${binary}' is not executable."
+ done
+ # dev-lang/go isn't installed or one of its binaries aren't executable.
+ # Either way, the Gentoo box is screwed; no need to set up the GoLang environment
+ [[ ${IS_EXECUTABLE} == 0 ]] && exit
+ # dev-lang/go is available and working.
+ # Exports GO/EGO/EGOFMT global variables.
+ export GO="${GOLANG_BINS[0]}"
+ export EGO="${GOLANG_BINS[0]##*/}"
+ export EGOFMT="${GOLANG_BINS[1]}"
+ # dev-go/statik is available and working.
+ # Exports ESTATIK global variable.
+ [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK} ]] && export ESTATIK="${GOLANG_BINS[2]##*/}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: GO = ${GO}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: EGO = ${EGO}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: EGOFMT = ${EGOFMT}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: ESTATIK = ${ESTATIK}"
+ # Determines go interpreter version.
+ GOLANG_VERSION="$( ${GO} version )"
+ GOLANG_VERSION="${GOLANG_VERSION/go\ version\ go}"
+ einfo "Found GoLang version: ${GOLANG_VERSION}"
+ # Determines statik interpreter version.
+ # TODO: add version detection when statik will provide a -version option.
+ if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK} ]]; then
+ einfo "Found statik version: ${STATIK_VERSION}"
+ fi
+ # Enable/Disable frame pointers
+ local GOEXPERIMENT="noframepointer"
+ use debug && GOEXPERIMENT="framepointer"
+ # Sets the build environment inside Portage's WORKDIR.
+ ebegin "Setting up GoLang build environment"
+ # Prepares CGO_ENABLED.
+ use pie && CGO_ENABLED=1 # PIE requires CGO
+ # Prepares gopath / gobin directories inside WORKDIR.
+ local _GOPATH="${WORKDIR}/gopath"
+ local _GOBIN="${WORKDIR}/gobin"
+ mkdir -p "${_GOBIN}" || die
+ mkdir -p "${_GOPATH}"/src || die
+ # Exports special env variable EGO_SRC.
+ export EGO_SRC="${_GOPATH}/src"
+ # Exports GoLang env variables.
+ export GOPATH="$_GOPATH"
+ export GOBIN="$_GOBIN"
+ export CGO_ENABLED
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: GOPATH = ${GOPATH}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: GOBIN = ${GOBIN}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: EGO_SRC = ${EGO_SRC}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: CGO_ENABLED = ${CGO_ENABLED}"
+ eend
+# @FUNCTION: golang-common_src_prepare
+# Prepare source code.
+golang-common_src_prepare() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+ pushd "${WORKDIR}" > /dev/null || die
+ einfo "Preparing GoLang build environment in ${GOPATH}/src"
+ # If the ebuild declares an importpath alias, then its path was
+ # already created during the src_unpack phase. That means the eclass
+ # needs to create the missing original import path (GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH)
+ # as a simbolic link pointing to the alias.
+ # If the ebuild declares a GOLANG_PKG_NAME different from PN, then
+ # the latter will be used as the simbolic link target.
+ [[ "${PN}" != "${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}" ]] && TARGET="${PN}"
+ golang_fix_importpath_alias \
+ fi
+ # If the ebuild declares some GoLang dependencies, then they need to be
+ # correctly installed into the sand-boxed GoLang build environment which
+ # was set up automatically during src_unpack) phase.
+ if [[ ${#GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ for i in ${!GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[@]} ; do
+ # Collects all the tokens of the dependency.
+ local -A DEPENDENCY=()
+ while read -r -d $'\n' key value; do
+ [[ -z ${key} ]] && continue
+ DEPENDENCY[$key]="${value}"
+ done <<-EOF
+ $( _factorize_dependency_entities "${GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[$i]}" )
+ # Debug
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: importpath = ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: importpathalias = ${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: host = ${DEPENDENCY[host]}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: author = ${DEPENDENCY[author_name]}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: project = ${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}"
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: revision = ${DEPENDENCY[revision]}"
+ local message="Importing ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}"
+ local destdir
+ # Prepares GOPATH structure.
+ case ${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]} in
+ gopkg.in*)
+ message+=" as ${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}"
+ destdir="${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}"
+ # Creates the import path in GOPATH.
+ mkdir -p "${GOPATH}/src/${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]%/*}" || die
+ #einfo "\n${GOPATH}/src/${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]%/*}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ [[ "${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}" != "${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}/${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}" ]] && message+=" as ${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}/${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}"
+ destdir="${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}/${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}"
+ # Creates the import path in GOPATH.
+ mkdir -p "${GOPATH}/src/${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}" || die
+ #einfo "\n${GOPATH}/src/${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Moves sources from WORKDIR into GOPATH.
+ case ${DEPENDENCY[host]} in
+ github*)
+ ebegin "${message}"
+ mv ${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[revision]}* "${GOPATH}"/src/${destdir} || die
+ eend
+ # FIX: sometimes the source code inside an importpath alias
+ # (such as gopkg.in/mylib.v1) invokes imports from
+ # the original import path instead of using the alias,
+ # thus we need a symbolic link between the alias and
+ # the original import path to avoid compilation issues.
+ # Example: gopkg.in/Shopify/sarama.v1 erroneously
+ # invokes imports from github.com/shopify/sarama
+ if [[ ${destdir} != ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]} ]]; then
+ golang_fix_importpath_alias ${destdir} ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}
+ fi
+ ;;
+ bitbucket*)
+ #einfo "path: ${DEPENDENCY[author_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[revision]}"
+ ebegin "${message}"
+ mv ${DEPENDENCY[author_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[revision]}* "${GOPATH}"/src/${destdir} || die
+ eend
+ ;;
+ code.google*)
+ ebegin "${message}"
+ mv ${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[revision]}* "${GOPATH}"/src/${destdir} || die
+ eend
+ ;;
+ *) die "Function 'golang-common_src_prepare' doesn't support '${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}'" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+ popd > /dev/null || die
+ # Auto-detects the presence of Go's vendored
+ # dependencies inside $S/vendor.
+ local VENDOR="${S}/vendor"
+ if [[ -d "${VENDOR}" ]]; then
+ golang_add_vendor "${VENDOR}"
+ fi
+ # Auto-detects the presence of Go's vendored
+ # dependencies inside $S/*/vendor
+ if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH} && ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH##*/} != "..." ]]; then
+ while read -r -d $' ' path; do
+ # Trims leading slash (if any).
+ path="${path/\//}"
+ # Extracts the root path.
+ path="${path%%/*}"
+ # Ignores $path when it's empty or a string of white spaces.
+ [[ -n $path ]] || continue
+ local vendor="${S}/${path}/vendor"
+ if [[ -d "${vendor}" ]]; then
+ golang_add_vendor "${vendor}"
+ fi
+ done <<< "$( echo ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}) "
+ fi
+ # Auto-detects the presence of Godep's workspace
+ # (see github.com/tools/godep for more infos).
+ VENDOR="${S}/Godeps/_workspace"
+ if [[ -d "${VENDOR}" ]]; then
+ golang_add_vendor "${VENDOR}"
+ fi
+ # Evaluates PATCHES array.
+ default_src_prepare
+# @FUNCTION: golang-common_src_configure
+# Configure the package.
+golang-common_src_configure() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+ [[ ${EGO} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)."
+ # Defines the level of verbosity.
+ local EGO_VERBOSE="-v"
+ [[ -z ${PORTAGE_VERBOSE} ]] || EGO_VERBOSE+=" -x"
+ # GoLang doesn't have a configure phase,
+ # so instead this eclass prints the output of 'go env'.
+ local -a GOLANG_ENV=()
+ while read -r line; do
+ GOLANG_ENV+=("${line}")
+ done <<-EOF
+ $( ${GO} env )
+ # Prints an error when 'go env' output is missing.
+ if [[ ${#GOLANG_ENV[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then
+ eerror "Your GoLang environment should be more verbose"
+ fi
+ # Prints GoLang environment summary.
+ einfo " ${EGO} env"
+ for env in "${GOLANG_ENV[@]}"; do
+ einfo " - ${env}"
+ done
+ # Removes GoLang object files from package source directories (pkg/)
+ # and temporary directories (_obj/ _test*/).
+ case $( get_version_component_range 1-2 ${GOLANG_VERSION} ) in
+ 1.4*) ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ einfo "${EGO} clean -i ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${EGO_SUBPACKAGES}"
+ ${EGO} clean -i \
+ || die
+ # Removes GoLang objects files from all the dependencies too.
+ if [[ ${#GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ for i in ${!GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[@]} ; do
+ # Collects all the tokens of the dependency.
+ local -A DEPENDENCY=()
+ while read -r -d $'\n' key value; do
+ [[ -z ${key} ]] && continue
+ DEPENDENCY[$key]="${value}"
+ done <<-EOF
+ $( _factorize_dependency_entities "${GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[$i]}" )
+ # Debug
+ debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: importpath = ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}"
+ # Cleans object files of the dependency.
+ einfo "${EGO} clean -i ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}"
+ ${EGO} clean \
+ -i ${EGO_VERBOSE} \
+ "${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}" \
+ || die
+ done
+ fi
+ # Before to compile Godep's dependencies it's wise to wipe out
+ # all pre-built object files from Godep's package source directories.
+ if [[ -d "${S}"/Godeps/_workspace/pkg ]]; then
+ ebegin "Cleaning up pre-built object files in Godep workspace"
+ rm -r "${S}"/Godeps/_workspace/pkg || die
+ eend
+ fi
+ if [[ -d "${S}"/Godeps/_workspace/bin ]]; then
+ ebegin "Cleaning up executables in Godep workspace"
+ rm -r "${S}"/Godeps/_workspace/bin || die
+ eend
+ fi
+ # Executes 'go generate'.
+ # NOTE: generate should never run automatically. It must be run explicitly.
+ if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_USE_GENERATE} ]]; then
+ pushd "${GOPATH}/src/${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}" > /dev/null || die
+ ${EGO} generate \
+ ./... \
+ || die
+ popd > /dev/null || die
+ fi
+ # Executes 'statik' when explicitly asked.
+ if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK} ]]; then
+ eend
+ fi
+# @FUNCTION: golang-common_src_compile
+# Compiles the package.
+golang-common_src_compile() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+ [[ ${EGO} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)."
+ # Populates env variable GOPATH with vendored workspaces (if present).
+ if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_VENDOR} ]]; then
+ einfo "Using vendored dependencies from:"
+ for path in "${GOLANG_PKG_VENDOR[@]}"; do
+ [ -d ${path} ] || continue
+ if [[ ${path//${S}\//} == "vendor" ]]; then
+ einfo "- vendor/ (native vendoring support)"
+ continue
+ fi
+ debug-print "$FUNCNAME: GOPATH: Adding vendor path ${path}"
+ ebegin "- ${path//${S}\//}"
+ GOPATH="${GOPATH}:$( echo ${path} )"
+ eend
+ done
+ export GOPATH
+ fi
+ # Enables position-independent executables (PIE)
+ local EGO_PIE
+ use pie && EGO_PIE="-buildmode=pie"
+ # Defines the install suffix.
+ # Defines the level of verbosity.
+ local EGO_VERBOSE="-v"
+ [[ -z ${PORTAGE_VERBOSE} ]] || EGO_VERBOSE+=" -x"
+ # Defines the number of builds that can be run in parallel.
+ local EGO_PARALLEL="-p $(makeopts_jobs)"
+ # Defines extra options.
+ local EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS="-a"
+ # Prepares build flags for the go toolchain.
+ local EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="$( echo ${EGO_VERBOSE} ) $( echo ${EGO_PARALLEL} ) $( echo ${EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS} ) $( echo ${EGO_PIE} )"
+ # Detects the total number of packages.
+ local pkgs=0 ifs_save=${IFS} IFS=$' '
+ for path in ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH[@]} ; do
+ pkgs=$(( $pkgs + 1 ))
+ done
+ [[ ${pkgs} -eq 0 ]] && pkgs=1 # there is always at least 1 package
+ IFS=${ifs_save}
+ # Builds the package
+ einfo "Compiling ${pkgs} package(s):"
+ if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH} && ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH##*/} != "..." && ${pkgs} -gt 1 ]]; then
+ # NOTE: This eclass trims all leading and trailing white spaces from the
+ # input of the following 'while read' loop, then appends an extra
+ # trailing space; this is necessary to avoid undefined behaviours
+ # within the loop when GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH is populated with only
+ # a single element.
+ while read -r -d $' ' cmd; do
+ # Ignores $cmd when it's empty or a string of white spaces
+ #einfo "cmd: |$cmd| cmd: |${cmd##*/}|"
+ [[ -n $cmd ]] || continue
+ golang_do_build \
+ -o "${GOBIN}/${cmd##*/}" \
+ done <<< "$( echo ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}) "
+ else
+ # If the package is a multiple package (/...)
+ # then this eclass doesn't specify the output name.
+ golang_do_build \
+ fi
+# @FUNCTION: golang-common_src_install
+# Installs binaries and documents from DOCS or HTML_DOCS arrays.
+golang-common_src_install() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+ [[ ${EGO} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)."
+ # Enables position-independent executables (PIE)
+ local EGO_PIE
+ use pie && EGO_PIE="-buildmode=pie"
+ # Defines the install suffix.
+ # Defines the level of verbosity.
+ local EGO_VERBOSE="-v"
+ [[ -z ${PORTAGE_VERBOSE} ]] || EGO_VERBOSE+=" -x"
+ # Defines the number of builds that can be run in parallel.
+ local EGO_PARALLEL="-p $(makeopts_jobs)"
+ # Defines extra options.
+ # Prepares build flags for the go toolchain.
+ local EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="$( echo ${EGO_VERBOSE} ) $( echo ${EGO_PARALLEL} ) $( echo ${EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS} ) $( echo ${EGO_PIE} )"
+ # Defines sub-packages.
+ # Executes the pre-install phase (go install).
+ if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE} ]]; then
+ einfo "${EGO} install -ldflags '$GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS' -tags '$GOLANG_PKG_TAGS' ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS} ${EGO_SUBPACKAGES}"
+ ${EGO} install \
+ -ldflags "${GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS}" \
+ -tags "${GOLANG_PKG_TAGS}" \
+ || die
+ fi
+ # Installs binaries.
+ for bin in "${GOBIN}"/* ; do
+ dobin ${bin}
+ done
+ # Installs documentation.
+ einstalldocs
+# @FUNCTION: golang-common_src_test
+# Runs the unit tests for the main package.
+golang-common_src_test() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+ [[ ${EGO} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)."
+ # Appends S and GOBIN to exported main paths.
+ # FIX: this is necessary for unit tests that need to invoke bins from
+ # $GOBIN or from within $S/bin.
+ export PATH="${S}/bin:${GOBIN}:${PATH}"
+ # Defines the level of verbosity.
+ local EGO_VERBOSE="-v"
+ [[ -z ${PORTAGE_VERBOSE} ]] || EGO_VERBOSE+=" -x"
+ # Defines the number of builds that can be run in parallel.
+ local EGO_PARALLEL="-p $(makeopts_jobs)"
+ # Defines extra options.
+ #local EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS="-a"
+ # Enables data race detection.
+ local EGO_RACE
+ [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_HAVE_TEST_RACE} ]] && EGO_RACE=" -race"
+ # Prepares build flags for the go toolchain.
+ local EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="$( echo ${EGO_VERBOSE} ) $( echo ${EGO_PARALLEL} ) $( echo ${EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS} )"
+ [[ -n ${EGO_RACE} ]] && EGO_BUILD_FLAGS+=" $( echo ${EGO_RACE} )"
+ # Defines sub-packages.
+ # Detects the total number of packages.
+ local pkgs=0 ifs_save=${IFS} IFS=$' '
+ for path in ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH[@]} ; do
+ pkgs=$(( $pkgs + 1 ))
+ done
+ [[ ${pkgs} -eq 0 ]] && pkgs=1 # there is always at least 1 package
+ IFS=${ifs_save}
+ # Runs the Unit Tests
+ einfo "Testing ${pkgs} package(s):"
+ if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH} && ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH##*/} != "..." && ${pkgs} -gt 1 ]]; then
+ # NOTE: This eclass trims all leading and trailing white spaces from the
+ # input of the following 'while read' loop, then appends an extra
+ # trailing space; this is necessary to avoid undefined behaviours
+ # within the loop when GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH is populated with only
+ # a single element.
+ while read -r -d $' ' cmd; do
+ # Ignores $cmd when it's empty or a string of white spaces
+ #einfo "cmd: |$cmd| cmd: |${cmd##*/}|"
+ [[ -n $cmd ]] || continue
+ ${EGO} test \
+ || die
+ done <<< "$( echo ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}) "
+ else
+ # It's a single package
+ ${EGO} test \
+ || die
+ fi
+# @FUNCTION: golang_do_build
+# @USAGE: <flags> <buildpath>
+# @CODE
+# Example:
+# GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS="-extldflags=-static"
+# GOLANG_PKG_TAGS="netgo"
+# @CODE
+golang_do_build() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} $*
+ [[ ${GOLANG_VERSION} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)."
+ # Filters "=" chars from ldflags declaration.
+ # NOTE: from go1.5+ linker syntax is no more compatible with <go1.4;
+ # this hack ensures that the old behaviour is honoured.
+ if [[ $( get_version_component_range 1-2 ${GOLANG_VERSION} ) == "1.4" ]]; then
+ fi
+ # Disables debug symbols (DWARF) when not required.
+ if ! use debug; then
+ case "${GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS}" in
+ *-s*|*-w*)
+ # Do nothing
+ ;;
+ *)
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Sanitizes vars from entra white spaces.
+ einfo "${EGO} build -ldflags '$GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS' -tags '$GOLANG_PKG_TAGS' $*"
+ ${EGO} build \
+ -ldflags "${GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS}" \
+ -tags "${GOLANG_PKG_TAGS}" \
+ $( echo $* ) \
+ || die
+# @FUNCTION: golang_add_vendor
+# @USAGE: <path>
+# @CODE
+# Example
+# golang_add_vendor "${S}"/vendor
+# golang_add_vendor "${S}"/${PN}/vendor
+# @CODE
+golang_add_vendor() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} $*
+ [[ ${1} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no paths given"
+ [[ ${GOLANG_VERSION} ]] || die "No Golang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)."
+ [[ ! -d "${1}" ]] && return
+ # NOTE: this hack is required by Go v1.4 and older versions.
+ if [[ ! -d "${1}"/src ]]; then
+ ebegin "Fixing $1"
+ ln -s "${1}" "${1}"/src || die
+ eend
+ fi
+# @FUNCTION: golang_fix_importpath_alias
+# @USAGE: <target> <alias>
+# Helper functions for generating a symbolic link for import path <target> as
+# <alias>.
+# WARNING: Use this function only if GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES declaration of
+# import path aliases doesn't work (e.g.: the package name differs from both the
+# import path and the alias, or if the package name is case sensitive but the
+# import path is not).
+# @CODE
+# Example:
+# src_prepare() {
+# golang-single_src_prepare
+# golang_fix_importpath_alias \
+# "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcloud-golang" \
+# "google.golang.org/cloud"
+# }
+# @CODE
+golang_fix_importpath_alias() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+ [[ ${1} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no target specified"
+ [[ ${2} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no alias specified"
+ [[ ${EGO} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)."
+ local TARGET="${1}"
+ local ALIAS="${2}"
+ if [[ ${ALIAS%/*} != ${ALIAS} ]]; then
+ mkdir -p "${GOPATH}/src/${ALIAS%/*}" || die
+ fi
+ ebegin "Linking ${TARGET} as ${ALIAS}"
+ ln -s "${GOPATH}/src/${TARGET}" \
+ "${GOPATH}/src/${ALIAS}" \
+ || die
+ eend